Rhode is cool.

But Satomi Rentaro apparently didn’t have so much time to hurt Haruaki, and as a virgin, he was soon forced to fight the gut creatures head-on.

A large number of enteroids are influenced by Scorpio and rush to storm the megaliths on the edge of the city.

A large number of members of the Self-Defense Forces and the police, under the coercive measures of Tendo Kikunosu, drove the cursed sons to fight against the protozoans.

Satellites locate monsters, fighter jets and helicopters continue to bombard Scorpio to hinder its speed, which barely holds the battle line.

But Saint Tianzi still looked at the screen in front of him with a solemn expression.

The picture shows a giant walking on two legs and a shocking appearance.

The dark brown muscles with fissures were scarred as if they had smallpox, and there were protrusions on the scars.

Eight barbed sickle-like foreign bodies penetrate the epidermis from the neck, head, right eye, etc.

The head is abnormally hypertrophied, and the curved beak-like object extends unnaturally from the corner of the mouth. The remaining left eye is pathetically small, and I don’t know that it took the genes of tens of thousands of creatures to create such a monster.

Judging by the scale, the giant is about 400 meters tall.

As you part the sea, you move forward and impatiently swing missiles across the night sky with sickle-like tentacles.

The explosive flames of the missile evaporated the surrounding seawater, but no matter how you looked at it, you didn’t feel any damage.

“Missiles and fish can only cause minor damage, the strongest VX air bomb will be decomposed and analyzed at the moment of monster absorption to make the body resistant to toxicity, originally the most anticipated armor-piercing bullet can not even break the opponent’s armor……. Can humans really defeat such monsters? ”

The Minister of Defense sweated profusely and loosened his collar.

“What about the nuclear bomb?”

Tiantong Juzhicheng scolded unceremoniously.

“Idiot, will the enterovirus absorb radiation and continue to evolve, not to mention, dropping a nuclear bomb at such a close distance, do you want to kill all humans in the Tokyo area first?!”

If it weren’t for the large number of cursed sons being forcibly recruited by Tiantong Juzhicheng, they wouldn’t even be able to defend the first line of defense.

Originally, the official wanted to temporarily hide the news of the stage V attack, but for some reason it was clear that they had tried their best to block it, but the satellite film was still known to everyone, 117 This made Tiantong Juzhicheng anxious.

The city fell into panic, and many people under extreme fear took the opportunity to smash and burn.

In order to maintain order in the city, Tiantong Juzhicheng had to divide his troops to maintain stability, which made the pressure on the front line even greater.

Saint Tianzi suddenly got up.

“Without solving that Scorpio, all we are doing now is sitting still. Didn’t the boy ask me to go over and find him, I’ll go now. ”

Tiantong Juzhicheng stood in front of the Holy Heavenly Son and accused in disappointment.

“No matter how strong a human is, it can’t fight against that monster alone! Are you going to abandon all your people and pin your hopes on a gangster? ”

Saint Tianzi bypassed Tiantong Juzhicheng and left without looking back.

“Even if there is a glimmer of hope, I am willing to try!”

Looking at the back of the Holy Heavenly Son who resolutely left, Tiantong Juzhicheng clenched his fists, and hated Rhode even more in his heart.

Rhode got up from Tiantong Mugen and patted her arm.

Tiantong Mu was even more like mud, his whole body was weak, and he begged for mercy.

“Hmm… Give me a break, I feel like I’m dying…”

Rhode glanced at her disdainfully.

“That’s it? Dare to take the initiative to provoke me too? ”

Tiantong Mu pretended to be dead on the surface, but he was complaining in his heart.

How did I know that this guy of yours is so talented that it completely exceeded my psychological expectations!

As soon as Rhode was about to say something, he suddenly raised his eyebrows, sensing that the power of fear in his body was soaring!

His first reaction was that Shinomiya Kaguya had already started.

But the idea was immediately dismissed.

Because this increase in the power of fear is not increasing step by step, it is an order of magnitude leap out of thin air! And it continues to soar!

