After that Feng Ruo Chen did it twice more, and later Fang Jing Zai exhale more than inhale.

When he woke up, Feng Ruo Chen was sitting in front of the table while reading something with a faint candle light. After hearing a sound, he looked up, his smile still looked so good,” Awake already?”

Fang Jing Zai felt like he was being beaten up all over his body, his whole body was in pain, especially the place that being entered, he got mad and turned his head.


Fang Ruo Chen didn’t say anything, put aside his pen, he got up and went to the door to call for waiter to prepare hot water and dinner.

Fang Jing Zai just put an annoyed face and let Feng Ruo Chen got busy to serve him, and made him looked perfectly like the master.

“I see that you’re often go to Qi Xiang Ge (Brothel’s name), but when it’s your turn, you just like a block of wood, how can you not learn to ‘enjoy in bed’?” Feng Ruo Chen folded up his sleeves to help Fang Jing Zai that sit in the tub scrubbing his back, scrubbing and scrubbing, somehow he just came out with such sentence.

Fang Jing Zai turned his head and glared at Feng Ruo Chen,” A block of wood you still can did it thrice? Why don’t you show me the ‘enjoy in bed’ of you?!” After he said that he just began to regret, he was totally drunken that time and not clear of the condition at all, maybe Feng Ruo Chen faced no less bitterness than him. Such a thought, his heart felt a little comfort.

The room was very quiet, only the water moving sound from the tub, both of them remained silent, then the atmosphere began to felt repressed, surprisingly strange.

Just less than a month ago, they were two people that not even gave a single greet to each other when passing by on the road, and now they even rolled on the same bed, also rolled twice. Fang jing Zai’s heart suddenly had a question, why last time when he got drunk and forcefully embrace Feng Ruo Chen, the next morning he seemed like nothing happened, even use an abacus to bargain with him!

‘Don’t tell me even in this sort of thing i can’t even compare myself to Feng Ruo Chen?’

He felt dejected.

Mentioned of Mister Ruo Chen, always well-known as an outstanding man, handsome, extraordinary, got literary talent, graceful but not showy, romantic, and once talking about business, he was strong and tough.

But why the world always compared the treasure with the bad goods, so the treasure will be more dazzling, in contrast the bad goods will be uglier, and unfortunately Fang Jing Zai was that piece that often used to compare with the treasure.

In fact, he didn’t lose that bad. He sometimes reminded himself. But that person was really too good, maybe if he was always being compared with the treasure, he will begin to hate himself.

Fang Jing Zai held his legs, he put his forehead on the knee, yet he felt his heart ached like a stone stuck inside.  

A dry cloth fell on his head, that man’s moved very lightly to help drying his hair, yet he handed another piece of dry cloth to Fang Jing Zai and then turned to walk out, until Fang Jing Zai finish drying himself and walked out of the tub, a cloth was put on Fang’s shoulder by Feng, Fang Jing Zai subconsciously raised his arms, just like every morning he got up Chu Jiu was helping him dressed.

“Fang second lord, are you satisfied with ‘lowly servant’s’ service?” *Feng was purposely said that he was a lowly servant.

Feng Ruo Chen’s playful words heard by Fang Jing Zai, when he said it, he was helping Fang Jing Zai straightened and comb his hair.

Fang Jing didn’t answer him, he was thinking of some mess just now so he didn’t realize, and now he just started to feel a little embarrassed. Even if he was always hanging around and flirting a lot, he spent money to have fun, he was not used to such intimate and ambiguous movement.

Becoming husband and wife, loving each other.

Fang Jing Zai felt his face was burning, he turned around and grabbed the jade hairpin from Feng’s hand,” I will do it myself.”

Feng Ruo Chen seemed like he didn’t notice Fang’s embarrassment, smiled and walked straight out, tidied up the booklet that he read just now.

“Hey! What business you have to do in Jiang Ning?” ‘Don’t tell me that he really came here to collect the debt.’ Fang Jing Zai talked inside his heart.

Feng Ruo Chen raised his head, he smiled,” That day when I went to your house, I got some businesses to take care of, I casually said that after some days I will go to Jiang Ning, your big brother said that you also have come to Jiang Ning, so he asked me to take care of you, he said that you still like a child, recklessly…”

The hairpin grabbed in Fang Jing Zai’s hand crack and broke into pieces.

“What happened?”


‘Damn!’ Fang Jing Zai clenched his fists, want to cry but no tears,’ Big brother, how can you betray your brother? The fire pit, you really have to push me down into the fire?!’

Then, Fang Jing Zai finally understood ------ in this world, no one can be as unfortunate as him.

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