In a small RV a kilometer away from Shinomiya Kaguya.

From the outside, this car is much smaller than the large RV that is more than ten meters at every turn, only the length of two cars, and the height does not exceed two meters, but the interior of the RV is very different.

Through the one-way glass that is invisible from the outside, everything inside the RV has been remodeled, and the vast interior space is filled with various monitors.

The only space left in between were three workers in civilian clothes emblazoned with the SCP Foundation logo.

Among them, one is a monitor, one is a psychic analyst, and the other is a scientific researcher.

Their task was much simpler than Kyosuke Takasaka, who was following Tomoe with a nervous face.

The watchdog monitors Kyosuke Takasaka's appearance through the monitor that the foundation secretly placed on the investigator Kyosuke Takasaka and a part of the government surveillance system that the foundation can call, and is ready to intervene to control the investigator before he directly touches Tomoe.

The Mind Analyst's Task Analysis The investigator tracks Tomoe's mental changes from the beginning, analyzes his mood swings, analyzes his mental state, and analyzes the degree of influence of Tomoe's seductive ability on different humans based on the monitoring data provided by the investigator.

The effects of Tomoe's seductive ability are summarized, and by summarizing the people Tomoe comes into contact with, the characteristics of those people are studied and divided into three categories: A, B, and C.

Class C falls in love with Tomoe at first sight and will be captured by Tomoe in an instant.

Type B has some resistance to Tomoe, but after three days of contact with Tomoe, there is a clear crush, and even a perverted desire.

Class A can resist Tomoe's charm, can resist Tomoe's charm for more than five days, and can keep the subject's personality awake, showing strong resistance to Tomoe.

It can be said that among those who have come into contact with Tomoe, he is the one who knows Tomoe's terrifying and seductive ability the most.

During the long-term monitoring of Tomoe, he also deeply realized that ordinary resistance to Tomoe is almost nothing, and among those who have had a relationship with Tomoe, C people account for almost 95%.

If it weren't for Tomoe's lack of interest in licking dogs, and only liked to take advantage of them when needed, Tomoe's turmoil would have been even greater.

A small number of B people account for 4.999%, and the head of the Shinomiya family actually belongs to this category of people, but the wealth of the Shinomiya family is valued by Tomoe, although he can be said to be the elite of human beings, and he is not young, but unfortunately he still has not escaped the charm of Tomoe.

And there are even fewer C people, Takasaka Kyosuke, Shinomiya Kaguya they belong to this category, but even so, they are still influenced by Tomoe, maybe they don't know it themselves.

For example, Kyosuke Takasaka, although he knows that Tomoe is a monster, fears Tomoe, and seems to resist Tomoe, but in the data analysis of mind analysis, he is still influenced by Tomoe, but this influence is better than the previous incarnation Tomoe licking dogs, the specific manifestation is that he dreams of Tomoe at night.

Although it is normal to have nightmares occasionally at night, it is not normal to dream of Tomoe every day, and according to analysts, this should be the subtle influence of Tomoe's characteristics on Kyosuke Takasaka.

The task of the staff is to analyze the availability of Tomoe's characteristics, and to assess the danger of Tomoe's capabilities and the possibility that they may be used by the foundation.

Today, the three of them still carry out their respective work with a clear division of labor, and occasionally communicate.

"Kyosuke Takasaka, this high school student is good, he has been following Tomoe for more than 13 days, but he just dreams about nightmares about Tomoe at night, this level of spiritual resistance is worthy of the talent that our foundation needs, where did this foundation find it!?"

At least the researchers I contacted are all starting with doctorates, the directors are well-known scientists from various countries, the task forces in charge of combat are top-quality special operations personnel in any country, and ordinary investigators are at least graduated from prestigious universities..."

After analyzing how many people fell under Tomoe's pomegranate skirt this morning, the psychic analyst chatted with the two companions next to him.

"This is not very clear, after all, we are not personnel, but I heard that this Takasaka Kyosuke should be an ordinary person who was involved in a containment mission, and it was detected that he has a strong talent for abnormal resistance, so I absorbed him!"

As he spoke, his eyes did not fall from the surveillance video, and the surveillance officer who fell on Kyosuke Takasaka said.

"Yes, what an unfortunate fellow!" said the psychic analyst with a sigh, sometimes it is not a good thing to be too talented, such as this one, spy on Tomoe... He didn't directly incarnate Tomoe's licking dog, but the fate of his predecessors was the end of them.

