When Wang Xuan woke up again, his whole body had been tied up like zongzi and thrown on the ground. The room was dark, and the voice of the landlady came from far away. "Asshole, why can't I go? I'm going. What can you do for me, son of a bitch? Go to hell!"

The landlady said this and hung up. The little girl was holding her thigh and looked at her mother pitifully. The landlady had no expression on her face. She touched the little girl's hair and said, "Qiqi, mom is OK. Go and see if the guy in the room is awake. Mom has something to ask him."

"Oh Small Qi Qi very obedient promise a, walked toward the house this side son to come over.

Hearing the footsteps, Wang Xuan quickly closed his eyes. He was listening to the landlady outside, but she was very angry at this time. She was afraid that she would be the scapegoat, so she ran into him and killed him. But when she came into the room, she came to him and didn't speak. She made a sparse voice. Then her nose was itchy and couldn't control it. She sneezed and opened her eyes, I saw that the little girl was holding a hair and poking it in her nostril. When I saw Wang Xuan wake up, the little girl turned her head and cried, "Mom, bad brother wake up."

Then Wang Xuan saw a tears on the face of the landlady came in from the outside of the room, looked at Wang Xuan on the ground, Wang Xuan some embarrassed smile.

"Qiqi, you go out first. My mother has something to say to my brother." The landlady said seriously.

"Oh Qiqi agreed and pulled up the monkey puppet on the sofa next to her. She walked towards the door with her short legs.

Looking at Qiqi left, the landlady directly closed the door, then wiped the tears on her face and said, "you are a thief, aren't you?"

"I am not! In fact, I am... "Wang Xuan wanted to explain at that time, but the landlady didn't seem to hear him at all.

"You have two choices. First, I tear up my clothes, scratch myself a few times, and then call the police. I won't tell you what the result is. You will never come to a good end."

"It's not me, elder sister. Don't be so cruel. I'm not a thief."

Wang Xuan's words, the boss's wife seems not to hear the same, continue to say, "second, you help me to do a thing, after the thing is completed, the matter between us, how about it? If you agree, I'll let you go, or I'll call the police. "

The woman's words were plain, but they revealed incomparable firmness. They just looked into Wang Xuan's eyes, waiting for his answer.

At this time, the woman stood in front of Wang Xuan. Although the tears on her face had been wiped, they were not dry. She had big eyes and long eyelashes. She was only wearing a Tulle style short version Nightgown, revealing her long and white legs. One hand was holding the phone, and the other hand was on the shoulder holding the mobile phone, showing a kind of weak sadness.

Wang Xuan's point of view at this time, in fact, is easier to see the other side's skirt bottom scenery, looming, for his first brother, it should have an unparalleled fatal attraction, but at this time, Wang Xuan is looking at the woman's face, as well as the salty crystal from above.

After a long time, he put his head on the ground, sighed and said, "you, don't cry, I promise you, I will do my best to help you."

The woman, obviously, was stunned when she heard Wang Xuan's words. She thought she had to threaten each other well before he would agree to that, but she didn't know that he agreed so happily. For a long time, she thought that the boy in front of her was cheating herself, just a delaying tactic. But when she saw his extremely dark and deep eyes, She doesn't know how, unexpectedly in the heart suddenly produced a make her own some unknown idea, he said is serious.

In the heart of doubt, she could not help asking, "why?"

Wang Xuan fell to the ground, gently raised his head and looked at her frowning face for a long time. Then he said with a smile, "you think I'm fascinated by you."

Woman slightly a Leng, face unexpectedly rare appeared a trace of red halo, just in this light is not very bright room, but was not found by Wang Xuan.

When out of the door of the supermarket, Wang Xuan's face collapsed, "Damn it, I know that when I meet Ye qinger, I'm sure it's not good. This time, it's good. I owe a million yuan. It's not my life."

It turns out that just now, in the room, although the landlady let him go, in order to have some binding force on the thing he promised to do, she asked him to sign a debt note, which said that Wang Xuan owed the landlady one million yuan. After doing what she asked for, she would void the debt note.

When he heard the other party's request, Wang Xuan refused at the beginning, but later when he saw that the landlady was about to tear her own clothes without saying a word, Wang Xuan compromised at that time. At the moment of signing, he felt like signing a deed of sale. But anyway, when the matter had come to this stage, he had to take one step.

Go out to see the sky, the whole world has been gloomy, the night sky is full of dark clouds, as if in an instant, it has fallen into the nine hell general, the sky can not see any stars, but in the light of the light, become a blood red.

Wang Xuan sniffed, turned his head and looked at the supermarket for a long time, then scolded "hooligan!" It seems that this sound has removed all the anger in general, turned his head has been expressionless appearance, moving his steps, toward the building he lives in.

However, when Wang Xuan came to the door of the building, five or six guys suddenly came out from the dark edge. They came up and surrounded Wang Xuan in the middle. One of them, with a gold chain, was obviously the leader. He came to Wang Xuan with an iron bar in his hand, a cigarette in his mouth and a smile on his face.

"Bah!" He spat phlegm on the ground, and then said with a smile, "boy, your name is Wang Xuan?"

Wang Xuan had already felt bad when several people came out. Now when he heard the other party's name, he was looking for himself, and all of them were guys with sticks. If he didn't know that someone was going to deal with him, he would be a fool. However, when he knew that the other party was going to deal with him, if he still admitted that he was Wang Xuan, he would be a fool.

So when the other party asked, he was very single, and he should smile at the guy and say, "sorry, brother, you may have the wrong person, I'm not!"

Wang Xuan's appearance was sincere and his expression was serious. He confused Bai Yan'er a little. He was afraid that he would hit the wrong person. He turned to the dark and asked, "Hey, yellow dog, he said he's not Wang Xuan. You didn't see the wrong person!"

However, at this moment, Wang Xuan suddenly moved. He thought before that, if these people had not offended him, someone would definitely have to clean up himself. It's just that there are too many people he has offended these two days. Huang Pang, Wang Yong, Hun Liu, everyone may find someone to cut him, so he doesn't admit that he is Wang Xuan. He just wants to see if that guy is nearby, So we can find him.

Otherwise, even if the person behind these guys is not found, he will inevitably feel like a thorn in the throat. However, he just tried, but he did not expect that the guy with the gold chain actually asked the person behind him.

In fact, even if the mastermind is not there, he can take advantage of the other party's doubts and surprise attack, which must have a very good effect. If the other party is there, then as long as the other party confirms that he is Wang Xuan, there will be no chance at that time, so he can only make a sudden move at this time.

In the past two days, I don't know whether it's because of the power enhancement or what's going on. Wang Xuan feels that his strength and speed have been greatly improved. Especially after today's understanding, he found that his 100 meter speed can even reach 10 seconds, and his strength can easily lift a big stone of more than 200 Jin, It was something he had never thought of before.

So when he saw so many gangsters looking for trouble at this time, he was not only a little scared, but also a little excited. He wanted to know how strong he was now. If he was against these people, would he.

Of course, the main reason is that he knows that even if he continues to counsel, the mastermind is here, and these bastards will never let him go, so it's better to fight. When the big gold chain turns to confirm his identity with the man in the dark, he suddenly bursts into a rage, rips off the iron bar in the hand of a guy nearby, and roars, Then suddenly toward the head of big gold chain son cut in the past.

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