Two days later...

In Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, in front of a certain building that symbolizes the supreme actual power of neon.

Yukishita Yang Nai came here early with doubts and curiosity, although she had also met many high-ranking people with her mother Yang Nai, but because of the inexplicable information to set foot in this place, she was still a little apprehensive.

Even if Ms. Mitsui called, she thought it was just a boring prank.

However, after coming to the place specified in the information, Yang Nai was indeed relieved, because this place that ordinary people would not approach was already full of nearly two hundred people of the same age as her at the moment.

Among them, it seems that many of them still know each other, and they are communicating in a friendly way, and when they see this scene, Yang Nai's eyes lit up, and a perfect sunny smile was instantly hung on his face, and he easily blended into these crowds.

With his super communication skills, he easily obtained some information and phone calls from these people.

Yang Nai couldn't help but be surprised to find that these people gathered here at this time were not simple.

Although she is about the same age, she is a leader in business, and there is not even a single outstanding student who is not a world-class famous university, and some scientific research people have even achieved good results in scientific research.

Even talking to some of them, Yang Nai felt some pressure, not similar to the majestic pressure of her mother, but in the other party's field of knowledge, there was great achievement, because the other party was too good to put pressure on Yang Nai.

This kind of feeling of pressure from his peers has hardly been encountered by Yono before.

Because among her peers around her, she has always been the best, and can even play with those idiots at will, but here.

These people may not have very high emotional intelligence, but after getting to know them, Yang Nai found that she couldn't add to the conversation between many of them, because the other party's knowledge was too advanced and professional, all of which were cutting-edge knowledge in the industry, and she had never heard those terms.

Although she, Yono Yukinoshita, is very good and has very good academic results, what about these people in front of her?

They are geniuses in the true sense of the word, scientific research, academic geniuses.

Even with them, Yono was a little skeptical about why he was chosen to participate in this mysterious interview with them, and compared to many of them, his advantage may only be good at sociable management.

Just when Yang Nai was puzzled, felt shocked, and even fell into deep self-doubt, a sound of footsteps suddenly came from behind her.

Turning her head, she saw a girl with a beautiful appearance, long reddish-brown hair and blue pupils running over in a hurry.

Unlike these geniuses who were at least the same age as Yono, the girl who caught Yang's attention in front of her was a little too young, feeling almost no older than her sister, and the creator was dressed in a modified white shirt uniform of Calamusin Women's College, with a coat on the outside, and a pair of slender legs and black stockings.

Young and beautiful, it was Yono's first impression of her.

She is also the youngest Yono has seen since she arrived here.

Due to the relationship between the other party and his sister of the same age, Yang Nai leaned over with some curiosity.

"Whew, almost late!"

The girl had obviously run a long distance, her pretty face was sweaty, her hands were on her knees, and her mouth was panting and she looked almost exhausted, just when she raised her sleeves to wipe the sweat directly with the sleeves of her wide coat.

Yang Nai, who had already walked to the girl's side, handed her a silk scarf to wipe her sweat just right, and said with a warm smile on her face.

"Wipe your sweat!"

"Thanks, but no thanks!"

However, the girl just took a deep breath, straightened up, looked at the silk scarf in Yang Nai's hand with a cold and distant attitude, put down the sleeve that was about to wipe the sweat, and took out a silk scarf from her arms and thanked Yang Nai coldly.

The cold feeling was a little unsympathetic.

If it was an ordinary person with such a hot face and a cold ass, she would definitely be angry, and she would have a very bad impression of the girl, but Yono was different, and from the girl's cold attitude, she had the feeling of seeing her sister Yukino.

Yang Nai, who was not embarrassed at all, and even the smile on his face did not change much, naturally put away the silk scarf in his hand, and then leaned over to the girl with a warm face, regardless of the girl's inapplicable expression.

This kind of girl with a similar personality to Yukino is super good at coping.

The reason why she and Yukino are not very close, and even makes Yukino resist her and treat her as a great enemy, is because she deliberately did it.

