Boom –

A starburst like the Big Bang!

Rhode gasped slightly, staring warily at the fiery light at the center of the explosion.

He used the Flame Saint Lord’s Essence Power to break the flames of the Dead Qi of all attributes from the fire, giving them the power to harm the Star Spirit.

In the case of not completely fighting for life, it can almost be regarded as his move at the bottom of the box.

In the world of god killers, it is easy to kill a few gods who do not follow them.

But Rhodes didn’t take it lightly.

The next moment.

Argel, who was unharmed, suddenly appeared in front of Rhode out of thin air.

“It’s so dangerous, I almost got killed.”

Rhode narrowed his eyes, not overly surprised.

“Sure enough, three digits are not so easy to kill.”

She wiped the sweat that did not exist on her forehead in horror.

“Satan, do you think this level of heat can curb the heat of my relationship?”

Argel’s eyes suddenly revealed an icy killing intent, and he raised his fist with the aura of the condensed star at an extreme distance.

“But it’s not enough to conquer me, don’t die in this move~”

Rhode frowned slightly.

As if he was locked by some heavy pressure, he couldn’t dodge at all, and even the means of spatial transfer were sealed.

Hey, is it deliberately creating a situation that can only be faced head-on?

With the strength of his shell that has not yet fully matched his current strength, if he takes this punch hard, I am afraid that he will inevitably die once.

Rhode was a little hesitant in his heart.

Future Vision Measurement + Straight Death Demon Eye + Vision + Space Attack + Crippled Dystopian Linger.

If you use this trick in an unguarded state of the other party, you will at least hit the other party hard if you have no intention of it, and you will die on the spot if you don’t do it.

However, Rhode did not feel the killing intent and hostility from the other party’s attitude.

Rhode faintly felt.

The battle wasn’t a mere killing, as she said, more like a test.

But if he didn’t use this trick, he really wasn’t sure about killing Argel.

And even if it is true that 980 kills Argel, will it complete the relief of the other party?

In his cognition, Arger in this form is already the most perfect and primitive appearance.

Medusa and Gorgon have their own regrets and sorrows, but does Arger have it at this time?

Right at this moment.

Under the snow, Yukino suddenly sent an emergency contact through the channel of faith.

“Rod, according to the artifacts passed back by Esders, I have made a new discovery!”

“In the true mythological texts, only Medusa is the real Gorgon, and the other two immortals are only made up by descendants influenced by Christianity. The original image of Gorgon actually had only one head and no body! ”

“I also found a Nemesis named Praxidike, whose image is a head, and the sacrifice offered to her is also the head of an animal, which also diverges into multiple goddesses in later stages.”

Yukinoshita Yukino explained quickly.

They found a basin from Rhode Island from the collection of the British Museum.

The gorgons on the basin pattern have their own body, and the back is decorated with four pairs of wings.

But the mask-like head still occupies the most important position.

This image portrays the “mistress of nature”, but in fact she is an ugly ghost, the ugly side of the earth goddess.

But this ugly side is not at all degraded and ugly, but the innate attribute of Mother Earth.

Mother Earth is a benevolent and dark Mother Earth who brings reproduction and abundance, but at the same time is the mistress of Hades, demanding human sacrifices and taking away human souls.

In the basin pattern, Gorgon is not at all like the demon depicted by the people of the Late Dynasty who is killed by heroes, but a powerful goddess.

It was only over time that the highest deity of the religion, associated with fear and exorcism, became a pernicious monster in the worship-based demolition.

“…… That is to say, the original origin of Medusa is the fear mask or head used for rituals, this mask originally carried the function of exorcism and guardianship, and she symbolized the ugly side of the earth god, similar to the role of gatekeeper and guardian! ”

“The rumors about the Demon Star were born later!”

Rhode’s pupils shrank.


I originally thought that I had explored the truth, but it turned out to be only the surface.

If you really use the power of killing God to kill Argel, then this gift game is completely unendable.

Demigod of the degraded earth mother god Athena.

Gaia’s direct heir, the Sea Monster Banshee.

Lilith in the Heavenly Demon Star Bible.

If the average person solves the fog and raises Arger’s pressing level, he will most likely think he has the truth and step into the trap, but he does not know that returning to the truth is the truth.

The original source of the Arger legend was the goddess who symbolized the head and mask, which is the origin of mankind’s true belief in it!

She didn’t have her head cut off, but she only had one head in the beginning!

After figuring this out, Rhode finally understood the right way to give relief to the other party.

He stood quietly in place, completely abandoning the defense.

A hint of surprise flashed in Argel’s eyes.

Feel the gap in strength and give up completely…

It’s better to die at my hands than to die on that battlefield.

It’s just a pity that the earth mother gods put their expectations on you after all, they mispaid.

Arger didn’t keep his hand.

It is different from the previous explosion that Rhodes used to imagine the present.

Her punch for hundreds of millions of years is a blow that is enough to shatter a real star!

Such a punch hit Rhode’s body at zero distance.

Argel lowered his head and couldn’t bear to look, feeling a little sad in his heart.

I guess that guy must have been crushed into particles and dissipated…

It’s a pity that I finally met a guy who didn’t hate …

“Are you tickling me?”


Arger looked up in disbelief, his eyes widening.

Rhode in front of him was chuckling and looking down at her.

“……. How so? ”

Did she drink fake wine and hallucinate?