"Oh, by the way, how did the two investigators treat in the psychic researcher before, did they break away from Tomoe's seduction?

The psychoanalyst added with a palpitating face.

"I was also frightened, after all, we were watching little by little clearly how they were driven crazy by Tomoe, no... It shouldn't be like this, it should be how they went crazy when they looked at Tomoe's face..."

The monitor also said with a palpitating face, he not only remembered the two researchers who were seduced by Tomoe, but also remembered the crazy people who were asked by Tomoe to kill other Tomoe after being seduced by Tomoe these days.

Just to get a disgusted request from Tomoe, they dared to fearlessly launch a terrorist attack on Tomoe, who was in the major chaebols... Tomoe's seductive ability is too terrifying and too destructive.

And Tomoe still has such a terrifying reproductive ability, if Tomoe really spreads, they believe that without the few adults of the foundation, it is only a matter of time before Tomoe destroys the neon.

And after destroying the neon, with Tomoe's character of good and bad work, she absolutely spread around the world like a virus.

The kind of scene where the world is full of Tomoe makes people panic when they think about it.

"Tomoe is indeed terrible, but you don't have to worry, according to the news from my friends in the research office, they have returned to normal. "

On the side, who had not spoken, he was writing a feasibility study report on the Tomoe virus, and the staff member of the Tomoe Control and Prevention Regulations suddenly spoke.

Is there any breakthrough experiment in the lab?" asked the psychic analyst in surprise.

"Not at all!" said the researcher with an expression of horror that could not be concealed: "The laboratory took a piece of Tomoe's hair for research, but did you know!! There will be no then!"

"The elders personally took action, first using the ability to kill them, and then using the ability of the Time Club to resurrect them, but because time backtracking can only go back three days, it cannot eliminate the negative state of being seduced by Tomoe on their bodies..."

"Then the guild president stabbed some of them directly in the brain with a dagger... Then the negative state among them was magically eliminated, and it was clear that the dagger was stabbed into the brain, but it was not injured a little..."

"And some people ... It's even more amazing..."

Saying this, the researcher suddenly paused mysteriously and sold the pass.

"What's more amazing is that you should say it quickly!"

The spiritual analyst looked at this guy who sold the pass with some discomfort, and after looking at his smiling face but not saying a word for a while, he gritted his teeth: "Say, you have a custom shop in the mountains I will treat!"

Shibuya recently opened a new store, and the service is superb!" showed a smile that only the old driver understood, and when he got a satisfactory answer, the researcher also sold the pass, and suddenly lowered his voice and whispered.

"The remaining group of people, they seem to have lost their past contact with Tomoe's hair!"

"Lost the past??" This time the monitor was also attracted by his words, and for the first time his eyes looked away from the surveillance screen and looked at the researcher, his eyes a little puzzled.

The word is not right, the foundation has the ability to erase people's memories, but the laboratory has long confirmed that memory elimination cannot eliminate the impact of Tomoe on them at all, even if they lose their memory, they will dream of Tomoe in their dreams at night, and then instantly become Tomoe's licking dog, that state is like the concept of Tomoe has been engraved on their souls, and memory elimination is useless.

"Yes, it's not memory elimination, it's the loss of the past!" the researcher said somewhat: "I heard that the elders summoned a locust and devoured the past that they came into contact with Tomoe's hair tissue! "

"If it weren't for the memory gap, and the obvious strangeness at the time, they wouldn't even know that they had participated in an experiment to study Tomoe's hair!"

“...... Sure enough, only when they grow up are real monsters!" was shocked by the researchers' words, and the monitors and psychoanalysts sighed.

But at this time, the psychoanalyst suddenly pointed to the monitoring screen and shouted.

"Look, the Detective Takabaki was attacked by the two eldest ladies who clashed with Tomoe! That girl named Chika Fujiwara, gee, it's really ruthless!"

They looked at the foundation's tablet, and although the really important news was with us, the tablet was just some logs, but they should have discovered the foundation, did they want to do it?

Let them solve the security guards around this young lady first, don't cause too much movement, otherwise the large-scale memory will be erased, and we will work overtime!"

"Well, understand, these two identities are not ordinary, a miss of the Shinomiya family, the daughter of a Fujiwara politician, and more importantly, the president's classmates, I still report to the top to see how to deal with it!"

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