Chapter 0170 – Bullying the Small with the Big? Lin Yu Taijigong overcomes rigidity with softness!!

Lin Yu’s hand turned the heaven and earth upside down.

The murderous intention suddenly appeared.

In an instant, the remnants of the cloud rolled in.

Wrap the tension layer by layer.

And the upper Yin Academy Palace below is crumbling.

The mountain is about to collapse.

“Bastard boy!”

“Let’s fight, fight.”

“Don’t hurt the land of the sages!”

Zhang Fu shook his eyes and saw that the Shangyin Academy Palace under his feet was about to collapse in one day.

Dengshi said angrily.

Lin Yu made this move.

It’s not just yourself who suffers.

It’s the students below.

You will also suffer a lot with yourself. This is something he cannot tolerate.

Lin Yu’s eyes rolled around.

Fortunately, the palm pressed.

The mountain, which was about to collapse, stopped at a moment’s notice.

The entire Shangyin Academy Palace was no longer shaking.

Just as Zhang Fuxiang breathed a sigh of relief.

But he saw Lin Yu controlling the heaven and earth killing machine.

Uproot the buildings in the hinterland of the school palace layer by layer.

Reduced to wasteland.

Some of the masters of the palace who stayed at the door of the room to watch a good show.

At this time, one by one, their faces were like earth.

Suddenly, he rushed out of the room with all his might.

No one’s life was harmed.

It’s just that most of the houses in the hinterland of the Xuegong have turned into loess.

Wrapped up.

With the residual clouds into the momentum of heaven and earth.

Wrap Zhang Fuwan inside.


“There is a Taoliu bamboo house where the old man has lived for hundreds of years!”


Zhang Fu shook his beard and glared. I didn’t expect Lin Yu to make such a loss.

If you can’t hurt yourself, you will go to the Yin Academy Palace.

Shangyin Academy Palace is comparable to Zhang Fuwan’s half-life! Lin Yu smiled and said nothing.

You old boy is bothering me.

There has to be a price.

Otherwise, after the fight, the two will not be painful.

It’s a waste of your time.

All I want is that you old boy is angry and corrupted.

At this time, the heaven and earth net laid by Lin Yu had been completed.

Just like Wang Xianzhi did at the beginning.

Heaven and earth.

They are all wrapped in this huge cloud ten balls in the upper earth as heaven and the lower clouds in the interior.

The killing machine is spread throughout the cloud ball.

In the outside world.

All the students saw this amazing spectacle.

It’s all fried.

“When it is really a fight between immortals, mortals suffer, even the hinterland of our school palace has been demolished, with the current means of the sword emperor, I am afraid it will not be too difficult to destroy the entire Shangyin school palace, right?”

“I always feel like I’ve seen this scene somewhere… That’s right! The original battle between the Sword Emperor and Wang Lao Monster at the head of Nawu Emperor City! Wang Xianzhi used such magical powers! It’s like what’s it called… Heaven and earth turned upside down! ”

“I now look at the gloomy and terrifying sky, in addition to the rich Confucian luck, there is also the terrifying killing machine that spreads all over the sky, every killing opportunity, to die can destroy a first-grade realm master.”

The wonders of the sky, in an instant, have attracted countless people to talk about it.

Some people who had seen the battle between Lin Yu and Wang Xian.

At this moment, pointing at the huge cloud ball, he exclaimed again and again, and shouted against the sky.

How bold is the heavens and the earth overturned!

Inside the giant cloud sphere.

Lin Yu had already intersected with Zhang Fu’s four hands.

A fist-to-flesh hand-to-hand combat unfolded.

The old man who looked as thin as wood and could not help the wind.

At this time, it is like a pillar of heaven standing up in the world.

Lin Yu’s fist peaks beckoned the old man’s nasal cavity, throat, ribs, and even the root of life.

But the old man Minmin can resist hard with a body blessed by the domineering Confucian qi luck.

On the contrary, after Lin Yu’s every move.

All have to eat the old man’s head hammer.

Or knock your palm as a claw and hit Lin Yu’s joints directly.

A claw is waved, and the wind howls.