If you want to make an analogy, it is almost equivalent to instantly adding the fear power of a complete gun demon out of thin air!

Rhode immediately asked in his heart.

“Great Sage, how is the spread of the Carnet poison?”

[Now 100,000 people have been potentially infected, 10,000 have been transformed into Kabane, and 3,400 have been transformed into Kabane corpses. (cidj)】

The fear of Kabane virus has not yet manifested, so it does not originate from this.

Rhode directly used the belief system to contact Shinomiya Kaguya.

“Kaguya, how is your situation over there?”

Shinomiya Kaguya’s gentle voice sounded.

“Because of Dr. Muroto’s cooperation, there are still five minutes left to complete the brainwave amplifier, and Xiaoai’s state has been adjusted.”

Rhode asked after praising Shinomiya Kaguya.

“I just sensed a surge in fear, did you do anything?”

Shinomiya Kaguya was also puzzled when he heard this.

“No, we haven’t officially started our plans yet.”

Rhode frowned and asked.

“Did anything special happen during that time?”


Shinomiya Kaguya’s afterglow suddenly caught a glimpse of the battle between humans and the protozoan legion on the screen, and added.

“It’s just that the front-line gastric animals are a little too much, the troops are badly damaged, and the city is full of fearful people, but this is also expected by us… No, wait, maybe there’s something that really concerns you, but you just need to come and see for yourself. ”

Rhode did not hesitate when he heard this, and asked Gu Yina next door to take care of Tiantong Mugen, get dressed, and lock the location of Shinomiya Kaguya through his name positioning to launch a teleportation.

Rhode, who appeared out of thin air, startled Muroto.

“You, how did you suddenly appear?!”

The people around seemed to have seen it for a long time, and they were accustomed to greeting Rhodes as a matter of course.

“Your Majesty, you have arrived.”

Seeing the calm reactions of the people around her, Muroto Pansy’s eyes widened incredulously, and she rubbed her eyes repeatedly as she watched the teenager in front of her.

This somewhat handsome high school student is under the crown of their mouth?!

A wise man who he himself has to admire willingly obeys the orders of a teenager?!

She also thought that the mastermind behind the manipulation of this world-class war would be an old man with a gloomy face, but she never expected that it would be a handsome young man.

Could it be that I can’t keep up with the times?

Even though she still remained sane in her heart, after seeing Rhode Benzun.

Her inner thought also changed from stopping the other party at all costs, and gradually became that maybe the other party also had bitterness.

Shinomiya Kaguya took a piece of information from Ai Hayasaka next to him and handed it to Rhode.

Smelling the scent of a strange woman on him, Shinomiya Kaguya didn’t say anything on the surface, but he just wanted to try the old man’s moves as soon as possible.

Rhodes saw the name of the material.

“Aldi Archives?”

Shinomiya Kaguya turned sideways to get out of the way and motioned for Muroto Pansy to step forward.

“Let Dr. Muroto explain the specific situation to you.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Huh? Ah, okay, this is confidential information that can only be accessed if you hold a level 10 key within the 30th IP ranking in the database. ”

Muroto Pansy suppressed her curiosity about Rhode for the time being, trying to maintain a calm tone.

“You can see that picture in the profile.”

Rhode turned the first page and frowned slightly in disgust.

An inhuman-looking strange creature is lying on the operating table, staring at itself with a strangely enlarged right eye.

The other party’s whole body was wrapped in bandages, and his right shoulder was unusually huge, like an ugly atrophy of his left hand that had been deprived of nutrition.

A third foot grows from the base of the right leg, and the sternum is greatly inflated. No matter the limbs, eyeballs, sexual organs, etc., there are a large number of tubes, and it can be seen from the specific sexual characteristics that it is a woman.

Muroto explained.

“Aldi is the identification code for the subject, taken from Archaeopteryx You must know that all humans alive today, including the eight billion modern human ancestors who totaled eight billion a decade ago, all came from an African woman. ”

Rhode nodded.

