So that only the last demon corpse remained.

It was the most complete of the demons provided this time, and it even looked like it had just died, and it looked like a legendary tree man.

The shore said in a slightly hoarse voice.

“This is the future demon housed in the lowest prison of the headquarters, and its ability is simple, that is, to predict the future.”

“In the police, two people had previously signed a contract with it. One person lives in half, and the other gives his eyes, taste, and smell. ”

Hayakawa Aki nodded at first, and then his eyes widened sharply.

“Wait, how will demons that can predict the future die?!”

The shore looked at Rhode with tentative eyes.

“yes, I also want to know how it died. It stands to reason that demons who know the future can naturally avoid the end of death. ”

Rhode frowned.

“You think I did it?”

The shore quickly waved his hand.

“Of course I didn’t suspect you, but it’s not right to say that it has nothing to do with you at all.”

The shore is unconcealed and looks quite candid.

“Before you went to the cabinet, in order to make sure that the right choice could be made, they sent someone to ask the future demon about the future of this country.”

“And then?”

The shore is still palpitating.

“…… The future demon suddenly dissipated consciousness and died, and it is said that before he died, he still muttered words such as “please forgive me” and “no offense”. ”

Rhode narrowed his eyes as he looked at the corpse of the future demon on the ground.

This does not happen in the original book.

The demons in the world can be simply and crudely divided into two categories, one can theoretically be completely eliminated, and the other is absolutely impossible to be destroyed as long as human beings exist.

Animal demons, plant demons, and even man-made demons all belong to the first category.

For example, the cockroach demon that is still on the run.

If it were not for the fact that cockroaches are an important part of the biosphere, and human beings have done their best to develop viruses and genetic technology, there is indeed a possibility that cockroaches will be completely eliminated from this world.

And the conceptual demons such as Domination, War, Hunger and Death, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the Root Transcendent, are eternally symbiotic beings with humans.

There are only two ways to make them disappear completely.

The total extinction of mankind.

The closed world of the polar body.

Future demons also fall into this category.

Being able to predict the future of the demon suddenly and violently killed without any resistance, Rhode could only think of two possibilities.

First, the world follows a mechanistic theory, there are laws for a drink and a peck, and everyone cannot avoid death in the cycle of cause and effect, even future demons.

Second, the world suddenly has no future.

The shore took a sip of wine and said faintly.

“Do you know the Great Prophecy of Nostradamus?”

Toru Murayama also slapped his palm sharply when he heard this.

“Is it that Bulgarian god Baba Vanga? My daughter said that she predicted the events up to 5079 and admired her! ”

Shore said lightly: “She is a lucky person who has been contracted by the future demon, and she mentioned in the prophecy collection that the Great Demon of Terror will come in July 1999. ”

Hayakawa Aki was surprised: “I seem to have a little impression that when I was a child, my classmates at school regarded it as the day of the end of mankind, so they started a riot, isn’t that fake?!” ”

The shore looked up at the still slightly gloomy sky outside the window, as heavy as looking at something tragic.

“In the eyes of the world, this is just a TV show or a noise between students, but the police don’t think so.”

“In one experiment, thirty prisoners were made to contract with future demons on condition of release, and then asked when they would die.”

“It turned out to be surprising that 23 out of 30 prisoners were predicted to die in July 1999.”

Hayakawa Aki looked at the shore with hopeful eyes, and quickly asked, “Aren’t there still seven people?” ”

The shore chuckled as if he wanted to deliberately crush Hayakawa Aki’s fluke mentality.

“They died a week before July.”


Hayakawa Aki, who was frightened by the doomed future, turned his head to look at Rhode in a panic.

“You must have a way! You are an all-powerful five-clawed dragon! ”

Five claws?!

The dragon was handed down from the ancient Ming Kingdom from the surrounding vassal countries.

The Goryeo dragon has four claws, and the neon dragon has three claws.

And Hayakawa Aki actually said that he was a five-clawed Yinglong?!

Could it be that he was a demon born from the Ming Kingdom?

But the shore still faintly felt that something was wrong.

“Well, I thank you for believing in me so much. But some demons can’t be killed by physical attacks alone. ”

That being said, Rhodes wasn’t as worried as they were.

According to the hungry demon Kiga, the beginning of the end of the world will begin with the falling demon of one of the roots of terror.

[That was the first demon who would lead the world to the worst horrors.] ]

Even the falling demons are just appetizers, and you can imagine how troublesome the demons that appear later will be.

When a high-rise building looks down at the bottom of a building, when you look at the abyss on the edge of a cliff, when you look down at a rushing river by a bridge…

Even the most fearful of heights will have the urge to jump when they are in a high place.

Unlike fears such as snakes and spiders, fear of heights can cause humans to have a strange counter-intuitive phenomenon: succumbing to the source of fear and the urge to jump.

Asimov wrote in “Twilight”.

[Humans are born with three instinctive fears: noise, falling, and lack of light.] ]

That’s an instinct rooted in human genes.

The falling demon will also make all human jade jade disease erupt, which is the extremely enhanced version of the ghost fruit in the pirate world.

Therefore, humans are almost impossible to fight the falling devil.

Because as long as you are a mentally normal person, there will always be times when you are depressed, as long as you have depressed thoughts, you will be hit.

Of course, if you come out of a mental hospital, or simply a blissful person who is always winning, it is still possible to become a hero and save the world.

But Rhodes is not without simpler and crude solutions.

As long as Machima finds a way to “Infinite Moon Reading” to all mankind, dominates all mankind to become Miss Machima’s dog, and achieves a utopian society of eternal happiness, the falling demon will naturally burp.

After thinking about it, Rhode still patted his tool man and soothed.

“You don’t have to worry, I will make a move depending on the situation.”

Of course, what he covets is the body of the falling demon… Strength, that level of demon can not be completely analyzed by swallowing a piece of meat.

It seems that the shore just wants to hear this sentence, so he deliberately said this in public.

Rhode saw through his mind and did not debunk it.

If you want the dog to run, you always have to give the dog a little benefit.

Rhode casually put away the corpse of the future demon.

[The complete corpse of the future demon has been detected.] 】

[Analyze the acquisition of skills and future vision: You can see the future in five seconds, and it will automatically warn when someone attacks.] 】

[Analyze the source of fear, the future.] 】

[Follow the rules of perfect utilization and devour the whole corpse.] 】

[Spinning new skills and future transfers: Throwing attacks currently received into the distant future.] 】

It actually hit back!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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