Time flies.

It has been almost half a month since Nangong Mu returned to school.

School life is very peaceful.

Apart from studying, the daily routine is to chat with Kato beside him.

Maybe such a life is very boring for students, but for Nangong Mu who has experienced all kinds of social relationships and 996 blessings in his previous life, such a life is no less than going to a high-end club every day for health care.

As for Eriri...

It can only be said that the shock to the girl last time was much greater than expected.

Except for the time when she went to Eriri's house and said a few words, at other times, whether she met her at school or anywhere else, she did not give her a chance to talk, and was avoided by her at the first time.

In this regard.

Nangong Mu remained calm and did not force it.

After saying goodbye to Kato at the school gate as usual, Nangong Mu turned and left.

The addresses of the two cannot be said to be the same, but they can be said to be going in opposite directions.

Nothing happened on the way, and when Nangong Mu returned home, it was already half an hour later.

This is when the distance between the house and the school is not far. For ordinary students, it takes about an hour.

First, change into pajamas, and then take out a can of Coca-Cola from the refrigerator.


Nangong Mu sighed with satisfaction, his face filled with joy.

"I'm on vacation from today~"

Double happiness, it's amazing!

I lie on the sofa, turn on the TV, and play with my phone.

Living alone is so simple and happy.

"Hey, are you all ready? The list of the first-time judges of Shueisha's Tezuka Award will be announced at 8 o'clock tonight~"

Looking at the top notice that suddenly popped up, Nangong Mu was stunned.

"Eh? Has it been that long?"

Come to think of it, it's about the same time.

When he submitted his work, it was already close to the end of the Tezuka Award.

After just half a month, it should be time for an evaluation.

"Time flies so fast!"

Compared to the life of office workers who live day by day like years, it can be said that there is no feeling.

With some emotion, Nangong Mu looked at the chat interface


"I'm so nervous. I don't know if I'll be on the list for this assessment."

"I think there will be no problem with this assessment!!"

"Meng Ye-san is really confident! So enviable"

"Remember that this is the second time that Meng Ye-san has participated in the Tezuka Award? It’s great to have experienced people."

Looking at this information, Nangong Mu smiled and replied casually:"All the seniors have experience, it’s really too much to tease Meng Ye-san here"

"Obviously, I am the real newbie who should be panicking."

This is a chat software similar to Penguin. The people in it are all guys who are dedicated to the comics industry.

Most of them are old hands who have worked hard for many years. A few of them even have serialization experience.

Of course, more than 95% are vagrants who rely on odd jobs to maintain their dreams.

After all, compared to light novels, the comics industry has a high entry threshold.

At that time, in order to understand Japan's comics industry and industry consultation as soon as possible,

Nangong Mu randomly added several chat groups on the Internet, but in the end, this was the only one left.

The other groups are just under the banner of"striving as cartoonists", but the things they actually talk about are varied.

From school gossip to the latest hit dramas.

It's like a serious game group generally doesn't talk about games except for version updates.

This phenomenon is normal.

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Zhan! Seniors, please stop teasing me. If the second time is considered to be experienced, then those seniors who have participated five or six times are not grandfathers?"


Good fellow, if you can talk, just say a few more words.

It's bad enough to be a big loser who didn't get selected for five or six times, and you're rubbing salt into others' wounds, right!?

The other people who had just spoken were also silenced by Meng Ye's words.

As for whether they were innocently shot or trembling and dared not speak, only they themselves knew.

This silence lasted for 2 minutes before it was broken again by this guy with the username Meng Ye.

"Hey, has everyone gone to eat? The results will be out soon, how do you feel now, Zhanjun?"

Nangong Mu came back to his senses after seeing the new message in the group.

How do you feel?

Nangong Mu thought about it carefully and typed,"A little nervous."

With his own skills and the excellence of"Magic Circle", there will be no problem in passing the assessment.

But after all, it is his first submission in this world, so it is normal to be a little nervous.

With Nangong Mu's easing, others also bubbled up again.

"Haha, it's normal to be nervous. I remember the first time I participated in this kind of event, I couldn't sleep!"

"That’s right, to be honest, I’ve never been this nervous even when a comic was decided to be serialized for the first time!"

"The first animation decision is not as exciting as every time the Tezuka Award list is announced!"


All right, these comparisons are starting to get weird, right!?

Nangong Mu was speechless

"Serialization decision? Animation! ? Front row worship boss!!"


"Too strong!! The boss is so scary!!"

"Huh? Is the Tezuka Award that difficult?

I have a record of serialization and animation, and I am still worried about whether I can pass the evaluation in one go! ?"

"Haha, this guy is so funny!"

Nangong Mu, who had a frown on his face just now, laughed like a pig when he saw Mengye's complaints.

The two guys who were pretending to be cool in front of him had ugly faces.

They were not angry, and they were not angry at all.

The other newbies were trembling.

On one side was the newly promoted boss who was full of confidence that he would definitely pass the assessment this time, and on the other side was the boss who had achieved results in the past.

They didn't dare to speak, they didn't dare to speak at all.

Mengye, who killed the chat again, waited for dozens of seconds, and saw that the chat group fell silent again, and said in confusion:"Eh? Did everyone go to eat again! ?"

Nangong Mu restrained his smile and shook his head:

"I don't know if this guy is pretending or if he is really that natural."He is a scheming person. Anyway, no one knows each other on the Internet, so what does it matter?

The latter is more interesting.......

A few hours passed in the blink of an eye.


As the alarm rang, Nangong Mu, who was working at his desk, put down his work and picked up his phone.

He entered the URL of Shueisha's official website, and as the webpage opened, the time came to 20:00.

On the webpage, the most conspicuous thing was the big red and bold words"The first evaluation list is determined".

Click to open.

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