"Yinsha, how did you feel when you met the author for the first time?"

"Is he an easy person to get along with?"

"Have you shown your dignity as an editor?"

In response to the concerns of his colleagues,

Yinsha saw Zhang showing a polite but awkward smile and responded one by one.

"It feels good~"

It's terrible!

"He is a very easy-going person."

If all authors are like this, then the editor is not good enough!

"Should there be?"



She kept complaining in her heart, but the smile on her face was sweet.

I can only say that women are born actors.

Back at the workstation, Yinsha saw Zhang rubbing his cheeks that were a little stiff from smiling.

He let out a heavy sigh.

"Being toyed with by such a little guy!"

It's really embarrassing!!

Yinsha saw Zhang lying on the table for a while, then he sat up again with energy.

"Come on! Work hard!!"

Waving his little fist to encourage himself, Yinsha saw Zhang take out the manuscript that Nangong Mu gave him.

"It's so thick! How many chapters are there in it?"

Yinsha couldn't help but be amazed when she saw Zhang, and counted the total number of pages with curiosity.

No more, no less, exactly 80 pages! The equivalent of 4 chapters!

"Doesn't this guy have a creative bottleneck!?"

I remember receiving the manuscript more than ten days ago?

As a freshman in high school, I have to study regularly, but I have drawn so much in such a short time!?

""What a pervert!"

Yinsha sighed from the bottom of her heart when she saw Zhang Da.

Of course, it is not ruled out that he could finish the painting in advance.

However, being able to endure the loneliness and finish so many paintings before publishing them is also amazing from another perspective.

"I hope it's not just about speed."

With this thought in mind, Yinsha saw Zhang put his eyes on the first page and read it carefully.

"The quality has not declined at all compared to before, not bad, not bad!"

After reading a few pages, Yinsha saw Zhang nodded with satisfaction, and then he was completely immersed in the story of the comic.......Ahem, at work!

"Xiaoyuan is so cute!"

"Kyubey is also great~ This cute pet and magical girl are a perfect match~"

"Although she doesn't look like a good person in the first scene, Homura is really cool!!"

"Ah! The transformed senior is so amazing!! This skirt, this waist, and this bear......It's all on my strike spot!"

"Senior, my senior, hehehe~"

He couldn't help but smile like a pervert.

It felt like all the hurts he had suffered today were healed by these lovely girls!

Although he was very absorbed in watching, Yinsha Jianzhang did not forget his job as an editor.

"I have to say, this guy's gorgeous painting style is really suitable for the theme of magical girls!"

Expressing emotion, Yinsha saw Zhang taking a pen to write down some minor flaws

"Here, here, and here, the white space and shadows are really weird.

Although it's harmless, it makes people feel awkward no matter how they look at it.

It will slightly affect the senses.

"Well, no matter how mature he behaves, that kid is still a complete newcomer, so it's normal for him to make mistakes!"

"This is also my job as an editor!"

80 pages is not a small amount, but it only takes a little longer.

After 20 minutes, I have read most of the manuscript in my hand.

"There are some minor flaws in the picture, but this method of breaking up the chapter is very powerful!"

Almost at page 19, a suspense will be left.

For example, the part that Yinsha Jianzhang is reading now.

Obviously, the climax should be in the subsequent battle, but through the dialogue between Mami and Xiaoyuan, she cleverly shifted her expectations from the battle to Xiaoyuan, who has already made up her mind and determined to become a magical girl!

"It's really pleasing to the eye to see beautiful girls sticking to each other!"

"Next should be Madoka's debut show, right?"

"I wonder what Madoka will look like after becoming a magical girl. I'm so looking forward to it~"

With such expectations, Yinshajian Zhang turned to the next page.

"Hmm? Is it Mami-sister's turn again?"

Looking at Mami who wiped away her tears, with a firm look in her eyes and a smile again, there was also a line of inner monologue that was particularly bolded beside her.——「There is nothing to be afraid of anymore! Because... I am no longer alone!!」

"What a pity." Yinsha sighed when she saw Zhang,"It seems that we will have to wait until the next chapter for Madoka to become a magical girl."

"Well, Mami-sister’s turn was pretty good too!"

These memories, dialogues, and the final monologue directly enriched the entire character!

"Even though she's not the main character, I've already fallen in love with this character!!"

What could be more enjoyable than watching your favorite character wreak havoc?


With a slightly raised mouth, Yinsha saw Zhang turn to the next page with a happy mood.


? ? ?

The smile froze on Yinsha Jianzhang's face.

Looking at the picture, which did not take up much space, and was even only a small corner, with a headless corpse painted black by shadows, the editor felt uneasy.

The previous picture said"there is nothing to be afraid of", and the next picture shows me this! ?

Isn't this a magical girl?

How can there be a plot-related killing?!

Yinsha Jianzhang looked away, took a few deep breaths, and then calmed down.

However, after returning his gaze to the manuscript, he couldn't help but curl his lips.


""Wuwuwu, my senior sister!!"

The knife came unexpectedly, it hurts, it hurts so much!!

Damn Nangong!!

Where is the"love and hope" you promised! ?

With the unique quality of an editor, Yinsha Jianzhang forcibly suppressed the various emotions surging in his heart, and quickly turned the few remaining pages.

Xiaoyan:"Remember this, becoming a magical girl, this is it」......

「The two of us......I still don't know anything about magical girls」

「The meaning of craving for miracles」

「And its cost——」

Looking at the lines in front of him, Yinsha was startled, and then his eyes were thoughtful.

"so......Is this what that guy really wants to say?"

Beautiful girl stickers?

Gorgeous transformation!?

Cute pets!?

Now that I think about it, these are just her wishful thinking.

"That's right!"

Yinsha thought of something and saw Zhang Chaoqian flipping through the manuscript in his hand.

Looking at the small flaws that he had just written on the sticky notes, his pretty face couldn't help but blush.

Then he tore off the sticky notes as if nothing had happened, crumpled them into a ball, and threw them into the trash can beside him.

"You are worthy of being my author!

Under my wise guidance, the work you drew is simply perfect!!"

As he said this, Yinsha saw Zhang nodded in satisfaction, and then he couldn't help but sighed.

"But this guy really gave me a difficult problem!"

Although it was very uncomfortable to face the sudden knife, but if you think about it carefully, it is not an exaggeration to say that such a plot directly changed the theme of"magical girl"!

Maybe it is slightly inferior to"The Mountain Monster", but such innovation is undoubtedly precious.

If it is clear that the subsequent plot has not"collapsed", then this time the Tezuka Award will definitely be selected for it!!

""I've been selected for the Tezuka Award!"

As the most prestigious award from Shueisha, the significance and honor it represents are absolutely unquestionable!

Yinsha saw Zhang's eyes flash with passion.

"But I can’t make the decision on this matter, I’ll leave it to the editors to worry about~"

In the end, will it be semi-selected or selected? It’s really exciting~

Although there are only three awards in the Tezuka Award, the value of each award is completely different!

In contrast, as an editor who discovers a work, the bonus that can be obtained will also be different!

"Today is such a lucky day~"

What? Being threatened and played by that Nangong guy!?

What does the exchange of feelings between the author and the editor have to do with threats!!

PS: One episode of the manga"Magic Circle" is 37 pages, with a total of 12 episodes. The magazine serialization is about 20 pages per episode, so here one episode is split into two. Don't pay too much attention to these small details.

Finally, please give me some flowers. The data is so bleak that I thought no one read it QAQ

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