
Chapter 71

"Now, Sansa... Tell me what happened to you, and why you are wearing a mask." Adrian said they are inside of his big carriage, Adrian bought two carriages with him. One for him, and the other for the goods.

They were now on their way to the Orhill town, Sansa then started narrating what happened to them, how they got chased by a Tier 2 beast and almost got wiped out. After Sansa finished narrating, Adrian takes in a deep breath.

" 'Sigh' You shouldn't venture into the forest, you almost got yourself killed... Take off your mask, I want to see the scar." Adrian said.

"But... Uncle Adrian..." Sansa hesitated.

"Why are you hesitating?"

Hearing Adrian, Sansa resolves herself and takes off her mask. Shortly after, Adrian takes in another deep breath. Then looked at Carl... Eventually, he sighed in helplessness. Carl, on the other hand, was looking at the ground. Didn't have the courage to look at Sansa's Uncle.

"You lass, really giving your father a quick death. If he sees you with your condition right now... 'Sigh' " Adrian stopped his sentence and sighed out of helplessness.

"Right! Uncle Adrian! Father is going to be okay now, right?! The Neepfrog can prolong father's life!" Sansa said with excitement.

Seeing Sansa, Adrian felt pain in his heart. Her father already consumed a potion brewed with a Neepfrog's life essence juice. However, no one knows only him.

"Is that why you venture the forest, to find this?" He asked.

"Hmm" Sansa nodded.

"He is okay... Next time you will never be going to venture into this forest again, understand?!" He scolded her, to change the topic, he continued. "Do you know your father, put a one million rewards quest to find you? One million gold coins are half of our family's revenue for a year. But that old man didn't hesitate to put that in the adventurers guild for a quest to find you... So next time, think about your father before you do something again, okay?"

"Understood Uncle Adrian... I'm sorry for giving our family a problem." Sansa said with an apologetic face. She felt guilty about what she did, she makes her old father worry about him.

"It's okay now, just don't do it again." Adrian said... As though he remembered something, he continued. "Ohh... By the way, you said someone healed you, there's a priest in that village?"

"Ahm, Unc-..." Carl stopped his sentence seeing Adrian's murderous glared. "Ahem... Sir Adrian, I don't know if she is a priest, but..." Carl hesitated, then looked at Sansa. The latter just avoided his gaze, like telling him that it's your problem.

However, eventually, Sansa helps him out. "Uncle, Promise to keep it a secret ok."

"Yeah-yeah, I promise not to tell anyone." Adrian said he felt ridiculous, why these kids acting so secretive.

"Ahm... She's a human, Uncle Adrian." Sansa said lowly, afraid that someone outside would hear him.

"What!! A human, how could an acolyte live in a monster village?!!"

"Uncle! tone down your voice!" Sansa glared at him.

Adrian tried to calm down himself, after hearing such a bomb revelation, he said. "Don't worry lass, this is a soundproof carriage, so no one can hear us... My old heart really can't take what happened today." Adrian lamented, all the things that happened today, was too much for his old self.

"What are you talking about, Uncle Adrian. You are only in your forties, you are still young!" Sansa rolled his eyes, hearing his uncle.

"Lass, forty is considered old in human age... Wait, don't change the topic. I'm still not done with you." Adrian said he continued. "You youngsters really have some guts, to stay in a monster village. You know that it's dangerous... You don't know what those monsters are thinking, they might kill you all suddenly without saying anything."

"Ahh, Uncle don't say such thing, Sir Fendrel's is my savior, he saved us all. Moreover, the monsters living in Sir Fendrel's village are completely different from what I heard from 'you' and from the book, I read." Sansa said, emphasizing the 'you' word.

"Lass, what are you talking about. Yeah, I do admit that he was different, from the usual monsters I meet, because the monster has that hateful gaze with them, even though they talking to you calmly... When I'm having a trade with him I felt like I'm not trading with a monster, but a wise, noble human... But still, you shouldn't trust monsters easily, understood." Adrian said, he felt like talking to Fendrel was like talking to a fellow human, rather than a monster. He was soo calm and collective, moreover, he has that manner of someone who was a high-class noble.

"Understood..." Sansa said lowly, while facing downward. Of course, she knows, this is not her first encounter with a monster. When they are doing a gathering quest with Carl, they always need to look out for the beasts and monsters. However, after staying at Fendrel's village, her perspective about monsters takes a U-turn. Monsters are not necessarily bad, they just need a reliable leader.

"Then, that's good. This is for your own sake." Adrian said, seeing Sansa's down mood.

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