
Chapter 77

Hearing the seriousness of Lavender's voice, he has a bad feeling about it.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Your Majesty... Black's group had an incident..." Before Fendrel could reply to him, she continued. "But, Your Majesty shouldn't worry too much. I already ordered some Thieves to rescue Black."

Hearing it, Fendrel takes in a long breath trying to calm himself down. He said with a heavy tone. "Why you didn't tell me first? And what kind of accident?"

"We still didn't know, Your Majesty. Since after Miss Lily told us that Black needs some help, and giving me the map. She immediately lost consciousness... As for why I didn't tell Your Majesty First... Because I'm being careful if the threat was still there, and Your Majesty go to rescue Black. It would be disastrous for us and the village if something happens to Your Majesty." He said, looking straight at Fendrel's eyes.

Hearing it, Fendrel can't help but felt a little angry. However, seeing Lavender's face who was looking at him with resoluteness, as though telling him that whatever happens, I won't let you go. He sighs and calmed himself down.

"Where is Lily?" He calmly asked.

"She is in the Church right now, Your Majesty, and being treated by the Priest." Lavender said.

"En... Let's go." He then exited the lab room, with Lavender followed behind him. As for Gioz who was silent all this time, just bowed to them, and didn't follow them.


Right now, Fendrel was looking at Lily lying on the bed, unconscious.

"She is now in stable condition, Your Majesty. She was only unconscious, because of depletion on her mana pool... She should be able to regain consciousness after her mana pool recovered, so Your Majesty shouldn't worry too much." Romarod said.

Just like for warriors, excessive use of Aura would exhaust the user, and eventually become paralyzed because of tiredness. Whereas the mages would become unconscious, upon depleting their mana. Although it sounds like the warriors fare better, however, the outcome would still be the same. Death by the hands of your enemy, that's why players won't make their stamina or mana go down below 10%, because that would be asking to be killed. Moreover, in the game your stamina or mana wouldn't just generate within a minute, it needs at least a day.

Of course, you can generate your mana and stamina by using potions. However, the system didn't have mana in its store. So, Fendrel's only choice was to wait for Lily to gained consciousness, and ask what had happened to them.

"Then, that's good to hear." Fendrel sigh in relief, aside from Lily was soo important to his village. She was also his first subordinate and the closest to him.

"Whoever did this to you, would pay a hundred times. I promise you that." Fendrel said chilling tone, contrary the surrounding temperature began to rise.

"Your Majesty..." Lavender called out to Fendrel, after sensing the change of surrounding temperature. Furthermore, she also felt uncomfortable that he cannot explain.

Hearing Lavender's voice, Fendrel come back to his sense, shortly after the surrounding temperature also comes back to normal.

"Sorry for that." Fendrel said.

"Don't be sorry, Your Majesty. We won't mind." Romarod said, even if His Majesty killed him on the spot, he won't defend himself. That's how deep his worship to Fendrel, kind of perverted.

"What about Black?" Fendrel asked.

"They should be arriving around an hour, Your Majesty... As for Black, I don't have a clue on what his condition, Your Majesty. Miss Lily didn't have a chance to tell me since she lost consciousness right away... However, Your Majesty, if he is bleeding, and has a deep injury. Then... I don't think he has a chance to survive..." Lavender said, looking at Fendrel.

"En..." Fendrel nodded, he already ready and steeled himself, for this kind of situation. Where one of his subordinates, would die along with his journey. However, when that time comes, it still gives him uncomfortable feelings.


After an hour of waiting, the thieves finally got back, with Black with them, in the back of one of the thieves.

The acolyte hurriedly brings the one that carrying Black, at the back of the Church. Where Fendrel, Lavender, and Romarod.

The trio, who was patiently waiting inside we're disrupted when the door suddenly opens. Seeing that it was Black, Romarod stand up and told the thief to put Black on the bed.

"See what's his condition." Fendrel ordered Romarod.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Romarod then began to inspect Black.

After some time, he said. "Your Majesty, miraculously Sir Black is still breathing. However, he needs immediate healing treatment."

"Can't you treat him?" Fendrel asked.

Romarod became silent for some time, before speaking. "I can, Your Majesty... However, I need to prepare. Since, this is a high-level spell for my rank, Your Majesty."

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