
Chapter 20

"Reporting to your majesty!, I found two unknown creature in the village!" They were about to leave, when black suddenly shouted outside of his carriage. Fendrel open the door and step out, Lavender followed suit.

"Hmm, what is it?" fendrel asked

"I don't know your majesty, but I'm sure that they were not orc or human"

"Ok, bring the two here"

After some time, two thief carrying something, walk towards them.

After seeing what the two are, fendrel's heart skipped a beat. 'Isn't this the demihuman bunny creature, wait they're not dead right.'

"Black, are this two already dead?" Fendrel asked.

"They are still alive your majesty, if you look carefully at their chest. They are still barely breathing."

Fendrel looked carefully at their chest 'Ohh, they are really breathing'

"Lavender, can you heal them" Fendrel asked lavender.

"I will try your majesty" A mystical book materialize infront of lavender, It flipped pages to pages, eventually it stopped.

"RESTORATION" A white light covered the two bunny creature, it didn't take long, the light faded away.

Their adorable ears twitched a little, afterwards their eyes slowly opened, then standing up with difficulty. The two thief hurriedly support the two. The two looked around, eventually their gaze stop at fendrel.

They slowly walked towards fendrel, with their dead fish like eyes glued on him.

When the two was already infront of fendrel, an unexpected scene happened. They suddenly kneeled down, and hastily take his pants off. Fendrel literally jumped in fright, and looked at the two in disbelief. Even the onlookers was dumbfounded.

"You two wha-"

"Master, don't torture us. We will give you a good performance." The two said with no emotions.

'What kind of hardships did these two experience, in the hands of that asshole.' Fendrel felt pity for the two. 'For them to behave like this. Aghh, I wish I can kill that demon again.' Fendrel can understand what the two were saying, since the two surprisingly used human language.

All the onlookers become angry, and wish to tear the orc chief apart. But the orc chief was already dead, so they can only gritted their teeth in anger.

Lavender approach the two, and give the two a warm hug.

"It's all over now, his majesty is not like that scum orc. We will not torture you like he did.... You are free now." Lavender comforted the two.

After hearing it, a crystal clear tears rolled down, on the twos both checks. The two cried in lavender's embrace for some time, before stopping.

"Lavender let the two in" Fendrel then get inside the carriage, lavender followed while escorting the two.


They were already started marching towards the village, inside the carriage, fendrel looked at the two demihuman bunny, who's also looking at him. Now fendrel can clearly see the two, they have a cute humanlike face. Two fluffy ears that make one wanted to touch them, even fendrel had an urge to touch them, he's just preventing himself not to.

Fendrel also already know, what their names is, its Shia and Tsai. That's the only thing fendrel know, because the two did not talk again after telling their names. Fendrel really can't imagine, what traumatic experience this two got through. Fendrel regretted that he become merciful, and give that asshole a quick death.

After an hour, they have reached the village. All the orcs was amaze, no, even fendrel's soldiers were amazed. Because the fence got taller, there was also one new watch tower.

And when they entered, they were greeted by the smiling, cheering goblins. All the goblins were now dressed in clothes made of hides. All of their clothes had come from the girl goblin, who's called pia. By selling the clothes, pia build a small store on the side of his house, since its an empty plot. She hired some goblins to build him a small store. All these things was taught by gioz, gioz thought them how to build simple houses. How to use tools, he taught all the things he knew from adventuring outside, to the goblins.

They all now knows how to make themselves clean. Although they were still small majority, who can speak to human language. But they were trying their best, to try and learned the language faster.

Also some goblins have small stall on the side of the road. They are selling some meat, that they hunt outside. Also gioz told them that in the future. Money were going to be an important part of the village. The money they were using, they found it in the forest. They save it somehow, when they are still living like a scavengers. And also the important thing, gioz told them that if they don't act like a civilized person, he will personally toss them out of the village. So they were really pushing themselves to take a new life.

Fendrel was amazed after seeing all the goblins, he really didn't have a time to see the goblins. Since he has been busy lately, but now seeing them transform, was really giving him a sense of accomplishment. He was also thankful to gioz, for his passion to make the goblins a civilized race. If not for gioz, it would be hard for him to transform the goblins.

Seeing all the goblins, shagar was amazed. As far as he knows, the goblins were even dirtier than them. But seeing them having clothes, and having a good life.... 'If my husband know, that there's a village like this. Maybe he will take us here, we probably avoided that tragedy.' shagar hugged his one year old child tightly.

"Starting today, mama promise that I will take good care of you, from now on. And rise you like a normal child" Although the child was confused, but since his mama hugged him. He hugged him back. Even though the child was still one year old, his height was that of five year old human child.

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