
Chapter 15

'Hmm, this is so soft, what kind of pillow is this?.... This is a nice dream' Fendrel unconsciously keeps rubbing his face, on the so-called pillow in his dream. Until he heard a sound that takes away his soul.

"hmm, yo-your maj-" a little moan came out of lavender's mouth, which makes fendrel jump in fright. He looked at lavender whose face looked like a ripe peach. Then slowly shifted his gaze at lily in the corner, who's looked at him. Like he was some kind of creepy pervert. "Your majesty...is a pervert" lily muttered.

Even though lily said that in a low voice, but fendrel heard it clearly. It entered in his ear, straight to his heart which stabs him mercilessly.

"Lavender Wha-What happens, how did my face get buried into.... your, uhm, you know? fendrel asked.

"Your majesty, I want to wake you up, but when I'm close enough you suddenly hug me and buried your majesty's face in my br-"

"Okay, I'm sorry" fendrel quickly stop lavender, from saying that b-word. He then changes the topic.

"Ahem, so....are we close to the village now?" fend asked.

"Yes your majesty, I-" Lavender stop talking because someone shouted outside of the carriage. 'These guys, don't have manners'

"Your majesty, we already arrived at the village" It's franco.

"Okay, I will go down immediately" fendrel plans to attacked head-on, since they have the advantage in terms of number, have more elite warriors. Why sneak attack at night, and not necessarily his soldiers would like to use underhanded taktik.


In a shady, and seemed to resemble a throne, an orc was leisurely sitting on it, with the two human-like bunny sitting on his lap, the two bunny were full of bruises on their body, and their hollow eyes resembled like that of a dead fish. The orc's hand keep on fondling lewdly on the twos body, but the two bunny didn't even make any sound at all, even the orc touched their sensitive part, they didn't flinch even a little, if you didn't take notice of their pumping chest, you might think that they're already dead.

Suddenly the door open with a loud bang, furthermore an agitated, as well as a terrified orc, come in.

The chief orc looked at the person icily. "If you don't give me a satisfying explanation, you will die right here!" the orc chief said with a chilly tone, which makes the person who barged in even paler.

"Lord Grat, have mercy on me. I only barged in rudely, because there's a group of people outside, saying that they will be going to conquer our village in an hour" the person explains nervously.

"A bunch of ignorant fool! Who else in this f*cking barren land that has the ability to fight me!!. The bunny people!, or those useless goblins!, TELL ME!!." Grat question the orc with a bloodshed eye, the orc almost pissed in his pants.

"Have mercy on me lord grat! I'm a useless person, an ignorant one that didn't know the vastness of lord grats greatness. I shouldn't bother lord grat, please lord grat give me a second chance, this will not happen again!." the orc begs for his life, because a big spiked club was already atop of his head, ready to smash him to death.

"Hmph!, good that you know" grat retract his club, "Now, tell the four to kill all the troublemakers, and get out of my sight!!"

The orc sighed in relief, and hastily crawled out of the room.


"Your majesty It's already past an hour" lavender reminded fendrel.

"Okay let's go, what about the orc's reactions" fendrel asked.

"I think they take our warning properly, but I didn't saw their chief, and only her four elite, your majesty" lavender answered.

"Ohh, that's interesting" fendrel found it amusing.

Fendrel came out of the carriage, and towards the soldiers, all the soldiers were already lining up like veteran soldiers they have so much discipline. The knights were in the front, rising their shield, resembled that of a towering fortress. The barbarians, swordmans, and the 30+ goblins were in the middle, radiating a fierce aura like an awoken dragon. The archers were in the back, ready to strike at any moment. The thiefs were scattering around the trees on the side, using stealth, ready to take a life like a reaper.

Seeing the soldiers fendrel felt extremely satisfied, 'That's right, they are born warriors'.

After seeing fendrel, all the soldiers cheer in unison, "ALL HAIL YOUR MAJESTY!!" Fendrel raised a hand, all the soldiers quieted down and looked at fendrel in respect.

"Today is our first war! my soldiers you might die today! but your soul will be forever in the blood moon village!. You are a hero!...a brave warrior of blood moon!... At this very moment is where our conquest officially starts!!.... LET THEM KNOW WHAT A SOLDIERS OF BLOOD MOON WERE MADE OF!!... ATTACK!!" Fendrel always likes saying this kind of stuff in the game, even though he knows it himself, that they were just a bunch of 'AI' that didn't really respond to him. But now seeing the passion, full of fighting spirit in their eyes, amidst the fight they were about to face that may take their life. Makes fendrel feel proud, 'This is what a real soldier is.


The knights were the first ones to advance, in an orderly manner. They rise their tattered shield in front while advancing. Followed by the barbarians, and archers.

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