""I'm sorry, Mr. Nangong."

Facing Yinsha's apologetic eyes, Nangong Mu shook his head indifferently.

The other party stood up and walked quickly to the outside of the restaurant.

Turning the soup spoon in his hand, Nangong Mu looked at the orange-yellow liquid in the cup with boredom.

It was the third day of the announcement of the Tezuka Award, Sunday morning.

Nangong Mu was now well aware of the turmoil caused by"Madoka Magica" on the Internet.

Such a big thing can be seen by just browsing the web page, and it can't be hidden from anyone.

After reading the heated discussions in various posts, he couldn't help but admire the courage of Shueisha's editor-in-chief in his heart.

After all, many of the comments in the posts are indeed very reasonable. Excluding him who knew the direction of the plot from the beginning, no one could imagine what kind of story"Madoka Magica" would be.

In this case, it seems reasonable to have doubts.

The editor-in-chief dared to select"Madoka Magica" as a shortlisted award under such circumstances. The courage he possessed was rare. See you!

At least they are getting along in different places. If it were him, he might not have the courage to completely trust a newcomer who is only in high school.

Giving a semi-selected ranking is the most conservative approach for the part of the story that the other party has at the time! Being conservative may not bring any credit, but it will also not make any mistakes.

As for today's meeting, it is to inform him of some arrangements about the awards and discuss the specific details of the serialization later.

The awards will be presented at Shueisha at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Other winners will also attend at the same time. As a selected award winner, he naturally cannot be absent, and he hopes to prepare well.

The prize money after deducting taxes will be deposited into the card after fourteen working days.

As for the details of the serialization, the two had no time to discuss it, and the other party was called out by a phone call.

While thinking about these things, Yinsha, who had just answered the phone, saw Zhang coming back from outside the restaurant.


For some reason, he apologized again, and the other party sat down in his own seat.

The look he gave Nangong Mu was more......How weird?

"Who was the call just now?" Nangong Mu asked.

Because it was not something that needed to be concealed, Yinsha saw Zhang and said directly:

"My editor-in-chief"

"Is it related to me?"

"That's right."

Yinsha saw Zhang nodded, and his heart was filled with emotion again.

"Should we say that it is indeed an extraordinary existence?"

Even as an editor, she is a little envious of the treatment she has received!

"What is it specifically?"

Seeing that Zhang did not answer this question directly, Yinsha turned to ask:

"You should have been drawing last month, right? How many chapters have you reached now?"

Nangong Mu looked at him puzzledly, but still replied,"There are almost more than 10 chapters." More than

10 chapters!?

For the competition, plus the part of the manuscript I brought last time, there are a total of 6 chapters.

In other words,..

"Isn't this completely beyond the speed of one chapter per week?"

Without an assistant and with schoolwork, is this the strength of a real monster!?

Suddenly I felt that my previous envy was a bit redundant.

This kind of talented and hardworking monster deserves others to succeed.

Ask yourself, if it were me, I would never work so hard to achieve such success without anyone to push me.

Even if I know that it will be serialized later, I should at least wait until the official serialization starts before starting to draw the rest of the content.

"You are really amazing!"

Yinsha praised Zhang from the bottom of his heart. Seeing that Zhang no longer concealed

"Nangong, do you want to publish a single volume?"

When there is something, it is Teacher Nangong, and when there is nothing, it is Nangong, right?

Nangong Mu glanced at Yinsha Jianzhang and refused to answer this question.

"Yinsha Editor, a friend of mine wants to see the email you sent me before, what do you think I should do?"

"Should I give it to him or leave it to him?"


"I'm so sorry, Teacher Nangong!"

Yinsha saw Zhang Wu throw his body on the table and apologized humbly:"It's my fault! I shouldn't be so disrespectful!"

Nangong Mu nodded with satisfaction, and then he stopped embarrassing him and returned to the original topic.

"Single volume? Doesn't that mean you have to wait until it's been serialized for a certain period of time before it can be published?"

Actually, not all comics serialized in weekly magazines are eligible for single volume publication.

