"Simple domain."

Pulling out the arrow stuck in his hand, Lu Ling immediately activated the simple domain.

A three-meter light circle emerged from his feet, directly covering all three people.

The domain's sure-hit effect was blocked!

Mingming and Youyou also pulled out the arrows on their bodies at this time.

Seeing this simple domain with a radius of 3 meters.

Mingming's eyes widened slightly.

"It seems that Kusakabe has a lot of reservations about what he said to me."

If it is a simple domain at the beginner level, it will collapse in front of the real domain.

But Lu Ling's simple domain is not only large in scope, but also extremely strong.

It took at least three or four years of research in the simple domain to achieve such an effect.

But according to Mingming, Lu Ling has been in the industry for less than three months.

What a great genius.

Mingming admired in his heart.

Seeing that the must-hit effect of his domain disappeared, the owner of the shikigami was also surprised, but soon regained his composure. It was also the first time that Lu Ling saw its appearance. The person who unfolded the domain looked like a monk.

He was wearing a cassock and holding a string of Buddhist beads in his hand.

If the speculation was correct, it should be the abbot of this temple.


Countless Shikigami appeared from the domain. They came from all directions and surrounded the three people.

After the domain was strengthened,

Lu Ling could clearly feel that the strength of these Shikigami was much stronger than outside.


They stepped directly into Lu Ling's domain with weapons, ready to kill the three people in close combat.

However, they are also part of the ritual.

They can be weakened by the simple domain.

When they stepped into Lu Ling's simple domain, they not only lost the blessing of the domain, but were also further weakened.

Double weakened.

Their combat power is weaker than before the domain was deployed.

The Dark Axe turned a circle and directly chopped off the heads of all the invading shikigami.

Lu Ling felt a little sad when he saw a lot of experience was lost.

At least 4 shikigami were robbed just now.

"This is not a solution, Lu Ling. You are the only one among us who knows the simple domain."

Mingming's words surprised Lu Ling.

"Miss Mingming, don't you know how to use the simple domain?"

Lu Ling thought that all first-level sorcerers knew how to use the simple domain, after all, three rounds can do it.

Hearing Lu Ling's words, Mingming rolled her eyes.

"This is indeed a common problem among geniuses. They think that everyone knows what they know."

"Lu Ling, the simple domain is actually a very difficult skill."

Mingming's words made Lu Ling blush a little. He never thought of himself as a genius.

He continued to listen to Mingming's speech silently.

"It is basically impossible to escape from the domain unless someone destroys the domain from the outside."

"The confrontation of the domain is impossible. None of us three have the magical skill of the domain."

"Then there is only one chance of winning."

Mingming paused and pointed his finger at the monk in the distance.

"That is to kill it!"......


Another bell rang.

Countless shikigami seemed to have heard some orders and began to line up.

Archers surrounded the monk, with the outer layer holding shields and the outermost layer holding guns.

They surrounded the monk in the center and made it impossible for him to get out.

Lu Ling took a look at this situation and his mouth twitched.

How can we fight this situation? We need to break through three layers of shikigami to defeat the monk.

Mingming said calmly:

"Don't worry, Lu Ling. You just need to find an opportunity."

"As long as you can make a gap, I will take care of the rest."

Lu Ling nodded


This is the chance my sister gave you, so don't mess it up.......

The three of them looked at each other and started to act.

Because only Lu Ling could use the simple domain, Mingming and Youyou had to stay near Lu Ling.

Once they left Lu Ling's simple domain, they would be immediately attacked and turned into hedgehogs.

However, although the sure-hit effect was cancelled, the arrows' attacks were also weakened.

But they would not disappear.

That meant that Lu Ling and the others still had to dodge the attacks.

Just like dodging attacks outside the domain.


The arrow was shot down by the crow.

Before being wrapped in the monk's field, several crows were brought in.

Although most of the crows were left outside.

But these were enough for Mingming to use.

And because the number of crows was reduced.

Mingming could also control them more intensively, making them more accurate.

"Lu Ling, you just need to keep advancing in the simple field. Don't worry about their long-range attacks."

Just stay in the simple field.

The crows with higher accuracy and the arrows with lower strength, the two are compared.

Mingming has absolute confidence in defending against the opponent's long-range attacks.


A group of shikigami with spears surrounded him.

This was the monk's first layer of defense.

Since Lu Ling's simple domain level was 15, he could only use level 15 spell power enhancement in the simple domain.

He could not exert his full strength.

If he wanted to use his full strength of level 20 spell power enhancement, he could only raise the level of the simple domain to level 20 or cancel the simple domain.

In the past, Lu Ling would worry about whether his output would be reduced due to insufficient spell power enhancement.

But after having the Perfect Tyrant, the strength of the body greatly increased Lu Ling's output ability.

Level 15 enhancement is enough.

It is enough for Lu Ling to ravage these shikigami.


Lu Ling dodged their attack by turning sideways.

In front of its horrified gaze, he punched its head and blew it up.

【Defeat the second-level shikigami and gain 8,000 points of enhancement points.

Lu Ling grabbed the dead shikigami's spear. He pulled it hard and used it as his makeshift weapon.

Although Lu Ling had no experience using a spear, he was very strong. He swept it across the head of another shikigami. The shikigami's head broke, and the spear in Lu Ling's hand also broke.

【Defeat the second-level shikigami and gain 8000 points of enhancement. Looking at the broken gun in his hand,

Lu Ling sighed:"This is too fragile."

As he said that, he picked up another dead shikigami's gun and used Zhou Jiang's magic power to attach it.

I hope it can increase some durability.


Another corpse of a shikigami and a broken gun.

【Defeat the second-level shikigami and gain 8,000 points of enhancement, currently 168,610 points of enhancement.

Lu Ling discovered the reason, his Zhou level is still level 1.

The curse power attached to the weapon is too little, and it can no longer withstand the double blessing of Lu Ling's body and curse power after experiencing the heaven and curse binding.

The level of Zhou must be raised.

【77,000 enhancement points have been consumed to raise weekly Lv1 to Lv25. Current enhancement points are 91,610 points】

【Zhou's level breaks through level 20, and he gets the special skill"Gathering Qi into Blade"

A huge cursed force flows from Lu Ling's body to the weapon in his hand.

The original gun seemed to be coated with a layer of blue glass, becoming extraordinary.

Lu Ling aimed at one of the shikigami holding a shield and poked it hard.

The tip of the gun went through the shield and the shikigami like piercing tofu.

He lifted the shikigami up with force, and then threw it down hard, directly knocking down a large number of nearby shikigami.

Lu Ling smiled with satisfaction:"Okay, okay, that's fine."

Another sweeping blow blew up the heads of several shikigami.

This time the spear was not damaged at all.

Lu Ling's bravery began to scare the domain expander.

It began to order the shikigami to retreat to protect itself.

But Lu Ling seized the opportunity to make a series of stabs at the shikigami who still wanted to retreat.

There were several big holes on their bodies, and then they fell to the ground.

Lu Ling's movements were open and closed, but every time he made a move, he would take the life of a shikigami.

【Defeat 7 Level 2 Shikigami and gain 56,000 points of enhancement. Current enhancement points: 147,610 points]

Countless purple blood splashed on Lu Ling's body.

Mingming looked at Lu Ling wielding the spear, her beautiful eyes trembling slightly.

She thought to herself, if the God of War were alive, he would look just like Lu Ling now.

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