Flipping down the blog, Shiwa Kasumigaoka saw the post where the blogger recommended his book a year ago.

There are many people leaving messages in the comment area.

“When will the next volume of Kasumi Shiko-sensei come out?”

“Will Naoto be with Sayuka, or is it Shinyui? I’m in such a hurry! ”

“Doesn’t the blogger have inside information, can you break the news in advance.”

“Why don’t bloggers update their updates? Did you send it? ”

The most recent message was yesterday.

The blogger doesn’t seem to have looked at the comment area, or rather saw it, and thought he didn’t see it.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka looked at the two parties fighting in the comment area, and sighed boringly.

“Everyone thinks that there is an either/or choice in life, and it seems that they have not considered the end of both girls rejecting Naoto.”

She suddenly chuckled.

Perhaps influenced by Yingli’s weird rhetoric.

She now had a faint urge.

It’s better to write a plot in the next volume where the sky falls yellow hair and all the two girls NTR in front of straight people.

There are no such works on the market.

The uncle in the workplace does not want the royal sister boss and cute colleagues, but prefers the female high school dropout with a rotten lifestyle.

The girlfriend has a leg with anyone in private, but only 07 and her boyfriend can’t even kiss.

Her stunning works not only sold well, but were even animated.

If she writes like this, she can also catch fire.

However, there is a high probability that the poor editor will cry and kneel down and beg himself not to mess around.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka was still kind-hearted after all, so he had to regretfully give up this tempting idea.

The girls make a request, meet the Almighty Dragon who can fulfill all wishes, and sign a contract under the rhetoric of the other party, thus having the ability to transform into a magical girl.

As they slowly get along, they fall in love with the mysterious dragon, only to find that each other is not as beautiful as they thought.

As a result, a series of stomach pain episodes of falling in love and killing each other were produced.

Although it still feels a bit of déjà vu, it is enough as a first-time project.

The problem now is that she needs to experience true love.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka opened the chat interface of his mobile phone, paused for a moment when he saw An Yirenya’s gray avatar, unpinned him, and then clicked into Rhode’s chat window.

She hesitated and asked tentatively.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka: Rhode-kun, do you have a girlfriend?

Shiwa Kasumigaoka thought confidently.

If the other person answers yes, let the other person tell their love story as a reference.

If the other person answers no, then move on to the next part and disguise the lover experience!

Rhode didn’t seem to be busy and quickly got a reply.

However, Shiyu Kasumigaoka looked at Rhode’s reply, and his expression froze.

Rod: There are some, what’s wrong?

“There are some…”

Shiwa Kasumigaoka deleted the reply that had been prepared and complained.

“Isn’t it really all his girlfriends in that group chat… Then what happened to this latecomer himself…”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka observed the chat in the group for a long time, and gradually understood that Rhode was not a serious guy, so he joked with him more easily.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka: Is Rhode-kun a dolphin?

As a light novel author, I always have some messy cold knowledge that I can’t use in reality.

She thought proudly.

Luo Jun must not understand what I’m talking about.

At first glance, it sounds like a boastful and cute remark, but it is actually a joke with a little caution.

Dolphins are the only creatures outside of humans that have X orgasms, and after X matures, they will lie among female dolphins almost every day in search of their sweetheart.

Once the eyes are met, the mating process will begin like lightning, and some will even force the reluctant party.

What’s more worth mentioning is that dolphins have no special requirements for their mating partners, whether they are of the opposite sex or not, no matter what species, almost cannot escape the clutches of dolphins.

Rhodes: I’m not the type to see one and throw one, and I’m similar to a fur seal.


He actually learned such a strange knowledge?

Aren’t boys at this age more concerned about game data such as card pool weapons?

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was a little surprised and admired, but a sense of disbelief also rose in his heart.

Is there anything special about fur seals?

She quickly checked the encyclopedia.

“Fur seals have a polygamous system, and one male fur seal usually acts on dozens of females…”

“In order to form their own huge harem group, male fur seals will fight with other males to grab as much territory as possible to accommodate more wives and concubines… The largest number of male fur seals can mate with 100 fur seals at once…”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka silently turned off the web page, covering his forehead, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka: Your body……. Can it work?

Rhodes: All the experiences have given five-star praise, do you want to try it next?

“…….”(Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

I didn’t expect that Rhode was actually such a personality in private.

Do you want to carry out the disguised lover experience according to the original plan?

But Shiwa Kasumigaoka is keenly aware of the risk of losing his virginity.

However, she had never been exposed to this kind of blatant view of love in the harem before, and she was curious from the bottom of her heart, and couldn’t help but want to approach Rhode to explore deeply.

After being entangled for a long time, Kasumigaoka Shiyu plucked up the courage and patted his stomach.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely protect you!”

Then, she sent the message like a death.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka: Is it possible not to do the last step?

Rhode didn’t seem to expect that Kasumigaoka Shiyu would actually agree, and it took a while to send a reply.

Rhodes: Please trust my character!

Shiyu Kasumigaoka was slightly relieved when he saw this.

The man who can make Senior Sister Ji Karen admire so much should be trustworthy.

In this regard, if Shinomiya Kaguya and Ai Hayasaka were present 830, I am afraid that there would be objections.

And she probably wouldn’t have thought that Rhode was not a person at all, and naturally there would be no character.

Shiwa Kasumigaokaoka: Then I’ll see you tomorrow at the Ministry of Service.

Rod: Well, see you tomorrow.


During class, Rhode silently smashed pills in his mouth while playing with his mobile phone to enhance his physique.

The teachers on the podium still selectively ignored his movements.

Hiratsuka was still in the back door of the classroom, secretly observing the movements in the class, and when he saw such a dashing scene of Rhode, he stopped talking.

Thinking of the previous instructions, she had to helplessly turn a blind eye.

The time soon came for a lunch break.

“I leaned on, the girl next to me changed two more.”

“Let me see, it’s the idol who doesn’t know about the firesuit and the Suzuki family!”


“It’s useless to be jealous, do you have that look?”

The pomp and circumstance of a big beauty on the left and right of Rhode will cause a wave of envy and jealousy among the onlookers wherever he goes.

However, with the warning from last time, everyone only quietly discussed a few harmless words, and quickly made way for Rhode.

The fire-clad fox looked suspiciously at Suzuki Garden on Rhode’s right.

“Why do I always feel like you’re radiant, are you using any new makeup?”

Sonoko Suzuki blinked and said innocently.

“I’m just dressed normally, it’s because you haven’t come to school for a long time, so you misread me.”

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