First of all, they need to be quite popular, secondly, they need to be serialized for a considerable number of episodes, and finally, relevant intention surveys need to be conducted.

After all, the content of each episode of these serialized works is available in the magazine.

As long as you buy every issue, you won't miss it.

After reading it, most people will naturally not spend extra money to buy single volumes with no changes in the content.

Even if the single volume will be modified or deleted to a certain extent in the content.

Generally, only fans who particularly like it are willing to pay extra money for it.

Or maybe they are not interested in other works in the magazine, but only in one or two works.

They generally don't buy magazines, but wait directly for the single volume to be released.

In short, the release of single volumes is still closely related to the popularity of the work.

Good works will naturally gain good popularity.

As for special souvenirs, such as limited posters, photo cards, etc., they can only be said to be icing on the cake.

If the quality of the work is not good, no matter how many gifts are included, they are worthless.

"That's just a general situation." Yinsha saw Zhang replied,"Teacher Nangong should also know that the various reviews of"Magic Circle" on the Internet in recent days have not been very friendly."

"Although everyone who has read the subsequent content knows that with such a turn, it is no longer a simple magical girl theme, but provides a new solution and a new idea for the magical girl theme, but outsiders are unaware of it."

"《The length of each work in Weekly Shonen Jump is determined at the beginning. No matter who it is, it will only have 20 pages. Except for the special editions that will add a few extra pages, there will be no other changes.

So it will take one and a half months for"Magic Circle" to be serialized to the sixth episode!"

"After such a long time, the readers' patience has obviously been exhausted, and the reputation of"Magic Circle" will also fall to the freezing point.

As for how much the subsequent plot can help the reputation to rise, everything is still unknown"

"So after consideration by the top management, if you agree and you have enough manuscripts, we will sell the contents of the single volume first, and then serialize it in Weekly Shonen Jump."

"I wonder what you think?"

At first it sounds a bit absurd.

Who would care if you wanted to sell a single volume of a work that has not been serialized and has not accumulated initial popularity?

If it were a light novel, others would participate in the grand prize, and readers could at least see some of the content online, so there would be expectations.

You can't see anything in the comics, so naturally you can't do this.


All of this is based on the premise that the work has no reputation!

And with the current reputation of"Madoka Magica", it is no exaggeration to say that"there is no one who can fight."

As for the fact that most of these reputations are negative?

It doesn't matter if the cat is black or white, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat!

Those guys were just led by some people on the Internet.

I believe that as long as they finish reading"Madoka Magica", they will cry and throw themselves into the arms of the great god!

"The price of a 36-page single-volume book fluctuates around 400 yen. Based on the 8% royalty for newcomers, printing one copy can earn 32 yen!"

"Printing 10,000 copies means 320,000 yen!"

With the excellence of"Magic Circle", it is possible that the sales of a single copy will exceed one million in a year!

That is equivalent to 32 million yen!!

Compared with the price of 15,000 yen for a serialized copy, it takes 2,134 pages to exceed it!

Calculated in this way, it is no wonder that the serialized manuscript fee is only an insignificant part of the cartoonist's income.

Retracting his thoughts, Nangong Mu smiled:"Such a good opportunity, no matter how hard you think about it, you can't find a reason to refuse it, right?"

Yinsha Jianzhang was not surprised by Nangong Mu's answer. This was clearly a matter of giving money, and no one would refuse it!

But now there is still one critical point left to reach a consensus!

"Although Mr. Nangong said before that"Magic Circle" has been drawn to more than 10 episodes, in order to avoid mistakes, I have to confirm it again!"

Yinsha saw Zhang Lu's serious expression:"Excuse me, Mr. Nangong, do you have enough manuscripts in your hand to make a single volume?"

There was such a proposal from the beginning to deal with the current unexpected situation. If it takes another half a month to come up with the follow-up content, then there is no need to release the single volume first!

So this is extremely important!!

"Sure enough, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared!"

If he had started to slack off after hearing the news of serialization from the other party after an evaluation meeting, even if he had such a good opportunity now, he would have missed it.

As for now?

The smile on Nangong Mu's face became brighter:"Editor Yinsha, don't worry."

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