"In the cupboard!" Wang Xuan was a little silly.

"How is it possible that I just fell into the crack after the earthquake? Is it a dream?"

"Hey, where are you muttering? Come out quickly, or I will call the police!" The opposite girl said loudly.

"Don't, don't, I'll come out, beauty. Don't get excited. Have something to say." Wang Xuan didn't see what the other party looked like, but there was nothing wrong with calling beautiful women. Women love to hear this these days.

"Come out quickly, don't dawdle!" The girl called again.

Although Wang Xuan's eyes didn't recover, he didn't dare to hesitate. He struggled quickly, and then went out towards the bright outside. But after he came out, when he saw the girl in front of him, he was stunned.

When the girl looked at Wang Xuan, she glared in surprise. It took a long time for her to throw a baseball bat on the pink bed next to her. She said with a speechless face, "brother Xuan, what's the matter with you? How do you hide in our room at night? And you're still nagging in the cupboard. If you want to peep, you have to work hard, Keep quiet. I'm scared to death by you. You haven't peeped yet. "

If you want to know who this chick is, it's no one else. It's one of the two female college students who share a house with Wang Xuan. Ye qinger is 19 years old. She has short hair and a little baby fat face. She has a pair of cute big eyes. She's so smart that people feel that she's a kind of innocent chick.

But others don't know. Wang Xuan knows something about this girl. This is a little devil in an angel's coat. Under that innocent face, there are all kinds of intrigues. If nothing else, the contradiction between the gangster and the opposite couple is intentionally or unintentionally picked up by this girl.

Of course, the main reason is that the little gangster once drank too much and molested her and Xiaoya. The reason why Wang xuanzhi has a good relationship with these two female college students is that once the little gangster got into a fight with the man of the couple next door. As a result, he happened to be in the roll for ye qinger and Bai Xiaoya who just came back. Wang Xuan came to fight and got them out.

At that time, Wang Xuan got a slap, so the relationship between the two girls and Wang Xuan was good. Several times, Wang Xuan went to Qian You's house, but he didn't find a job. When he was so hungry that he had no food to eat, he ate with them. Although Wang Xuan was embarrassed, he couldn't help it at that time. Three people were familiar with each other.

Several times, the girl joked that if Wang Xuan developed in the future, she would marry Wang Xuan with Bai Xiaoya, another female college student. We can see how their relationship is going.

After Wang Xuan came out, he found that when he went home, he was still in a daze. After listening to the girl's words, he was stunned and murmured, "at night?"

Then he looked at the window next to him. Sure enough, it was dark outside the window. It was so dark that he could see stars, which is rare in Xiangcheng.

Wang Xuan didn't want to see the stars at this time, but he became more confused. It was still morning just now. Why did it get dark now? Did he faint for a long time before? Well, it's possible, but how did he come back?

To tell you the truth, he is more puzzled than yeqing'er at this time. Looking at yeqing'er staring at him, waiting for his answer, he said awkwardly, "sister, to tell you the truth, I really don't know how I got in, maybe..."

Ye qinger didn't even hear what he said, so she waved her hand and said, "Oh, brother Xuan, you're not real. I know it. I know it. You men are all the same. You're beautiful. You can't hold it for a moment. You can understand it. Just admit it, You definitely want to peek at us changing clothes or something, don't you? If you want to see, you can say that everyone is so familiar, or I'll show you now. In fact, sister, I'm still very talented. "

Then ye Qing'er threw a wink at Wang Xuan, and began to unbutton his coat there.

Wang Xuan let this chick to scare fart, quickly waved, "don't, Qing'er, don't like this, I'm not really for this, ah, you chick, how don't listen to people, don't, OK, I'm afraid of you, I'm gone, I'm gone, I can't do it."

With that, Wang Xuan ran out of the door. Because he was running too fast, he almost tripped on the ground and made a somersault. But even here, he didn't look back, but left the room in a hurry.

Looking at the appearance of Wang Xuan's embarrassed escape, ye Qing'er frowned slightly, "he really didn't come here to peep, but why did he run into our cupboard? Did he have a quirk? He didn't see it at ordinary times."

Thinking of this, ye qinger will just open a button on, came to the cabinet, gently opened, looking inside.

Then she immediately became angry. There was no simple appearance on her face any more. Instead, she roared, "Wang Xuan! You bastard, just come in by yourself. How can you get so much dirt in? My new bikini

Then she angrily took out a few blue ropes from the soil of the wardrobe and held them in her hand. Her expression was rich. "No, I have to ask him to compensate me. It's a three-point bikini that people decided to buy. If he doesn't accompany me, I'll, I'll..."

It suddenly occurred to her that Wang Xuan seemed to have no money, and other people didn't know about Wang Xuan's family. She and Bai Xiaoya knew the most, especially Xiaoya's treatment of that fool... If she knew that she wanted that guy to buy her three bikinis, no wonder she did!

Want to reach here, the original anger on her face instantly dissipated like being poured cold water, just looking at the ropes in her hand with a sad face and murmuring, "baby, it's really poor, I haven't worn it once, Wuwuwuwu, how can I be so unlucky?"


At this time with ye Qing'er cry out bad luck is different, Wang Xuan also fool like sitting on the bed in a daze.

"What's wrong with me? I fell into a crack in the construction site. How can I come back home? It's impossible. Am I under too much pressure and hallucinating? Or I'm crazy. I didn't go to the construction site, but I fantasized that I went. In fact, I was hiding in the cupboard of Xiaoya's room. But it doesn't make sense. I heard the screams clearly, and the man who fell down, the crack in the ground, and the time on my work card clearly says today. "

"By the way, the earthquake, such a big thing, television will certainly report it." Thinking of this, Wang Xuan quickly opened his old three handed desktop and quickly searched for the previous earthquake. However, it's strange that there is no news about the earthquake in such a developed network, which makes Wang Xuan confused again.

"Am I really crazy?" Without the slightest news on the Internet, Wang Xuan's spirit almost collapsed. After sitting in the house for a long time, he suddenly hammered the table hard, which made the computer on the table thump and jump up.

"No, I don't believe it. I have to go back and have a look with my own eyes to see if it's an earthquake or if I'm really crazy. Yes, I must go back and have a look!"

Wang Xuan's words, just said this, suddenly his head suddenly a burst of pain, and then let him shocked things happened.

There was a sudden twist in the space in front of him. He felt as if there was a huge attraction pulling him directly towards the twist. Then there was a whirl. When he came back, he was already on the ground.

He was as weak and painful as when he woke up before, but he couldn't care about it, because he was completely shocked by everything in front of him.

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