The punch just now is his full strength now, and it is not for nothing that he can receive in the box court.

But without any resistance, not only stood in place unharmed, but even the outrageous scene of not even torn clothes, she had never seen it when she was so big!

Repeatedly confirming that what he was seeing was not an illusion, Arger asked bluntly without hiding his inner surprise.

“With the strength of your shell, you will definitely not be able to block this move, how exactly did you do it?”

Rhode raised an eyebrow.

“Is it difficult to block your move with your body?”


Arger opened his mouth, hesitated again and again, and finally swallowed back the Tibetan words he wanted to curse.

She suddenly understood why so many people in the box court hid far away when they saw her.

Rhodes didn’t exaggerate either.

He did (AFDJ) carry this trick with his own shell.

But not the current self, but the future self.

This is the first time Rhode has used this trick.

【Skills Future Transfer】

[Effect: Throws the attack currently received into the distant future.] 】

People usually say that the hard work of the first half of life is for the pleasure of the second half of life. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But with Rhodes it can be the other way around.

When you encounter something that you can’t do, throw it into the future.

Suffer your future self again.

Taking advantage of the moment when Argel’s mind lost his self-doubt, Rhode lowered his head and kissed him directly.

Arger’s pupils gradually dilated.

What’s the situation?

Was he forcibly kissed?

Unexpectedly, Arger was not angry in his heart, but had a hint of joy.

Your femininity is finally recognized?

Sure enough, those men in the box court are all idiots with no eyes!

It is worthy of Satan, my partner in mythology, very good, actually discovered the charm of Al-chan!

When Arger was about to immerse himself in this beautiful feeling, he suddenly felt a familiar taste.

The chewing wine that Rhodes drank before departure was copied and crossed over.

Algo1 is wine.

The name Argo1 of the variable star Algo1 was given because of faith from people who like to drink.

Arger herself naturally likes to drink, but the outrageous thing is that she gets drunk when she gets drunk.

In the timeline of the original box court, Pasius directly cut off Argel’s head while she was drunk, and the death was comical.

The power of time contained in the drink extended Argel’s conscious senses indefinitely.

The effects of alcohol are infinitely amplified in this case.

By the time she realized something was wrong, it was too late.

Argel’s eyes were dizzy, and he fell into Rhode’s arms in a daze.

Rhode put his arm around Argel’s petite body and was silent for a moment.

The Kyushu knife in his right hand was summoned and smoothly wiped across Arger’s neck.

A strong dazzling light rises into the sky!

Rhode held Argel’s head and whispered.

“Arger Skull Mask.”

Rhode did not think that the Demon Star Arger was a weaker being than himself.

But Rhode easily drunk her with alcohol and killed her, doing it all and experiencing Argel’s idiot attributes for himself.

This gave Rhode a sense of disillusionment, so the conditions for the activation of dominance were satisfied.

[Dominating Demon Power Launched! ] 】

Forced subordination to Arger’s head.

[War Demon Power Unleashed! ] 】

Argel’s head slowly turned into a silver mask.

The surface of the mask is as hideous and terrifying as a devil, just like the pattern in the collection.

[Condition 2: Explain the true nature of Medusa, completed! ] 】

[Condition 3: Kill Medusa (3/3), completed! ] 】

Rhode looked at the mask in his hand and promised.

“I will restore your fear and faith in you as my god.”

[Condition 5: Relief Medusa (3/3), completed! ] 】

Rhode thought of the only remaining condition three.

Satisfy Medusa’s sad wishes.

Medusa is the ugly side of Mother Earth, and the protector and guardian of Mother Earth.

And Tiamat, Elle, and Quetzalcoatl who have not yet appeared all happen to be Mother Earth gods.

After reminiscent of the original box court, Arger participated in the war to save Gaia after his resurrection.

He had already vaguely guessed the other party’s purpose.

But he doesn’t reject that either.

Whether they want to compete for resources or status, the major gods of the current myth are Rhodes’ imaginary enemies.

The Earth Mother God happens to be his companion.

Compared with those hypocritical and arrogant Lord Gods, the more simple Earth Mother Gods were more liked by Rhode.

Rhode said that he was completely out of righteousness, so he didn’t have the idea of rebelling against his mother!

Rhode took a deep breath.

“If I can, I will help the Earth Mother God without harming my interests.”

[Condition 3: Meet Medusa’s sad wishes, completed! ] 】

[The Bounty Game has been cleared! ] 】

[Participants complete the game perfectly, and have obtained Argel’s affiliation.] 】

Very good.

Rhode nodded in satisfaction.

Not only the head, but also the body is your own.

But that’s not the end of it.

A dazzling golden Lingge suddenly appeared out of thin air and levitated in front of Rhode.


Rhode immediately sensed a special relationship between himself and this Linger.

As if they were supposed to be one.

The power released by this Lingge is not weaker than that of the Demon Star Arger, and it is faintly superior even in a restrained state.

Rhode was a little surprised.

“What Arger said is actually true?”

“It’s just that the ownerless Star Spirit Spirit still has this strength, which star is it?”

The sun can’t be.

Earth is even more unlikely.

Rhode stretched out his index finger and carefully made contact with the Lingge.

[The noble of the heavenly gods, Mo is more noble than the green dragon, or Tianyi, or Taiyin. 】

[Walking on the earth, unobservable, completely utopian. 】

[Its name:].

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