"It shouldn't be a problem, right!?"

Shinomiya Kaguya asked Yukino.

Yukino looked at Xiao Wo's plain little belly, although he knew that the little rabbit in front of him had an extremely terrifying amount of food, and even nuclear raw materials could be eaten as food, but he ate Tomoe's cells... Is it really okay?


However, what made Yukino slightly relieved was that Xiaowo showed a look of disgust and disgust, as if he had eaten some expired food that tasted bad, and Xiaowo did not show any traces of being parasitized by Tomoe.

"It seems that it should be fine, after all, in the recipes given to it by the grown-ups, nuclear ingredients are the staple food. "

Yukino's answer made Shinomiya Kaguya, Yukinoshita Yono, and Yukinoshita Madame all jump in their eyebrows, and their eyes looked at the little guy in front of them in surprise, using nuclear raw materials as the main food?? What kind of atomic furnace beast is this? But even digest that kind of thing... Tomoe's flesh and blood don't seem to be much!

Although Yukinoshita Yono and Mrs. Yukinita really wanted to ask Yukino what happened to the rabbit that her friend had placed with her, it was obviously not the time to ask.

Because not far from them, those monsters named Tomoe have regrown from the hotbed of flesh and blood, and some of the already formed Tomoe have a very tacit agreement to hunt and kill those Tomoe who have not yet grown.

The Tomoe larvae that sprouted into meat balls were trampled to death, licking blood on the ground with their mouths, and even burning them with fire.

Even so, Tomoe's blood is still spreading, whether it is Yukino under the snow, Kaguya Shinomiya, Yono under the snow, or Mrs. Yukinoshita, they don't want to be stained with Tomoe's blood and then parasitized by this terrifying monster.

And maybe because of Xiao Wo's relationship, the remaining Fujiang did not come to them in trouble, the four quickly ran to the gate, pushed open the closed villa living room door, when the four women were about to escape from this terrifying purgatory, the group of people who appeared at the door made them stunned.

They are a group of task force fighters who look like black exoskeleton armor, with thermal imaging helmets, oxygen masks, and tightly wrapped all over their bodies, as if they had been prepared, holding flamethrowers that only appear in the game, fuel tanks marked with flammable logos on their backs, but the most striking thing is their special black exoskeleton armor.

Behind each of them, behind this black exoskeleton armor, there are different numbers of blood-red tails, some like fox tails, but a bit like living swords, bayonets...

Just when Kaguya Shinomiya and Yono Yukinoshita wanted to ask who they were aloud.

The leader of the fighter, who looked petite and slim compared to the other task force, spoke, and commanded in an electronic voice that could not be heard.

"Containment begins, target name: Kawakami Tomoe, keep one Tomoe, and all others are summarily executed!!"


The cold voice seemed as if they were specifically designed to deal with Tomoe's people, when in fact they came to deal with Tomoe.

"Who are you!!"

A little flustered as he watched the surrounding contingent members run by, holding a gun in one hand and a terrifying flamethrower in the other, directly killing the people parasitized by Tomoe in the banquet, rescuing those who had not yet been polluted by Tomoe's spirit, and as if they had been trained for a long time, they broke those Tomoe's legs with one shot, and then used flamethrowers.

Well trained and equipped, as if it had been prepared for a long time.

Yang Nai asked a little uneasily, she felt that she was being caught up in a bigger vortex, and even a little doubted whether everything that happened in front of her was a conspiracy against the Shinomiya family.

However, to Yono's surprise, it was not the mysterious task force commander who commanded in front of her who answered her, but her sister Yukino.

"They are members of the task force of the SCP Foundation's Nine-Tailed Fox Squad!Is this the Nine-Tailed Fox Creature Warframe made from parasitic beasts and seeds that the elders say!?"

Yukino said the first sentence to Yono, and the next sentence was to the Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force member in front of me.

"Yes, Investigator Under the Snow!"

Nodding amiably to Yukino, the task force commander replied.

"Wait, Yukino, won't you explain it to me?"

At this time, Mrs. Yukoshita on the side couldn't help it, a pair of cold beautiful eyes fell on Yukino, and she seemed to know her daughter who paid less attention to herself.

When did Neon have such a mysterious organization, and it seems that they have long anticipated that something will happen to the Shinomiya family's banquet.

Is this a conspiracy against the Four Palaces family?

And when did Yukino join them and become what investigator they called it??

There are so many things to experience today, the terrifying monster Tomoe, the mysterious foundation, the investigator's second daughter...

Mrs. Yukinoshita felt that her perception of the world had been refreshed.

Facing her mother's doubts, looking at the horror in her mother's eyes, Yukino felt something break in her heart—it was the strong authority that her mother had built up in her heart for a long time.

It turns out that the mother will also show such a panicked expression, yes, the abnormal world, and the normal world are two completely different dangerous worlds, whether it is like the perfect superhuman sister, or the strong and excellent mother, they are in this dangerous abnormal world, they are better than ordinary girls only a little stronger mentality.

Maybe in this world, I can really surpass my sister!?

These thoughts flashed through Yukino's mind, and then she shook her head at her mother and said.

