Wang Xuan's spirit is exciting and his mood is beautiful at the moment. He didn't want to work on that damned construction site, but he was afraid of being suspected, so he had to go there. Of course, the main reason is that he didn't have the money to spend, but now he beat Huang Pang and solved the problem that he didn't have to work in the past, Naturally, he was happy.

But I'm still a little depressed. I'm afraid I'm going to start sending resumes everywhere. After all, if I don't have a job, I'm afraid I'll starve to death in the future. Moreover, my family also needs money. As for borrowing money from Bai Xiaoya, it's more unbearable than killing him.

Last time, if it wasn't for the lack of money at home, he would not have borrowed all the money from her. Moreover, he hasn't paid it yet. If he was talking to her, he would have lost his life. Ye qinger, the little girl, had to embarrass him to death, so it's the key to find a job.

After returning home, he first turned on the antique computer, then danced for a long time, and submitted many resumes. Originally, he was looking for a related major, but after repeated setbacks, he has now cast a net. He can find whatever job he can.

After he submitted his resume, he went on the penguin. There was a lot of news on it. It was said that his former classmates wanted to make some kind of reunion. He just took a look at it and turned it off. After all, he was still fighting for his life. How could he have time to compete with them.

In fact, it's true that the so-called student union is nothing more than a meeting held by all kinds of good guys to show off. Wang Xuan has no capital or interest.

Just turned off the computer, he found a burst of vibration of his mobile phone, took out a look, it turned out to be ye qinger's call to him, Wang Xuan slightly frowned, in fact, he did not want to take care of that chick, after all, that chick and he always have a bit to deal with, every time he met her, will be unlucky.

Moreover, in fact, Wang Xuan himself has a plan, that is, he wants to take advantage of this time when there is no matter, to have a good understanding of his powers. After all, the ability of shuttling at this time will be his trump card in the future. It is always good to have a clear understanding.

For example, why does he feel tired every time after shuttling? He needs to rest for a period of time before shuttling again. How long is the specific time? Is there any way to overcome it? Why does his wound disappear so fast? And so on. Before, he had no time to think about it. When he has time, he naturally needs to make it clear.

But that chick just called at this time, but I thought that the out of tune chick might have nothing serious to do with herself, so I hung up directly, closed my eyes, shuttled through the space and disappeared in the same place.

After one day's experiment, Wang Xuan has generally understood many aspects of his powers. For example, when he is transmitting, he thinks about where he will transmit. It's true, but there is a range of distance. He has measured it on the map. At most, he can only transmit straight-line distance, about 30 kilometers, No matter how far away it is, it won't work.

He tried to send it to his home to see his mother and sister, but it only sent it to more than 30 kilometers, which made him know the distance problem.

As for the time of weakness, it actually depends on the distance of transmission. For example, when he transmits once, about a few hundred meters away, the time of weakness is only one minute. However, when he transmits more than 30 kilometers, he has a full rest of five or six minutes. It can be seen that the time of weakness is directly proportional to the distance of transmission.

However, there is another problem, that is, the location of the transmission. Every time he transmits to his home, something unexpected will happen, which makes him very depressed. So he wants to fix the location of his transmission. But I don't know why, he is very sure of the location of transmission in an open place, such as in the forest, from this tree to that tree, The transmission is very accurate, but if the space is narrow, it is not so accurate.

For example, he wants to transfer his own to an abandoned cement pipe in the distance, but it is directly transferred to the garbage can nearby. This makes him understand that the reason why he can't transfer his own small room is that the place he lives in is too small.

Another aspect is how to reduce the time of weakness. According to Wang Xuan's understanding, all the weakness periods should be caused by excessive energy consumption of the body. So he bought some glucose and syringes. After the transmission, he quickly gave himself an injection, which really reduced part of the weakness time, It's just that it doesn't work.

Of course, there is another thing that Wang Xuan cares about most, that is, he can take some inanimate things and send them by the way, but I don't know if it's OK to take living things.

But he didn't dare to try this thing easily, because he once saw a movie called fly man, which also played something about transmission, but the other party used scientific methods to help him to transmit, but during the transmission, he accidentally entered a fly, so the pig's foot actually combined with the fly's DNA, He became a monster like a fly.

Wang Xuan didn't think so much about it before, so it's common for him to wear clothes with money. However, if he was allowed to take a living creature, he was a little scared. He caught a stray dog and thought for a long time, but he didn't make up his mind. What if he became a dog man? At that time, it's impossible not to be arrested for research.

After careful consideration, he decided to give up the idea for the time being. It would be nice to be able to transmit by himself. What kind of bike do you want.

After thinking about this, he saw that it was too late, so his mind moved, and he sent it directly to his home. Sure enough, it didn't send it to his little room this time.

However, what makes him strange is that he once again transmitted to Bai Xiaoya and their house. What's more strange is that he even transmitted to the bed of two people. The most important thing is that there is a chick on that bed at this time.

Wang Xuan was still in the other person's bed at this time. Suddenly his head was big, "this, this NIMA's is too pitching!"

It's no wonder that Wang Xuan is so depressed. The main reason is that he just gets into other people's girl's bed. If people find out, he will jump into the Yellow River and can't wash it. He wants to run away.

But before he moved, I felt that the girl beside him moved. She turned over and put her rainy arm around Wang Xuan's waist. She hugged Wang Xuan two times and then murmured, "eh, sister ya, you are miserable. Your waist is so thick. Hee hee, it seems that you have to lose weight again. Right, Do you have a big chest? They all say that if you are fat, your chest will be much bigger. Come on, let me feel it. "

Then Wang Xuan felt the other little hand in the quilt and slowly felt it toward his chest. Wang Xuan was going crazy at this time and thought to himself secretly, "Damn, it's the whole girl again. God, you're not playing with me."

In fact, Wang Xuan doesn't know. The reason why Ye qinger sleeps at home is mainly because of him. In the morning, ye qinger calls him because she and Bai Xiaoya have bought a lot of things. Because the supermarket where Bai Xiaoya works is on sale, especially a bag of rice. I want to ask if Wang Xuan is at home and can I help them get it back.

But Wang Xuan hung up the phone. As a result, the girl got angry and took a car by herself. She went back to get it and carried it upstairs. She was almost tired and broke up. As a result, she fell on the bed. As soon as she slept, she was now. Unexpectedly, she happened to meet Wang Xuan in the wrong place, so she had everything now.

At this time, I felt that ye qinger's hand had touched Wang Xuan's chest. Then I hesitated and asked, "sister Xiaoya, how are you still small? Are you..." speaking of this, the girl wanted to take down the cup that was originally covered on her head.

At this critical moment, Wang Xuan suddenly felt that his physical strength had recovered. Without saying a word, he immediately sent it away. When ye qinger raised her head and saw that there was no one in front of her, there was a trace of doubt in her confused big eyes.

After scratching some disheveled hair and pouting, he said, "Damn, I'm really tired. I have hallucinations. Smelly Wang Xuan, it's all because of you. Hang up my phone. I'm tired. I'm dying. I won't let you go. Oh, no, I'm dizzy." After that, her even breathing came again.

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