Tokyo, downtown, interior of a building

"Wait, what do you mean?"

Facing Lu Ling's words, Zhu Ye showed a puzzled expression.

After all, he didn't know that Lu Ling had exorcised the special-grade curse spirit.

After that, Zhu Ye also planned to contact the current president of the company to inform him to quickly issue an order for the employees to evacuate!

Otherwise, the vicious special-grade curse spirit will immediately turn this building into a living hell!!

"Mr. Ino, I mean that all the cursed spirits in this building have been exorcised by us."

"Today, the negative energy has dropped to a safe level"

"The crisis has been resolved."

Lu Ling said calmly, as if discussing with a friend whether to go for a walk after dinner.

"All the cursed spirits have been exorcised?"

"No, there's only one left.......!"

Zhu Ye was confused at first, then suddenly his eyes widened.


"You didn't exorcise that special grade cursed spirit, did you?!"

"And it was a person?!"

He couldn't control his emotions, and even spoke in a higher tone.

The cursed spirit has successfully transformed from the cursed fetus state and become a real special-grade cursed spirit!

And this special-grade cursed spirit also has a spell!

It is completely different from ordinary special-grade cursed spirits!

In Zhuye's mind, this is no longer an existence that their group of second-level sorcerers can contend with!

As a result, Lu Ling, a teenager who is not even 20 years old.

Actually said that he exorcised the special-grade cursed spirit by himself!

This is such an incredible thing!

"With a"smack", Zhuye's palms slapped his face. He was able to get rid of his chaotic emotions.

When he came to his senses, he immediately doubted the truth of the matter.

"Classmate Lu Ling, you can't joke at this time."

"If things go wrong, everyone in this building will face a catastrophe."

Faced with Zhu Ye's doubts, Lu Ling was not angry.

It's better to say that this is the reaction of a qualified sorcerer!

After all, the lives of hundreds of people in the entire building are in his hands!

His hesitation or negligence will lead to a tragedy.

"Of course, if you don't believe it"

"We can go back and have a look."

Lu Ling replied with a smile.

As the saying goes, hearing is not believing, seeing is believing.

As long as Zhu Ye confirms the truth with his own eyes, he will naturally believe it.......

Tokyo, downtown, at the staircase of a certain building.

Zhuye and Lu Ling headed back to the 48th floor where the special curse spirit was.

Just like when they teamed up to fight the curse spirit.

The negative energy has really been reduced a lot.

Zhuye thought so in his heart.

He is also a senior sorcerer, so he can naturally see the changes.

In fact, at this point, he already believed what Lu Ling said.

After a while, the two finally returned to the place where they had fought before.

Because they couldn't take the elevator, they still took some time.


Just in front of the 48th floor gate, where the special curse spirits first appeared.

Zhu Ye's heart was in his throat, and he stood in front of the gate without moving!

Although the basic skill of the sorcerer - the perception of curse power told him that the power of the curse behind the door was not strong.

But the psychological shadow left by Baikou before was too deep, causing him to swallow his saliva involuntarily.


Lu Ling pushed the door open for him.

What came into view was a big hole, which was caused by the special-grade curse spirit using a spell to blow them out of the building.

Zhu Ye looked around and found that there was not only this big hole, but also traces of the battle everywhere.

The walls were blackened by the flames, and the floor was cracked by the huge force.......


Zhuye took a deep breath.

These"evidences" undoubtedly showed one thing, that is, what Lu Ling said was true!

He really killed a special-grade cursed spirit single-handedly.

"Am I really not dreaming?"

After experiencing so much shock in one day, he no longer knew what expression to show.

"Of course, Mr. Ino"

"The mission was successfully completed, and it is also a fact that the lives of the entire building were saved!"

Lu Ling said seriously


"I will report what happened today to the High Commissioner truthfully.

After a moment of silence, Zhu Ye smiled.

"I even had to compete with a student for credit"

"You should have the merits and rewards, and they will definitely not be less!"

Zhuye Zhuo knew who had contributed more in this battle.

Not to mention completing the mission and saving the people in this building.

Without Lu Ling's help, he would have been killed hundreds of times by the special curse spirit.

Although Lu Ling did not participate in this mission.

Logically speaking, he would not get any benefits.

But Zhuye couldn't bring himself to take advantage of his savior!

"Well, thank you Mr. Zhuye."

Lu Ling's expression did not change after hearing Zhuye's words.

He did not reject Zhuye's kindness.

To be honest, whether the reward for this mission from the college is fame or money,

Lu Ling doesn't care.

For Lu Ling, although these are necessary, they are not necessary.

The things that really attract him are those that can really improve his strength!

For example, once the report is submitted this time,

Lu Ling's rating will definitely change.

Being able to deal with a special-grade cursed spirit single-handedly.

The top management will never give up such an excellent chess piece.

After all, the combat effectiveness of the college that can stand on its own is really too little!

Therefore, they will definitely arrange more dangerous tasks and more powerful cursed spirits for Lu Ling!

And these are just as Lu Ling expected.

"By the way, Mr. Ino, how will you explain this to the person who asks for help?"

"We can't let them go for nothing."

Before Lu Ling came, she clearly saw Zhu Ye asking for help from the high school.

But now that the threat has been resolved, there is no need to ask for help.

"Oh, you said this"

"Don't worry, I'll just call you later to explain the situation."

"Besides, the high school doesn't have any higher-level combat power to deal with the special-grade cursed spirits with spells."

Zuno sighed helplessly.

He was just worried about this matter.

Without the special-grade spellcaster, the special-grade cursed spirits are extremely difficult to deal with!

Sending a first-grade spellcaster may have a chance to exorcise it, but the risk is extremely high.


At this point, Lu Ling couldn't help but become a little curious.

"Senior Zhuye, you have more special-grade curse spirits than special-grade sorcerers."

"How did the high school handle similar situations before?"

This time, Zhuye was lucky and met Lu Ling during the mission.

If it were normal, this area of the building would be full of corpses.


"The high school will send a large number of sorcerers to seal it."

"Although in essence, we cannot destroy the cursed spirits"

"But using the [tent] to trap it is more than enough."

Zhuye said.

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