It turned out that when Wang Xuan came into the room, he saw Xiao Shiyu lying on the bed, exposing the wound on her back, while sister Yu was giving her medicine.

Wang Xuan is so crazy that he rushes in and gives both of them a fright. Sister Yu even scares the medicine bottle in her hand to the ground. She only holds two cotton swabs and stares at Wang Xuan.

This is not the key, the most important thing is, because both of them have just got up early and haven't come and changed their clothes. Sister Yu only wears a short Nightgown, but because there are only her and Xiao Shiyu in the room just now, she doesn't care too much. A shoulder strap has slipped from her shoulder.

The Nightgown also tilted downward because it was not tied by the shoulder strap. In addition to her lazy and confused appearance at this time, and because she sat on the bed and turned around, Wang Xuan's eyes were a little straight when she saw the slender legs in the nightgown.

He turned his head and looked aside in a hurry. However, this look almost didn't make him directly spit out a stream of nosebleed, because when he turned his head, he was very "careless" to see Xiao Shiyu at this time. At the beginning, when Wang Xuan came in, although she showed the scar on her back, she did lie on the bed, so she didn't show anything.

However, at this moment, she had sat up from the bed, holding a purple ray bra in one hand, but because the bra didn't fit very well, there was still a lot of snow-white on the edge, which fell directly into Wang Xuan's eyes, making his pupils shrink instantly.

But Xiao Shiyu saw Wang Xuan's eyes, but he didn't mean to avoid it. Instead, he deliberately moved the Purple Bra covered in his hand down a little, and showed a smile to Wang Xuan. With her beautiful, elf like face, she was charmed to the extreme.

If it wasn't for another jade sister who had come to her senses from surprise and confusion and turned to anger, Wang Xuan might have turned into a beast directly. However, he could only smile awkwardly and explain, "well, I, I'm actually here to make soy sauce. Go on." Then turn around and run.

Looking at Wang Xuan's awkward appearance when he left, Xiao Shiyu burst out laughing. The jade sister next to him heard her laugh and turned to look at her. Then she gave her a white look. "You little girl, you still have a face to smile. If you didn't shout so exaggerated just now, how could that boy come in? You must be a cruel and evil woman for me. You are still laughing here, You two bully me because of the large number of people. Let's see how I deal with you. "

Then she did not take any medicine. She threw the cotton swab in her hand beside her and rushed towards Xiao Shiyu. The two women frolicked together in an instant.

More than ten minutes later, the two women came out of the room. When they saw Wang Xuan, Xiao Shiyu's face was full of smiles. She came to put her arms around him and didn't want to let go.

But the jade elder sister is full of frost, looked at the boy one eye, curled his lips, cold hum, no longer pay attention to him, Wang Xuan knew that his previous practice is indeed some wrong, at this time jade elder sister put face, also should, accompany carefully, said to invite them to dinner.

Jade sister naturally won't give him face, women are generally very vengeful, directly picked up Qiqi and went to the inner room, which made Wang Xuan embarrassed. Fortunately, Xiao Shiyu is a sweet girl, told Wang Xuan that she was hungry, which solved his embarrassment. They almost left the supermarket in a state of escape.

Of course, the main escapee was Wang Xuan.

During the meal, Wang Xuan talked to Xiao Shiyu about finding a house. Xiao Shiyu was very excited when she heard that. She didn't even eat, so she took Wang Xuan to the agency because she thought it would be her and Wang Xuan's home.

In her opinion, love a person, should want to stay with him forever, those so-called love you, so leave you, are unable to eat grapes, say grapes also have life, don't have the heart to eat what bullshit, all are cunt affectation, to his face gold shameless behavior.

She didn't understand and wasted five years. Now God gave her another chance. She swore that she would never let him leave her again.

Wang Xuan, a big man, is not keen on looking for a house. However, looking at Xiao Shiyu's exuberant appearance, he is still very happy. After years of precipitation, although he does not know whether his love has gone bad or whether it has precipitated a more unique and pure taste, Wang Xuan hopes that she will be happy after all, It's the only thing he's sure about.

They followed the agent for a whole day. After seeing about six or seven houses, they finally chose an economical and affordable one. However, they didn't share it with others. Instead, they simply had one room and one living room, which looked like a small family.

The landlord is an old lady in her forties. She is kind-hearted and good at talking. She was coaxed by Xiao Shiyu, and immediately reduced 200 yuan a month. She also said from time to time that Xiao Shiyu would have nothing to do at home. She was very enthusiastic.

When his aunt took the money and left happily, Wang Xuancai collapsed on the sofa in the living room, tired as a dead dog. Looking at Xiao Shiyu, who was still cleaning up the room, he had to admire the woman's strong ability in this aspect. You know, he had been strengthened by his powers at this time, and his physical quality reached a very high level, At this time all tired into this kind, visible woman this kind of biological strange and terrible.

However, he also knows the reason why Xiao Shiyu is so happy at this time. Naturally, he just thinks that this is his and her small world. In fact, it's not surprising, because if he had such a house with Xiao Shiyu five years ago and had a small life of his own, then he would be happy and uncontrollable, just at this time

Thinking of this moment, Bai Xiaoya's gentle and pure beauty appeared in his mind. Suddenly, his heart trembled. He leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes. But all kinds of chaotic pictures flashed in his mind, which made it difficult for him to calm down.

Xiao Shiyu is a considerate person. Naturally, he can see that Wang Xuan is tired. He takes a careful look in the room. After he and Wang Xuan's "little home", he kneels down beside Wang Xuan and helps him beat his legs. At this time, Wang Xuan is very upset.

"Xiaoyu, what are you doing? Get up quickly!" Wang Xuan looked at kneeling in front of him, as meek as a kitten Xiao Shiyu quickly said.

