Chapter 2 of the World of Syndromy

The woman in black did not respond to Tokiwa’s question of makeup, but opened the thick book in her hand.

“According to this book, today will be a special day for your Tokiwa makeup dance, but you better be careful of the red robot.”

“Huh? What are you talking about? ”

As soon as Tokiwa’s makeup dance words fell, the two only felt that their eyes flashed, and when they came back to their senses, the woman in black had disappeared.

Sure enough, it’s Woz.

Baili Qianchuan is sure that the woman just now is Woz in Kamen Rider Shiwang’s original play.

It’s just that in this world, whether she is still called Woz, then it is not clear.

“What about people? Why is it gone? ”

Tokiwa looked around, but did not find the woman in black again.

“No need to look for it, she’s gone.”

“Who is that person, is it a magician?” You can also play suddenly disappear, so awesome~”

“Ah, sort of.”

Baili Qianchuan mentioned the spirit of twelve.

Because he knew that danger would follow.

You have to think about countermeasures in advance.

“Time.Mazine! (Time Magic Machine!) )”

A sound effect suddenly sounded, interrupting Baili Qianchuan’s thoughts.

Baili Qianchuan looked up and saw a huge red robot descending from the sky.


This is also coming too fast!

Tokiwa Masamaku exclaimed, “Wow~What is this~”

“Whatever it is! Come on! ”

Hyakuri Qiankawa took Tokiwa’s little hand and ran, while quickly communicating with the system:

“System! Find a way to help us escape! ”

【Ding! Distribute motorcycles – harness the raiders. 】

A small round prop appeared in Baili Qianchuan’s hand, and the method of use had been integrated into his memory.

This round prop is a motorcycle driving watchhead.

Without saying a word, he started the motorcycle to drive the meter head casually, and the meter head changed rapidly.

“Ride.Striker! (Harness the Raiders!) )”

The driver turned into a motorcycle and appeared in front of them.

“Wow! This is…”

“Don’t talk! Get in the car! ”

Hyakuri Chikawa buckled a helmet on Tokiwa’s head and pulled her into the car.

As soon as the throttle was called, the wheels spun rapidly, Tokiwa made up and danced and hugged Baili Qianchuan, and the two galloped away on motorcycles.


The Red Time Demon Machine landed on the ground, the cement floor cracked, and the ground formed two huge footprints.

There is a control room in the Time and Space Magic God Machine, and the one who controls this Time Demon God Machine is a young beauty dressed in red.

The beauty in red has a very good figure, with silky gray hair, and she looks very beautiful.

At this time, she made a straight face and stared closely at Tokiwa Makeup Dance.

“Finally found you, Tokiwa Makeup!”

The Red Time Magic Machine ran towards the motorcycle.

Tokiwa Makeup, who was sitting in the back seat of the motorcycle, glanced back at the giant red robot that was chasing them.

“Qianchuan-kun, what the hell is going on~?”

“That’s here to hunt you down!”

“Chase me? Why? ”

“There are not so many whys, let’s avoid this calamity alive first!”

Baili Qianchuan controlled the motorcycle to walk through the streets and alleys, and the Red Time Demon God Machine chased after him.

The motorcycle finally enters an underground tunnel, which is very narrow and cannot accommodate the huge size of the space-time magic machine.

“Do you think you can run?”

A cold female voice came from the Red Time Demon God Machine.

Baili Qianchuan was stunned again.

Even Gates, is it also feminized?!

The Red Time Magic Machine came directly above the underground tunnel, and the Magic God Machine quickly transformed into a robot.


The Red Time Demon God Machine smashed into the ground with a punch, and the entire tunnel trembled, and the fragments fell one after another.

“I wipe! Walk! ”

Baili Qianchuan started the motorcycle again and drove the motorcycle out of the tunnel quickly.

“Don’t think about leaving!”

The beauty in red was about to chase, and a sound effect suddenly sounded:

“Time.Mazine! (Time Magic Machine!) )”

A white Time Demon Machine appeared from the air, turned into a robot and flew over, holding the red Time Demon Machine and rolling it, throwing it out.


As soon as Baili Qianchuan kicked the brakes, the wheels hugged tightly and a white smoke came out of the ground, and the motorcycle quickly stopped.

Seeing this White Time Demon Machine, he knew that they were saved.

“What’s wrong Chikawa-kun, aren’t we running?”

Tokiwa said dumbfounded.

She had no idea what was going on in the current situation.

“Run, but run with a different tool.”

The White Time Demon quickly changed back into flight mode and flew in front of the two of them, the cabin door opening.

“Come up!”

A familiar girl came out from inside.

Hyakuri Qiankawa retracted the motorcycle and pulled Tokiwa makeup dance into the white time demon machine, and the cabin door closed.

The one who controls the White Time Demon God is a beauty.

This beauty, of course, knows Baili Qianchuan.

Monthly reading.

The heroine of Kamen Rider Shiwang drama.

It looks exactly like the original drama.

Finally saw a familiar face.

Tokiwa asked, “Are you…”

“Talk after introducing yourself, hurry up!”

Monthly reading casually pulled the time bar and then pressed the start button.

“Space-Time Transfer System! Initiate! ”

A hexagonal wormhole cracked in the sky, and the white Time Demon God Machine entered it and disappeared.

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