"What's up, Nangong?"

"Sorry, Teacher Jing, because of an accident, I need to take a day off tomorrow."

"Is it because of the comics?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka frowned on the other end of the phone.

Although she had not received a specific reply yet, since she called to ask for leave at this time, there was only this possibility. She subconsciously thought about how to calm down this turmoil.

As an extremely"simple" teacher, Hiratsuka Shizuka was pleased and proud of her students from the bottom of her heart.

So that night, after congratulating Nangong, she opened the refrigerator again and drank 3 large bottles of canned wine, getting drunk and unconscious. It was not until she woke up at noon the next day that she learned about the various disturbances caused by"Magic Circle" on the Internet.

After reading a few comments, The angry Jing Keai went down to the field and faced the opponent in person!

Unfortunately, although her personal strength in reality is indeed amazing, it can be said to be beyond the dimension, but she is a weak chicken with a combat power of less than 5 online.

She was defeated in a few words, and after paying the price of a keyboard, she could only rage helplessly at the screen.

She was struggling over whether to call to comfort the other party, but the other party called first.

As for why she was struggling for almost two days, ahem, don't pay attention to these details.

It's not that he got drunk again and fell asleep in the middle.

Facing Jing Keai's question, Nangong Mu didn't think much about it:"Yes, it's a comic."

Sure enough.

Hiratsuka Shizuka thought about the wording and said:"Nangong, don't be discouraged by those comments on the Internet!"

"You just need to remember that being envied by others is a special privilege that only talented people can get!"

"You want to take a day off tomorrow? No problem! Don't put too much pressure on yourself, just relax!"

Nangong Mu on the other end of the phone blinked in confusion. What did Jing Keai misunderstand?

And this"relax well", is it serious?

"I don’t know what Teacher Jing misunderstood, but the reason I asked for leave was simply to prepare for the book."

Preparing for the book?

"It hasn't started serialization yet, it's a single volume......"

Hiratsuka Shizuka paused as the words were about to come out of her mouth, and her voice rose involuntarily at this moment.

"Single volume!? You mean to release the single volume first!! ?"

When the voice in the microphone disappeared, Nangong Mu put the phone back to his ear and said with a smile:

"According to the editor-in-chief, the situation of my comic is a little special, so I plan to publish a single volume first, and then serialize it in the magazine."

Is there such a thing?!

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who has a certain understanding of the current comic industry, was also surprised to hear this.

It sounds like there is no problem, but when I think about it carefully, I always feel that something is weird.

That's right!

"If you were to publish a single volume directly, could you come up with content to support a single volume?"

"Teacher Jing, don't worry about this. I haven't been lazy for more than a month. The content of a single volume is enough.

However, there are still a few color paintings left, so I need to take a day off to complete the task, so that the company can also release the single volume as soon as possible."

"I see.

Although Jing Keai now has a certain understanding of comics, she doesn’t know much.

So when she heard this statement that would shock anyone in the industry, she didn’t have any extra reaction.

"Then you should work hard! The teacher believes that you won the selection award based on your own strength!"

"Release a single volume as soon as possible to prove yourself, and let those guys realize that they are short-sighted frogs in the well!"

Who wouldn't be confused in the face of such unconditional trust?

At least Nangong Mu was very moved.


"Why does Jing Keai seem particularly resentful today?"

It's as if she was the one whose work was criticized.

Nangong Mu didn't think about it, and exchanged a few more pleasantries with the other party before hanging up the phone.

His eyes returned to the table in front of him with tools.

It's meaningless. This will be a difficult battle!......

When the afternoon sun shone into the house through the gaps in the curtains, Nangong Mu stood up from his seat and then collapsed on the bed in a"big" shape.

He came back from Shueisha yesterday afternoon, and apart from the less than one hour break for lunch, he spent all the rest of the time working.

Only a 16-year-old body can still act recklessly, but if he were in his 30s, he would not have so much energy to act recklessly.

Although at the moment of completing the task, his whole body felt extremely relaxed, and he felt extremely satisfied with a sense of fulfillment that was even stronger than clapping for love, but after that, he felt a surge of emptiness. He didn't want to move even his fingers all over his body.

He lay on the bed for about 10 minutes before he felt that his body had regained some strength.

"Don't do such stupid things again in the future."

After all, only your body belongs to you.

Relying on great willpower, he resisted falling asleep immediately.

Nangong Mu called Yinsha Jianzhang.

After a"beep" sound, the call was connected.

Yinsha Jianzhang couldn't wait to say:"Teacher Nangong, is the painting finished?"

"The painting is done."

A hoarse voice that surprised even Nangong Mu came through the phone.

"What's wrong with your voice? Are you sick?"

Yinsha saw Zhang's nervous and concerned voice. He was more concerned about my health than the original manuscript?

"This editor is really incompetent!"

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and adjusted himself a little. His throat recovered a lot.

"I just stayed up all night, so I'm not too weak to collapse."

Nangong Mu said calmly:"But I don't have the extra energy to deliver the manuscript."

"Eh!? What should I do? If it can't be delivered today, the production of the single volume will be postponed for a while!!"

Nangong Mu was speechless:"Can't you think of a solution?"

"What can I do?...Oh, right! I can come over and get it!"

At least I'm not hopelessly stupid.

"Ahaha, sorry, Mr. Nangong, I was too excited just now and didn't react for a while."

"I will take a leave of absence and come to get the manuscript, wait for me!!"


Looking at the phone that had been hung up, Nangong Mu shook his head helplessly.

"This guy still hasn't learned his lesson."

He has already learned his lesson last time, but he is still so impetuous now. Who knows when he will make the same mistake again.

"Find a time to remind me again?"

Since this time's performance is not bad, I'll use a slightly gentler method this time.

I turned up the volume of my phone to the maximum, and the various thoughts in my mind gradually turned into chaos, and my eyelids also closed.......

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