Xiao Shiyu, however, was obstinate at this time. He raised his little face and flashed innumerable unspeakable feelings in the eyes of the stars, "I don't know! I know that brother Xuan is very tired now. Although Xiaoyu can't do anything great, she knows how to beat her legs to relieve fatigue. Brother Xuan is tired for me. Of course, I can't ignore it. Besides, Xiaoyu is very happy to do something for brother Xuan. "

Wang xuandao can really feel the seriousness on Xiao Shiyu's small face and the stubbornness in her star eyes, but his heart is very uncomfortable. The reason why he took her out of Huang fatty's home is not because he wanted to take her for himself and make her his lover, but because of his past friendship, but looking at Xiao Shiyu's appearance at this time, It seems that he is trying to please himself, which makes him feel very uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

"Xiaoyu, do you think I'm the kind of bastard who takes advantage of others' Wang Xuan's face is a little cold, looking at Xiao Shiyu asked.

Xiao Shiyu knows Wang Xuan well. When you love someone, you will naturally print everything in your mind. No matter how time washes, it will not be forgotten. So she naturally knows that this is Wang Xuan's angry performance. She knows what Wang Xuan thinks in her heart. She is moved, but she understands her situation better.

She is not the pure little girl five years ago. Her body is dirty, and she is even hated by herself. But there is a voice in her heart telling her, "this man is yours." Although years have carved countless ugly traces on her body, there is still an extravagant hope in her heart.

But she knew that she had no advantage in front of him, because she could feel that there was another woman in Wang Xuan's heart.

Women are very sensitive to these things. She can feel that Wang Xuan is no longer the kind of love she used to be. In such a passive situation, if she wants to keep him by her side, she can only pay more for everything she can.

She knows that Wang Xuan is soft hearted, so if you want him to accept himself again, at least in his heart, plant a hard to give up seed, even if it's just pity, let him not easily give up.

So at this time, she made such a move, because she knew that the lower a woman put her position, the easier it was to get the love of a man. Now after listening to Wang Xuan's words, she knew that he would have such a reaction. After all, he was such a kind man.

For such a man, the best way is undoubtedly women's tears, which is a very lethal weapon for a kind and affectionate man. Women may not be strong enough in appearance, but they are much higher than men in the plot of emotion.

In fact, this has a lot to do with the phenomenon of women's low status in feudal society. In ancient times, most large families were full of women. They were intriguing and had already penetrated into the bones of women. After thousands of years of evolution and evolution, they even became women's instincts. Especially for men, they were all masters.

The so-called hero sad beauty pass, it is also this truth, and at this time Xiao Shiyu know, positive competition, he is absolute competition, but the woman who has taken root in Wang Xuan's heart, then can only use some means, she does not care about the process, as long as the result.

Women are born actors. As soon as their eyes are red, Xiao Shiyu shed tears. "Brother Xuan, how can you say that? Xiaoyu just wants to do something for you, but I know I can't do anything at this time. Seeing you so tired, I want to help you relieve your fatigue. This is the only thing I can do for you. Don't you want to do this? Do you think Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu is dirty, don't you want to let Xiaoyu touch you and dislike me? "

The beauty wept, and I felt pity for her, not to mention a guy like Wang Xuan. It was because she pitied her and didn't want her to regard herself as a servant, so her words were a little strong.

At this time, when I saw her appearance, I felt embarrassed. "Xiaoyu, what are you doing? Why are you crying? I don't mean that. What's dirty or not? What kind of person am I? You don't know. Alas, you see, the more you say, the more you cry. OK, OK, I'm wrong. I'm not wrong. Don't cry. If you want to press, just press. Seriously, It's really comfortable, hehe. "

Hearing Wang Xuan's words, Xiao Shiyu's sad face suddenly burst into tears and tears. Even Wang Xuan was a little crazy. Wang Xuan is also a vigorous and strong young man. You can't stand such a provocation even if you feel like water.

Especially at this time there is a pair of soft if boneless hands, beating on his legs, the distance between the two people is very close, so that his heart can not help shaking bursts of LIANLI.

Wang Xuan's eyes, staring at Xiao Shiyu, became fiery. There was a kind of unspeakable heat in his heart, which was overturning and surging. With a "gudu", he swallowed his mouth,

Xiao Shiyu, who was still beating his legs for Wang Xuan, was still calculating that he should do something next, or just keep his appearance at this time and forge ahead next time.

However, at this time, she suddenly heard Wang Xuan's strange behavior. She could not help but stop her action and looked strangely at Wang Xuan's face to see what happened to him?

Wang Xuan had become a little restless because of Xu's agitation, but suddenly he saw Xiao Shiyu's eyes coming towards him, and his face turned red.

"Damn, what am I doing? I'm such a jerk, and I've been found out. I'm going to die this time." Think of here, his forehead all red of shine.

Know Xiao Shiyu at this time in a daze, don't want to let her slow down, so more embarrassed, at this time, suddenly said, "well, that light rain, I'm much better, what, I, suddenly thought that I still have something to do, have to go back, don't with you here, you clean up, I, I go first."

Then he quickly stood up, did not dare to look at Xiao Shiyu's face, cat waist, then quickly toward the door, about to go out, it seems to think of something, quickly took out some money from his pocket, put it on the shoe rack at the door, said, "that, if there is anything to prepare, use this money, don't save money, I'll see you tomorrow."

After saying this, he did not dare to stay, put on his shoes and ran away.

Xiao Shiyu, who is still kneeling in front of the sofa, looks at Wang Xuan's appearance of running away in a hurry. After he really left, she chuckles and murmurs, "really, she has left people here. I don't know that they still haven't taken their things back from sister Yu's house. After all, they have to go back for once, It's really... Coward to leave people behind like this. "

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