
Chapter 99

"En, let him wait inside." Fendrel already knew who the guest was, there was only one person that likes to visit his village, it's Avalon.

Fendrel told all his subordinates to stay in the meeting room for now. He doesn't want to let Avalon know that he already has Tier 2 soldiers under him. Although that guy was kinda dumb, he was still wary of him.

After all that, he exited the room. There in the living room, he found Avalon was sitting on the new sofa comfortably. Hearing steps, he turned around and smiled which make Fendrel felt annoyed for some reason.

"Ohh, Fendrel... You really know how to hide some good things." Avalon said, acting like he was disappointed.

Seeing Avalon, Fendrel felt like punching his face. "May I know what is the reason for Sir Avalon to visit my small village?" Fendrel said, casually.

"Hahaha, straight to the point..." Avalon laughs out loud. After some time, Avalon stopped and becomes serious. "The Dragonborn's attacked one of the villages that father painstakingly recruited... So he ordered to initiate the attack earlier than the agreed time, to all the villages..."

"Oh, and did they know that we are going to attack them?" Fendrel said, with a puckered brows.

"That's also troubling Father, he said that there might be a traitor in the town. And a close one to him, like the five Tier 2 Captain... Or one of the Chiefs" Avalon said with a gritted teeth, looked at Fendrel with a profound gaze. Fendrel didn't even flinch and just stood there calmly.

"Whoever is the traitor, I will make sure they will regret what they did."

After seeing that Avalon has calm down, Fendrel spoke. "So does your Father want us to attack right away?... I already have a target that I chose, so I can attack anytime." Fendrel said plainly.

"My Father said you can attack, whenever you want. However, it will better to attack as soon as possible." Avalon said.

"En..." Fendrel nodded.

These past fifteen days, Fendrel already had a meeting with the other Chiefs. They discuss some things and then afterward choose the target that they wanted to attack. Fendrel chose a race that similar to the Harpies in his previous life, however, they were humanoids and have an Eagle's head.

Fendrel picked this tribe because he wanted to absorb them into his village. Furthermore, to make them his soldiers. It would be good to have a unit that can fly. The system soldier points were limited since this was not a game anymore, that has a trading system where he can buy a bulk of Soldier Points. So, he needs to find another way to make his soldiers grow, and that is to recruit the locals of this world.

Although the locals can receive the same benefits from the system, as long as they accept Fendrel as their king or leader. They're still not as good as the soldiers from the system, who would willingly go through the sea of fire, as long as he ordered to. Whereas the local would not go that far, that's why he emphasis Franco to disciplines the local soldiers. Furthermore, he also started adding some benefits. Like giving them salaries every month, Fendrel was not that much concerned about the money. Since those gold coins will be going back to him after he implemented the Taxes after he upgraded his village to town.

After he picked the Harpies all the Chiefs looked at him, like they were looking at an idiot. Harpies were the tribe they wanted to avoid as much as possible, the first reason was they can fly freely, so, it would be hard to kill them. Second, their claws were soo sharp, which can tear anything apart. The last reason was their Chief, it's a strong Tier 2 harpy that can use a wind element aura.


"I will go now Fendrel, I still need to visit the other Chiefs..." Avalon said.

"Then, be safe on your journey, Sir Avalon." Fendrel said.

"Hahaha." Avalon nodded and laughs while exciting the house.

Fendrel took a deep breath, after hearing Avalon's annoying laugh. He then walked to the meeting room, where his subordinates were still waiting inside.

All of them stand up to pay respect, seeing Fendrel coming back, Fendrel motions to them to sit, he then sits on his chair.

"I have good news and bad news for you all... What do you want to hear first?" Fendrel said.

"Ehh, Your Majesty let's go for the bad news first. And then good news, to heal me from the shock of bad news." Franco said, the rest also nodded in agreement.

Seeing all of them agreed, Fendrel spoke. "The bad news was, the war officially began earlier than expected. Furthermore, we need to attack the village we picked earlier than the agreed time..." Fendrel swept his glance to the five captains and said. "I need you five to call all the soldiers that were hunting in the forest and prepare them for the upcoming battle. We need them to be in good condition before we initiated our attack."

"Your Majesty, are you really sure that's bad news... That sounds like good news to me." Franco said with a silly smile while scratching his head.

"Good news for you, but bad news for the village. Furthermore, His Majesty's plans were kind of mess up." Lavender can't help but rolled her eyes, on the excited Franco.

Hearing it Franco's face become dejected, he felt bad for being happy.

"Not really, let's still do the plan we discussed. It will be good if this war will end as soon as possible. That means we will have time to help Zadrum..." He swept his gaze around especially to the four Captains and said with a serious tone. "Remember the plan we discussed, as long as all of you accomplished the task I assign for you... This area will be ours."

"We will do what it takes to accomplish the task!! And will not disappoint Your Majesty's!!" All of them said with a resolute expression.

"En, Good..." Fendrel nodded satisfied, he continued. "The meeting is over you can go now, and do your tasks." Fendrel officially ended the meeting.

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