“All humans share mitochondrial DNA with their roots in the archaean earth ape known as Aldi 4.4 million years ago. The mitochondria are also known as mitochondrial Eve, the earliest female of mankind. ”

After speaking, Rhode suddenly narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

“Mitochondrial DNA can be inherited through women, is that why the cursed children are all girls?”

Muroto Pansy was a little surprised that Rhode would actually be so perceptive, and he could almost discover the deepest truth of the entire world from just a few words.

It seems that this guy is not simply noble.

“I don’t know the specific situation, but I’m afraid this Aldi is probably the original infected person, and it is also the first time that humans have changed into gastric animals.”

“This also means that enteroviruses are most likely artificially created.”

Muroto Pansy carefully observed Rhode’s facial expression, and saw that the other party did not have a trace of surprise and emotion, but seemed to have expected it.

Wait, this taboo material, he has long known ?!

Rhode was not interested in these human acts of self-destruction, only about the reason for the sudden surge in the power of fear.

“So, Kaguya, what does this have to do with me?”

Shinomiya Kaguya chuckled and looked at Muroto.

“Dr. Muroto, you just told me why enterovirus was named in the first place?”

Muroto replied subconsciously.

“DevilVirus……. Demon virus. ”

“Why is it called a demon virus?”

“Probably because the behavior is very similar to the devil, there are also directly called the Satanic virus, but it seems that the name was changed later in the process of word of mouth.”

Shinomiya Kaguya asked the answer he wanted, and then looked at Rhode with a smile.

“Maybe it’s a coincidence, but I think that’s probably the answer you’re looking for.”

Argel eavesdropped for a long time, and finally couldn’t help but jump out directly at this moment, and said to Rhode excitedly with a righteous and awe-inspiring look.

“Rod! If you don’t want to carry the pot, then let me come! I am used to being hacked, let me bear all the sins of the world! The king comes to allow, the king comes to bear, the king comes to carry everything! ”

Muroto Pansy was once again startled by the head-shaped Arger, and his scientific view was about to collapse.

Rhode is not stupid, how could he be fooled by Arger.


He was equally excited.

Unexpectedly, without complicated planning at all, he directly prostituted the most intense fear power in the entire world!

Since 2021, humans have been defeated by gastric animals.

Ten years later, the number of human beings who have been surviving in the megalithic monument has plummeted from 8 billion to 750 million, and you can imagine how much fear enterovirus has caused people.

Humanity’s fear of enteroviruses surpasses everything!

As long as Rhode finds a way to reactivate the name of the Satanic virus, and then claims that the ten years of the colon war are due to his own judgment.

It is logical to accept all the power of fear accumulated by a whole world!

Then select the humans worth keeping, and then claim that they are the new humans chosen by themselves.

Instead of being afraid of himself, the remaining guys will thank themselves.

Good people and bad people all let themselves be, fear a wave of faith fat.

However, perhaps a big wave can be harvested at the end.

Rodego interrupted and ordered.

“Tendo Mu is now with me, the Tendo family has been in charge of the politics of the Tokyo area for many years, but it is corrupt, and even the giant stone tablet dares to use tofu dregs to project it. Immediately arrange a live broadcast, and be more happy to act as this witness than Tian Tong Mu. ”

Shinomiya Kaguya was worthy of being the one who knew Rhode the best, and immediately understood the deep meaning of Rhode and praised it proudly.

“This would break the will to fight of all those now fighting on the front lines, while adding fear to residents who thought they were safe.” As is customary for politicians, they will definitely deny this. ”

Bee Eater walked in from the shadows with his arms folded and an ugly expression.

“When they have renewed hope, I will release all the missiles to destroy all the megaliths around the world’s human settlements, and plunge everyone into ultimate fear.”

Rhode snapped his fingers and said happily.

“Without the megalithic tablet, the maggots who enjoy the protection of the Cursed Child will not be able to rest easy. They can only kneel down and endure their nausea and pray for the cursed son, but at this point they will only be horrified to find that the cursed son has become their enemy. ”

“Didn’t they say that the son of the cursed is the same kind as the gut monster, and how can I not grant their wishes if I am merciful.”

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