“Hurry up, Yoshida, we’ll be able to pay off the mortgage after this one.”

Heavy rain poured on the streets.

Two men in raincoats are running wildly for their lives.

Yoshida was sweating profusely, pulled the collar that was too tight and uncomfortable for him, and said helplessly to his companion.

“But I’ve heard that the area seems to hear the sound of meteorites falling, so exaggerated demons are really something we can deal with?”

Ishii Banpei choked on the oncoming heavy rain, quickly wiped it with his hand, and after simply identifying the direction, continued to run wildly with his companions, and said without looking back.

“That’s it, the corpse of the devil is valuable! Now those bastards are guarding the guild hall every day waiting for information, and they don’t even want their wives to go home. If this continues, when will we have our own house! ”

Yoshida ran two steps quickly, but he stepped on a puddle and splashed a large amount of mud on his trouser leg, making him want to cry.

“Although I finally grabbed the order, I don’t have to be in such a hurry, right?”

“No, although Yoshida is an outstanding character in the folk demon hunter, you definitely can’t compete with the official!”

“The goal of the public security demon hunter intercepting the civilian demon hunter will be regarded as obstruction, right?”

Ishii Hanpei sneered.

“Hehe, what if that demon corpse is worth a certain amount?”

Unlike public security demon hunters, who sit on high salaries and various benefits, folk demon hunters need to receive various private commissions to get paid, and they can also sell their bodies on the black market after killing demons.

The price of ordinary plant demons is only about 300,000 yen.

Low price and high risk.

You must know that you can still get at least 1.2 million if you sell a kidney.

The price of an eyeball is equivalent to an ordinary demon corpse.

In the process of fighting demons, regardless of the damage of fighting demons, it is likely that the price to pay to make a contract with demons is more than that.

Therefore, many people now have calculated an account and found that it is safer and more cost-effective to be a demon hunter than to sell their organs directly.

Ishii Hanpei looked down on such a person.

They get a huge reward of two million yen for completing this order! Even if you pay some price for this, it doesn’t matter.

“At that time, if we really encounter the police, no matter what the other party says, we will not back down.”

Ishii Banpei had already planned it.

“Find that demon, don’t give the other party a chance, Yoshida directly trapped the other party with the octopus demon, I used the bear demon to scrape its head… I think that even if the other party is powerful, the two of us can deal with it. ”

Yoshida Hirofumi wiped the sweat from his forehead, and although he was worried in his heart, he thought of the strength of the two and replied without saying more.

By the time their ambitions endured the storm all the way to the scene.

Surprised, shocked, unimaginable, incredible…

Ishii Hanpei covered his mouth with trembling right hand.

“This, this is what that demon did….?!”

Yoshida Hirofumi pressed down the brim of his raincoat, and although he did not speak, his heart was beating wildly.

For the first time since contracting with the octopus demon to work part-time as a demon hunter, he has the psychology of escaping fear.

The entire huge area of the abandoned factory was erased like an eraser by some kind of great force, leaving a large crater like a meteorite.

The destructive power of this scale is not much worse than the gun demon of the year!

“I’m more curious about what that demon is at war with…”

Ishii turned his head stiffly, his expression as if he were crying and laughing.

“Yoshida, you mean that this level of strength is not made by that demon?”

Yoshida Hirofumi squatted down with a solemn expression and touched the edge of the giant pit.

Sharp, smooth, like marks directly cut by a sharp weapon….

“Although demons are powerful, the power they can use in the human world is actually very limited. There are no more than two sources of replenishment of strength, contract and human blood. ”

“Unless forced to, they never waste their strength to destroy large areas of buildings, and usually choose to directly attack humans for blood…”

Ishii Hanpei’s eyes widened, and he asked incredulously, pointing to a giant pit in front of him that was comparable to a giant lake.

“Demon hunters can do this level?!”

If so, he felt that he should not continue in this business.

Even if he sacrificed himself all, it would be the limit to collapse a building.

How can it be compared with this kind of monster?

Hirofumi Yoshida seemed to think of the same thing, laughing at himself.

“Maybe the other party is not a demon hunter…”

At the same time, he added in his heart that it is not even human.

Footsteps sounded abruptly.

The two instantly felt numb in their scalps, and reflexively made preparations to release the demon.

Depend on! It’s over! Isn’t that monster gone yet?!

“Yoshida, why are you here?”

The big sister with the right eye patch looked at the two curiously under the umbrella.

Yoshida squinted, still not letting his guard down.


Himeno took a faint breath of smoke rings.

“I said, don’t be so hostile to me, I’m afraid I will…”

Himeno suddenly waved his right hand.

Ishii Banpei seemed to be pinched by an invisible hand and carried it into the air.

His face was flushed, and he struggled desperately to try to break off the invisible hands, but in vain, he could not touch anything.

Seeing this scene, Yoshida Hirofumi was relieved.

Human appearance can be pretended, but it is unlikely that behavioral habits, mental memories, and contract demons are all identical.

It can only be said that Yoshida Hirofumi at this time is too young to know that in the future, a kind demon named Machima who almost ended human history can easily do this.

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