This exclamation is like a fuse.

Quickly ignited the restless atmosphere in the city.

Everyone looked up at the city.

I saw that Lao Huang was now majestic, holding a half-human-tall wooden box in one hand.

Stepping on the void, the body is like a pine.

Step by step, I walked to the head of the city.

Funeral Sword Building.

The building is six stories high, and one sword slave sits on each floor.

At this time, the six sword slaves saw that someone was going to climb the stairs and hurriedly came to block it.

Six men either hold swords, carry knives, or carry whips.

Each showed his power and attacked Lao Huang in unison.

At this time, Lao Huang seemed to have regained the style of the rivers and lakes of the past.

Quite a sword god’s temperament, hand drive sword fingers, true qi agitation.

The rosewood sword box in his hand unfolded in unison.

Five swords were revealed.

Then the sword pointed straight and the blade came out.

One of the swords directly stirred the void, exhaling a sound of breaking the void.

Straight attack on the six.

The eyes of the six people widened, and the momentum of the forward attack suddenly stopped, and they immediately changed to attack and defense.

I want to dissolve this sword of Lao Huang.

But I didn’t think about it.

A sword is like a shooting star, turning into the sky.

The six people flew out upside down in unison and smashed down the city.

Two killed and four wounded.

The whole city was in an uproar!

“Hey, this is the sword Jiuhuang who was named with Deng Tai’a back then? This fencing move is also the pinnacle. ”

“One move to defeat the six sword slaves, terrifying, when Cao Guanzi ascended the building, it was still a half-day battle, and on the third day to the head of the city, this sword Jiuhuang really became stronger.”

“Maybe I can really defeat that old monster! It’s really worth the trip! ”

Everyone was talking about it, and they were all stunned by Lao Huang’s sword.

“In the twilight years, this is planning to work hard.”

Sitting on the sea watching stone, Deng Tai’a, who climbed high and looked far away, looked at this sword, but secretly shook his head.

He looked at the sword of Sword Jiuhuang and saw it clearly.

A sword with almost full strength, regardless of the cost of True Qi consumption.

This is already a mortal determination to come to war.

After Lao Huang killed six people, he also ascended to the head of the city.

“Jian Jiuhuang came to ask Wang Xianzhi for the Sword Huanglu that year.”

The sound was like thunder, shaking the entire city.

“Defeat the old man, you can take it at will.”

At this time, among the tallest pavilions in the city.

A figure suddenly struck, and everyone saw blurred, when they saw it again.

The other party had already come to the opposite side of Lao Huang.

He carries his hands on his back, and his body is as deep as the sea.

It is also like a majestic mountain, which cannot be shaken.

Lao Huang said no more.

The momentum of his body shook violently, and the countless blades on the funeral sword building began to tremble and buzz.

“Sword one, a sword to open the dust and walk away the dragon snake.”

Old Huang Zhenqi poured into his palm, and then slammed into the sword box.

The sword shook like a dragon’s groan.

Then a sword came out, wrapped in great power, and only attacked the face of Wang Immortal.

Seeing this, Wang Xianzhi shook his head slightly.

Only one arm was extended.

With a flick of his sleeve, the vast true qi rushed out of the mountains and seas, directly setting off Lao Huang’s sword.

Lao Huang’s sword move was actually not even three feet into Wang Xianzhi’s body.

Old Huang expressionlessly pulled out the second sword.

“Sword two, two yi give birth to each other and tilian.”

Inside the box, the blade flew out, echoing the previous one.

Qi killed Wang Xianzhi.

Wang Xianzhi still treated it indifferently, and his sleeves were flicked.

Protecting the body, the two swords came three feet in front of his body and still could not break through.

“Come again!”

Lao Huang snorted softly.

The sword power of the surrounding body is one more point stronger.

“Sword three, the sword qi on the sword weighs three catties.”

“Sword four, floating and sinking and shaking four clouds.”

“Sword Five, Wind and Snow West Heaven Send Guanyin.”


Eight swords came out in one breath, and the blades in the five boxes pulled out brilliant sword flowers in the void.

A total of forty-nine moves.

Wang Xianzhi stood still, dealt with it with one hand, and broke it.

Even the corner of the clothes has not been broken by half a point.

Panting like a stuffy cow, beads of sweat rolled down from Lao Huang’s forehead.

His figure stumbled unsteadily, and his legs couldn’t stop trembling.

“Old, really old…”

He was still teasing.

Unable to hang his hands, he took out a gourd from his arms.

Wang Xianzhi’s expression was as usual, waiting for the other party to act.

Lao Huang’s trembling hands forcefully broke open the mouth of the wine jug.

Suddenly, a burst of wine aroma entered the old yellow nose.


The body does not tremble, and the hands do not tremble.

“Please also ask Gongzi to help the old and young!”

Ask the sky with wine.

Pour in one mouthful.


The aroma of wine wafted all over the city, and the sword intent was in the heart.

Lao Huang threw away the empty wine jug.

Loose hair, flaunted.

The sword intent that rushed into the sky suddenly erupted from this wind candle body.

The sword intent is extremely high, straight through Changhong.

On Lao Huang’s cheeks, several more wrinkles were visible to the naked eye.

But his momentum has reached the top.

Climbing to the point that even if he Wang Xianzhi did, he didn’t dare to underestimate it anymore.

Wang Xianzhi slowly stretched out his hands.

With your hands hanging on your sides, your heart is like a tidal wave.

Looking at the desperate blow that this old man was about to unleash, his eyes finally showed more color.

“Sword Nine, Bad Horse Yellow Wine Six Ganli.”

Jian Jiuhuang’s hand drove the sword finger, pointing like a Xuan needle, pointing out.

In an instant.

The sword blades of the funeral sword building soared upwards and turned into the Milky Way in the sky.

And then it pours down.

It’s like the Milky Way hanging upside down for nine days.

Wang Xianzhi’s blatant true qi rushed like a tide, and his palms hung in the sky.

Hard sword Jiu Huang this fateful blow.

Countless heroes in the city were stunned, and their hearts trembled.

This sword finally destroyed half of the city.

The clothes of Wang Xianzhi’s entire upper body were destroyed, and a number of blood stains slipped from his body.

But in the end, it didn’t change the result.

Wang Xianzhi slowly walked out of the ruins.

Looking at the shaky old man, he slowly raised his palm.

There seems to be thunder and thunder between the palms.

This is his greatest respect for this swordsman.

Then a palm slammed down.

Lao Huang closed his eyes with a smile.

Just when everyone thought that the duel was over.

The sky is shining brightly.

Then it fell in front of Wang Immortal like a shooting star.

Blocked Wang Xianzhi’s powerful palm.

The golden halo faintly dissipated, revealing a mighty long sword.

The sword body is engraved with the sun, moon and dust on one side, and mountains and rivers and plants are painted on the other.

The domineering of the end is unmatched.

The sword comes first.

A white suit came into the air.

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