"No, Mr. Ichichi"

"I have some things to take care of outside."

"I have no plans to go back to the technical college now."

Lu Ling declined Ichi Chieko's invitation. He planned to find a hotel outside to rest first.

Just like Ino, Lu Ling felt tired.

And it was different from Ino Takuma who had experienced a battle.

Counting the three achievement challenges in the evening and the three achievement modes in Tokyo's unknown elementary school during the day.

He participated in 7 battles in one day today!

Although they were basically carried out in the simulation world, they brought Lu Ling a lot of mental fatigue!!

Especially in the last few games, after Mo Xu Luo comprehended [Slashing the World].

In order to learn this move, Lu Ling put himself in danger every time, and almost every time he jumped back and forth on the edge of death!

This pressure, I am afraid only he knows it!

"It seems that I have overestimated my mental resistance."

Lu Ling smiled bitterly.

He could clearly feel that although his body and spell power had not changed much, his condition was far worse than before.

"Is this soul fatigue?"

"It's a wonderful feeling......"

Lu Ling muttered.

Then, he said goodbye to Zhuye and Yijizhi.

Zhuye also wanted to go back and rest as soon as possible, and Yijizhi wanted to report the situation of the building to the high school as soon as possible.

After everything was done, the three of them did not entangle for too long and left.......

"Hey, you kid"

"Didn't I tell you this isn't the place for you?"

"This is the second time!"

Just when Lu Ling had just walked out of the building, the security guard suddenly approached with a loudspeaker and yelled at him.

Lu Ling was not angry but a little helpless when he saw this. He almost forgot about it.

"Don't be so rude, this is my honored guest."

A rather dignified voice came from behind Lu Ling, which made the security guard's momentum suddenly weakened.

The person who came was the current president who had received Lu Ling before - Okita

"Ah, me. Ah this."

Facing one of the most powerful people in the company, the security guard's words suddenly became stammering.

Because Lu Ling and his friends were heroes who saved the company's survival, the president planned to send them off in person.

Suddenly seeing this scene in front of him.

His own employees treated his benefactor like this!

As a leader, how could the current president have a good face!

On the other hand, the current president also knew very well that his financial resources and power were useless in front of the other party's mysterious power.

Lu Ling and his friends could save the company, and naturally they could also destroy it.

Once he was annoyed, he was horrified by what would happen!

With the superposition of these two factors, Okita immediately began to apologize to Lu Ling and asked:

"Mr. Lu Ling, what do you think?"

"How should we deal with this employee? I want to hear your thoughts.

Although Lu Ling is much younger than the current president, he is very humble in the face of power.


"It's okay, I don't mind"

"It's better to say that this person fulfilled his duties very well."

Lu Ling was stunned for a while when asked this question.

It was originally because of his own fault that he broke in. He shouldn't take advantage of his power to bully others at this time.

""Thank you, thank you."

Hearing Lu Ling's pardon, the security guard felt relieved.

At that moment, he felt that his fate was in the hands of the young man in front of him.

"So that's it"

"Sir, you are really magnanimous. If possible, can we exchange contact information?"

Okita took out his business card with a sincere attitude.

And Lu Ling did not refuse.

After all, he didn't know whether a large number of cursed spirits would continue to be born after the building was changed.

To be on the safe side, it would be a good idea to leave a contact number to confirm the situation at any time.

After the two sides exchanged numbers, Lu Ling began to look for a place to spend the night on this street.

The current president looked at Lu Ling respectfully until he disappeared from his sight............

Tokyo, downtown, in an unknown hotel.

After some selection, Lu Ling chose a hotel that looked high-end.

As a student, he came here, which inevitably aroused the suspicion of the staff.

After all, the consumption here is not cheap.

But Lu Ling was accustomed to their looks.

He took out his bank card and paid for one night.

After all, the sorcerer is one of the most dangerous professions in Japan, and the salary paid by the technical college is never small.

Compared with the money for buying spell tools and weapons, this amount of money is just a drop in the bucket.


After Lu Ling received the key, he went to his room without saying anything. After washing up, he lay down on the bed.

He began to think about everything that happened today.

It can be said that since leaving the college, after experiencing 6 achievement modes,

Lu Ling's strength has changed.

He can confidently say that he can completely crush himself yesterday!!


Lu Ling summoned his own panel and checked his current resources.

【Current enhancement points: 469110 points, free level: 20】

【Remaining capacity of spells: 7, 4 of which are undecided】

【""The Slash That Cuts Off the World", learning progress: 24%]

This is what Lu Ling gained today, which is quite rich.

"With these, my strength will probably be able to reach a higher level. When I challenge the Chanyuan Private Hospital tomorrow, I will have a better chance of winning!"

He thought so.

With the strengthening of Lu Ling's strength and the enrichment of experience, he no longer has such difficulty in facing the achievement mode.

Thinking back to the first time Lu Ling challenged the achievement mode, that is, when he was the ape monk.

He was defeated instantly in both challenges!

Who would have thought that Lu Ling would be as comfortable as he is now.

Lu Ling recalled the content of the achievement mode in the Chanyuan Private Hospital.

In order to have time to prepare in advance, he specially learned about it before leaving.

They are [Enemy of a Thousand Years]】、【The legitimate heir of the Zenin family], and [Shura】

【Shura] This thing is not worth discussing, the focus is still on the first two

【The Thousand-Year Enemy] requires Lu Ling to fight with the noose at that time and win

【The legitimate heir of the Chanyuan family] requires Lu Ling to literally challenge the entire Chanyuan family.

No matter which difficulty is not to be underestimated

"The strongest sorcerer now and......The most evil sorcerer ever?"

"It seems that I need to be fully prepared."

When Lu Ling thought of the two difficulties in this achievement challenge, he began to have a headache.

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