"Mother, you just need to know that the mission of the foundation is to deal with abnormalities similar to Tomoe and keep human society living under normal cognition, as for the rest, in fact, I don't need to say more, because the foundation will use memory cancellation for you, and you will not remember the terrible things that happened today!"

"Memory Erasure!!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Yukoshita was stunned, but she didn't necessarily show any resistance, ordinary people learned that they would be absolutely resisted the first time they would be erased, but Mrs. Yukishita was different, and the first thing she thought about was the pros and cons.

The memory is erased, allowing her to forget this dangerous world, become the powerful Mrs. Yukinoshita again, and return to a normal life.

But if the memory is not erased, she will remember what happened today, remember the horrors of Tomoe, will also remember these anomalies, and learn about the other side of this world.

She might have nightmares for a few months, and after that, will she have the ability to protect herself and protect her home under the snow after knowing these horrible things?

After thinking for a while, Mrs. Yukinoshita asked Yukino.

"Do I have to erase my memory? Can't I keep my memory?"

If Mrs. Yukinoshita still doesn't want to be erased from her memory, although she will be very tired of knowing the real horror of this world, but she doesn't know that the abnormalities of this world don't exist?

Know, although she may live in fear, she can at least prepare in advance of possible dangers in the future, although such preparation may not be useful, but for Mrs. Yukinoshita, at least she can control some initiative before the abnormalities she may encounter in the future, which is extremely important to her.

"Keep your memories!?"

Hearing this, Yukino's gaze looked at the commander of the Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force suspiciously, this kind of thing was not something that she alone could decide.

"Sorry, Mrs. Yukinoshita, I have been ordered that everyone's memories will be erased and modified except for Investigator Yukinoshita and Miss Kaguya, and you will only remember that you were attacked by a terrorist organization outside the country when you attended the Shinomiya family banquet, and we will erase all other information. "

The task force commander replied indifferently, but it made Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes widen, pointing to himself and wondering: "No need to erase my memory?

"Because you are a member of the foundation, you will also become the next chief marshal of the Shinomiya family!"

The petite commander's words made Kaguya stunned, his clever brain turned, and Kaguya's face was a little gloomy and said: "You guys want to use me to control the Four Palace Family?"

"It's not exactly that I want you to absorb the power of the Mitsui family, the Sanzen-in family, and the Suzuki family, and join forces with the bee-eating faction under the Bee Eater Councillor to control the entire Neon local capital power. "

The petite commander said in a calm voice, but the content inside made Mrs. Yukishita, a strong woman who had seen the wind and waves, a little afraid, if it was really like what they said, although I don't know what the bee-eater valve in the other party's mouth is, but Mitsui, Sanzenin, and the Four Palaces family she knows, if the other party can really control these four neon top chaebols, which neon must not become a word of this foundation!

"You guys . Tomoe is the conspiracy that you released to deal with our four major families!?" asked Shinomiya Kaguya with cold eyes as he looked at the petite task force commander in front of him, with anger brewing in his eyes.

She knew that her current performance was very unwise, but she still couldn't suppress the anger in her heart.

Today, the upper echelons of the Shinomiya family can be said to be dead, her father, her three older brothers, are all dead, although she has no feelings with them, under the education of the egoism of the Shinomiya family, under their indifference to their own relationship, once Ai Hayasaka cursed in front of her how not to die, she did not accuse.

But in the face of this conspiracy that obviously seems to be against the Shinomiya family, do you think she will be at the mercy!!

Maybe you can find other four palaces, aren't there still a few side branches that are not dead!" said Kaguya in a cold voice.

"Puppet, no, it's a partnership, and the object of our cooperation can only be you, Miss Kaguya!"

"Huh...!" Shinomiya Kaguya sneered, and a smile appeared on his cold cheeks: "It can only be that I can't!

"First of all, as an anomaly, Tomoe is not controlled by us, we only chose this time to take her in, and at the same time did not guide her into the Shinomiya family, which is the result of natural development. "

"Secondly, the foundation can erase people's memories, but rewriting memories is not as unscrupulous as you think, because Lord Beeeater, who controls the ability to rewrite memories, is a person of high moral character!"

"And in the end, why do you have to choose Miss Kaguya, it's because of the strong demand!"

"You strongly demand?" Kaguya looked at the petite commander in front of him suspiciously, did he know her?

This feeling!

"You are, love !!"

"That's right, my eldest miss, you finally recognize me!"

The electronic voice was replaced by a clear sound, and under Kaguya's stunned expression, the other party removed the oxygen mask to prevent inhalation of Tomoe's bloody smell, removed the hot helmet to prevent seeing Tomoe's face from being seduced by it, and shook his head, his golden hair fluttered behind him, not inferior to Shinomiya Kaguya's delicate face was very indifferent, but there was a faint hint of relationship with Shinomiya Kaguya, and a little bit of banter.

Looking at Hayasaka Airu, who suddenly revealed her identity, Shinomiya Kaguya opened her small mouth slightly, and she felt that the whole world was wrong.

Some idiots asked, "For... Why!"

"Why you! Little love!"

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