In school.

“Your name is Xiaolan, is it convenient to talk to me alone?”

Finally, when it was time for the lunch break, Himeno saw the opportunity to stop in front of Xiaolan.

Xiaolan glanced at the uniform on the other party, which seemed to be somewhat similar to Rod’s, so she nodded and agreed.

However, before Xiaoran could speak, Mitaka blocked Xiaolan behind him like a protective calf, staring warily at Himeno.

“What are you? Why should we go with you?! ”

After that, she didn’t forget to turn back and teach Xiaolan a vicious lesson.

“Are you stupid, don’t easily believe the other party when you see that she is a woman!”

“Seeing that the other party’s blindfold is not, it is the price of the contract with the demon, and the other party is a demon hunter.”

“Demons are the most terrifying beings in the world, and the guys who can contract and fight with such beings must be more cunning, cruel and violent than demons!”

Although Mitaka acts like she hates Ran when she walks in the morning, she is actually quite eager to make friends in her heart.

It’s just that in the face of Xiaolan’s overly pure heart, she always feels humble and ugly, and wants to stay away, but she always subconsciously protects that beautiful existence from being polluted.

It can only be said that it is a twisted tsundere.

Himeno covered his head when he heard this and let out a long sigh.

“Hey, young girl, don’t call me some kind of vicious witch-like character, I’m just a poor worker.”

She took the documents out of her pocket and handed them to the two.

“Oh, look. My name is Himeno and I am a public security demon hunter, so you should rest assured. ”

Mitaka glanced at him, slightly relieved, but his mouth was still unceremonious.

“What about the official people, when the devil strikes, they are always one step late, and they will only bow and apologize afterwards. What good can such a guy do when he comes to the door? ”

Himeno didn’t want to mess with a female high school student, and waved his hand to lead the topic to Xiaolan again.

“Well, don’t say that, I’m working very hard too. So, Xiaolan, do you know why I’m looking for you? ”

Facing Himeno’s scrutinizing gaze, Xiaoran did not feel nervous.

Ordinary people can be overwhelmed by the level of nervousness in the face of official questioning.

But sorry, Xiaolan is professional in this regard.

Xiao Ran calmed Mitaka Chao’s vigilance.

“Xiao Chao, it’s okay, I already know her intentions, I’ll come back after chatting with her.”

Mitaka was a little embarrassed by such an affectionate name, and snorted softly and shyly pinned his body.

“Hmph, if you are deceived, I will not care about you.”

Immediately, Xiaolan looked at Himeno and smiled without fear.

“Let’s go, Himeno-senpai.”

A look of approval flashed in Himeno’s eyes.

Looking at Xiaoran’s back as Himeno left, Mitaka looked worried, standing in place with his hands around his chest, while clutching his mobile phone tightly in his hand, silently remembering the time in his heart.

Koran and Himeno went to a chair in the promenade and sat down.

Himeno had just taken out a cigarette from his pocket, but remembered that Ran was present, and just held it with his fingers and didn’t light it.

Seeing this, Xiaolan said with understanding: “It’s okay, I’ve long been used to the smell of smoke.” Although this is a public place, as long as it is secretly not discovered. ”

Kind and caring, accustomed to abiding by the law, but not following the rules.

Himeno silently gave Xiaoran a profile, and at the same time became more confident in the success of this trip.

Hmph, a simple little girl who is not deeply involved in the world, look how easy I can handle it!

Himeno asked in a relaxed tone: “Then I will get straight to the point, do you know about the existence named Rhode?” ”

Xiao Lan thought carefully for a moment, nodded, and was just about to speak when he was interrupted by Himeno.

“Wait, I’ll take out a pen and paper first.”

Didn’t expect to be able to ask the answer so easily?

I thought it would at least cover up.

Himeno was a little surprised in his heart.

She quickly put the cigarette back into her pocket, and then prepared to record all of Xiaolan’s words with a serious expression.

“Thank you, you can say it.”

“Rhode, he’s an introvert.”

Himeno recorded in a whimoshi, sighing in his heart at the same time.

Is there actually an introverted demon, it’s really rare.

“Physically weak.”

Kindness? Did I hear you wrong?

A finger to crush the wasp demon also called the body weak ??

Even among all the demons in history, they are second to none, right?!

No, no, did she mean that she was relatively weak among the demons in hell?


Okay guys, that’s a big deal!

Could it be that all the people who come to the world now are some little minions?

The truly horrible all did not appear in hell?!

Himeno didn’t know that his brain supplement was close to reality.

Xiaolan put her finger against her chin, thinking of the black history that Rhode wanted to destroy in every way, and couldn’t help but chuckle.

“He was bullied when he was in school.”


The pen in his hand was suddenly pinched by Himeno.

Himeno widened his eyes and looked at Xiaoran incredulously.

“There are schools in hell too?”

Xiao Lan suddenly stood up when she heard this, and glared at Himeno angrily.

“I don’t allow you to humiliate Rhode like this, please apologize to Rhode! If your attitude continues to be so frivolous, I won’t answer any of your questions! ”

Himeno was stunned.

No way.

Did I say something wrong?

Don’t all demons come from hell?

Are the rules in hell the opposite of those on earth?

Going to school is a very shameful thing, and it is even more honorable to walk on the street.

Himeno didn’t understand, but he immediately folded his hands and bowed his head to apologize.

“Sorry, sorry, I was wrong! I apologize to Rhodes! ”

When this child is angry, his expression is so terrible….

But she definitely wasn’t instigated!

That’s right, she just doesn’t see children in general, that’s it!

Although Xiaolan was still a little depressed, considering that the other party was an official after all, he didn’t want to cause trouble for Rhode, so he could only pout and reluctantly accept it.

However, her attitude was not as friendly as before, and she explained coldly.

“Rhodes is in the same school as me.”

I see.

Did he go to school on earth?

So that I can rest assured… What a fart!

No way! I’m leaning in!

Himeno directly swore in his heart.

A demon who can build a crater at will, and is bullied by high school students in a school in Tokyo?!

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