Even if it is empty, the aftermath on its claws.

It can still open a huge hole in the huge clouds.

Confucian qi luck erodes layer by layer.

It made Lin Yu have no time to repair it.


Lin Yu was secretly shocked in his heart.


The old monster that has lived for eight hundred years really cannot be underestimated.

Whether it is combat experience, plan and resourcefulness.

They’re all tough.

Hand-to-hand combat alone.

Lin Yu really couldn’t take advantage of anything.


Lin Yu’s eyes flowed.

Look at this old man who has a sharp move and a straight move.

The qi in Lin Yu’s body shook out.

The old man who directly wrestled with him shook out of the long three zhang.

Then his momentum suddenly changed.

In an instant, the dust flickered out, and it fit the heaven and the earth.

The terrifying heavenly power struck layer by layer like a wave.

I couldn’t help but bless Lin Yu’s cloud ball to be stronger.

I won’t think like Zhang Fu shaking a hole with one claw before.

And above Lin Yu’s hands.

Two unique qi lucks, one black and one white, gradually manifested.

It can be seen with the naked eye, stirring the firmament and disturbing the heaven and earth qi machine.

Even the huge Confucian luck controlled by Zhang Fulang was chaotic by Lin Yu.

Zhang Fuxiang’s eyes widened.

Looking at what Lin Yu did, his heart shook inexplicably.

What kind of magic is this?

It can actually interfere with the flow of his own qi engine! To know.

The world’s top masters fight.

Compared to a gas machine, it is longer.

Whoever is angry with the captain, that person’s odds of victory are greater.

The Tianwei that can be controlled is one point stronger.

Originally, it monopolized the world’s eighty percent Confucian Taoist luck.

Zhang Fulang can be described as invincible.

But it was disturbed by Lin Yu’s unique Heavenly Dao means.

Zhang Fuwan’s state became extremely chaotic at this moment.

Shi Qiang is also like a peak saint.

Shi is weak, it seems that even a first-class master cannot compare.

How could this not make Zhang Fuxian feel panicked.

Lin Yu is now pregnant with a Dao True Body in his body, and the Tai Chi Gong he has performed is already extraordinary.

All things in heaven and earth can transform yin and yang.

One is divided into two, two is divided into four, and the four points are endless.

Lin Yu is now, the stronger the enemy.

The more powerful the attack he displays, the more powerful he becomes.

Specializing in treating Zhang Fulang like this, bullying the small with the big.

Yin and yang are in a hurry.

Lin Yu stepped on the Yin and Yang Taiji diagram.

Straight to the top.

Killing, defending, and soft.

Zhang Fulang suffered a big loss in the first round of fighting Lin Yu.

He saw Lin Yuhu coming with his steps.

Don’t dare to be careless.

The hand hung over the river and waved towards Lin Yu.

The clouds that were originally controlled by Lin Yu suddenly turned into countless cloud snakes.

was pulled by Zhang Fu and rushed towards Lin Yu.

But what Zhang Fuwan never expected.

These countless terrifying cloud snakes that have been carried by Confucian luck and can destroy mountains and rocks

When he went, he was fierce, but after reaching Lin Yu’s body.

At any time, Lin Yu’s strange body move.

The black and white qi around his body began to circulate.

Then it gathered into a cloud ball the size of a wine altar in Lin Yu’s hands.

But the Confucian power mixed with him has not decreased.

On the contrary, it is getting stronger.

It was in amazement when Zhang Fuxiang looked at it.

Lin Yu pushed the cloud ball in his hand abruptly. Zhang Fushake’s attack.

Directly returned by Lin Yu several times.

Directly stunned Zhang Fuwan.

Feel the terrifying cloud ball that rushes towards you, like destroying the heavens and the earth.

When Zhang Fu ascended, he went all out.

The golden glow around his body was picked up in front of him by one of his hands.

It turned into a pale golden barrier.

Hard catch Lin Yu’s return attack.


The huge cloud ball was directly penetrated by layers of golden light.

The sky shook.

The shaking dispersed the cloudless.

The bright sun reveals the world…

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