It is because Yono deliberately wants to erect himself on the opposite side of Yukino so that Yukino can grow and get rid of his dependence on himself.

The purpose of this is to prevent Yukino from feeling isolated and hurt in the future that Yono is unable to help Yukino for various reasons.

If this is not the case, it is not too simple to have a good relationship with Yukino with her ability, and this girl similar to Yukino in front of the other party, she Yang Nai only needs to show the enthusiasm of not being afraid of cold ice, she can definitely easily win.

And it turns out that Yono is definitely a top talent in terms of communication, and soon the girl with a cold expression succumbed to Yono's enthusiasm just as Yukino succumbed to the enthusiasm of Dango, and was set out by the demon Yono.

The beautiful girl's name is Makise Honri Sui, a full-fledged super genius, who can easily perform addition and subtraction operations at the age of two, and has an interest in physics at a very young age.

Gifted, he is called "genius" and "prodigy" by people around him, but he is also estranged from his peers, but he is a bit similar to his sister, but Yukino is not as genius as her.

In order to avoid the jealous eyes of the people around her, she actually skipped a grade and was admitted to university.

Now only seventeen or eight years old, he is already a researcher affiliated with the Institute of Brain Science of the University of Victor Condoria.

Although he specializes in brain science, he is also highly accomplished in physics.

She was also inexplicably invited, but unlike herself being notified by government personnel, she proved the authenticity of the invitation after being notified by a well-known academic figure.

"So, Xiaohong, you don't know that we were invited by the year!?"

Yang Nai said with a slight disappointment.

"Little Red..."

Listening to Yonai's name for herself, Makise's eyelids jumped, but she who had already seen the enthusiasm and eloquence of a girl for a while was not like entanglement with the other party about the title problem, because although she was a genius, she was really not the opponent of this passionate sister in linguistics.

"Although not sure, this organization that invited us must be very strong, external nerve research topics, biological mecha, the feasibility of time travel!

Saying this, Makise's eyes, which were still a little cold just now, were full of light, and the light was full of curiosity about unknown things, and seeing the light in her eyes Yang couldn't help but have a premonition, if the light in her eyes never went out, she would definitely become a genius who could change the world in the future.

Just when Yono still wanted to talk to this genius girl who was a bit like his sister again.

A blonde girl dressed in a maid outfit, with a gloomy face and full of momentum, walked out from the building in front of her that represented the highest power of neon.

She looked around at everyone coldly, and said in a cold tone.

"Thank you for being invited to participate in the interview of the SCP Foundation, but before the Foundation interview, please find a topic with me to participate in a Foundation Q&A exam, and only those who pass the exam can continue to participate in the Foundation interview!"

"If you fail the exam, you will be sent back with your memories erased, so please take the exam easily, you will not be in any danger!"

"Oh, by the way, I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm the maid of the foundation elder, Ai Hasaka, you can call me Miss Maid!"

After Ai Hayasaka finished speaking, it made these geniuses in front of him stunned.

Although they all felt the terrifying ability of this mysterious organization that invited them like Yono, many of them were even vaguely reminded by some bigwigs who informed them by phone that this was an opportunity to change their fate and change their worldview.

But right now, what did this maid lady say just now?

Skip this, who are they geniuses who are afraid of exams.

But what the hell is memory erasure, there is no danger!? Has science and technology reached a point where it can accurately erase memories for humans?

Yono, who was standing with Makise Honglisu behind the crowd, didn't know why, she only felt that when Ai Hayasaka said that the memory was erased, she always felt that a white spray bottle would appear in front of her head, and she felt that her head hurt a little.........

And the SCP Foundation feels so familiar, heard of it, but can't remember it!

"Miss Yukinoshita, are you all right!?"

Although he was a little uncomfortable with Yono's enthusiasm, Makise Honglisu asked a little worried after seeing Yono's frown with some headache.

"I... It's okay, just a little surprised!" replied Yono.

"Indeed, although I am a graduate student in brain science, I can accurately erase memory, this kind of thing..." Makise Honglisu didn't think much about it, and said with some surprise.

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