When Bai Xiaoya's words come out, her own face is red to death, a little nervous, which for her, has been regarded as the biggest breakthrough.

Yes, the mystery of her words is what everyone thinks. Of course, Bai Xiaoya is not such a woman. It's just that Wang Xuan's actions in recent days have stimulated her and made her feel some urgency. She knows that she and Wang Xuan are actually in favor of each other, but I don't know if it's because they are both dull, In fact, the real thing, almost nothing happened.

No matter Ye qinger at home at this time or the unknown woman she met in the supermarket that day, their personalities are obviously those who dare to love and hate, not those who are so reserved.

And she has consulted some related questions on the Internet these days, and almost all of the answers are that men like girls who are more active. Especially when two people are alone, men like some sentiment very much, that is, girls who scratch. Such women are the easiest to capture men's body and mind.

It is said that the women who discussed these things with her were all from the past and knew men very well. Especially one of the elder sisters, Yan Wu fan Qing, once told her many ways to win men's favor, which she had never contacted before. She felt very admired. But after hearing this, she blushed and said, "I want to scratch, Will brother Xuan like it? " She was thinking about it all the time.

A few days ago, she couldn't make up her mind. Today, when she saw that Wang Xuan's hand was touching Ye qinger's chest, and she was still holding pieces of her skirt. Ye qinger even showed her little inside and was still "flirting" with Wang Xuan, she finally made up her mind and dressed like this.

Then she learned the way of "Yan dance infatuated with love" and deliberately said the suggestive words of "I'll give you... Medicine". In fact, she was ready to give herself to Wang Xuan, because she heard that men would care about their first woman very much.

In fact, Bai Xiaoya doesn't know what she is doing now. She also doesn't know whether Wang Xuan will become her man and walk with her forever in the future. However, she hopes that she can plant a seed in his heart. Maybe that seed will not grow into a towering tree, but only become a weak grass, But as long as she stayed in his heart, she was satisfied.

At least, he won't forget her, that's enough.

Wang Xuan is really a little dementia at this time, because he has never seen Bai Xiaoya look like this. Naturally, he also heard the hint of that sentence, but he subconsciously felt that Bai Xiaoya just made a mistake at that time, which is definitely not the meaning. This is not her character.

But he still couldn't help thinking, "Oh, if only it were true."

Although the heart is obscene, but his face has just changed from the pig brother phase, serious up, gently moved two down to the bedside, to white Xiaoya hey giggle.

Bai Xiaoya thought that Wang Xuan understood the meaning of his words just now and wanted to do that to herself. She even tried to relax her body so that she would not be so rigid to cooperate with Wang Xuan. However, he didn't do anything when he came to her. He just giggled at her and made Bai Xiaoya a little annoyed, With a trace of grievance.

"Xuan elder brother this is how to return a responsibility son, clearly usually all so color Mi Mi of appearance peep at fine son of, how oneself already so hint him, all already be enough to scratch scratch, he still so indifferent, do I really so have no attraction?"

Bai Xiaoya may not care much about other things, but she is also a woman, and she is also a beautiful woman. She always cares about her own attraction, especially when she looks at Wang Xuan's silly appearance in front of a person she likes. She not only nibbles at her teeth, but also flashes the scene when ye qinger and Wang Xuan are together.

All of a sudden, her brow moved. "Is it because of that?" Bai Xiaoya raises her eyebrows and thinks of a possibility that every time Wang Xuan and ye qinger are together, ye qinger basically wears very little. She only knows that twice that little girl was seen by Wang Xuan wearing a very sexy bikini, and this time she even tore her skirt, Is brother Xuan attracted by her like this?

Thinking of this, she suddenly thought of what the elder sister called "Yan dance infatuation" told her that men like that kind of girl. When she thought of Ye Qing'er and her performance, it seemed that ye Qing'er was more than herself. When she thought about Wang Xuan's attitude towards ye Qing'er, a trace of determination flashed in her eyes again, "Qing'er can do it, so can I, Brother Xuan is mine and mine. "

Secretly to her own gas, secretly calm his heart like deer general disorderly rhythm, said to Wang Xuan, "that, brother Xuan, let me see, you hurt where."

Bai Xiaoya says, then reaches out her hand to Wang Xuan's body, because she saw Ye qinger bite Wang Xuan's chest before, and because of the stimulation of "what ye qinger has done", so she directly reaches out her hand to untie his clothes.

Wang Xuan was shocked by Bai Xiaoya's action at this time, and he didn't react for a long time. When he calmed down, he found that his buttons had already been untied by Bai Xiaoya, and his clothes were pulled behind him by Bai Xiaoya's inexperience, revealing his muscular chest, "Xiao, Xiao Ya, you are..."

Wang Xuan had already felt Bai Xiaoya's strange at this time, and asked, but Bai Xiaoya had no time to pay attention to what Wang Xuan said, because her eyes were all on Wang Xuan's chest.

In fact, there is no doubt about how strong Wang Xuan's body is. He used to be a brick, but later he was strengthened by his powers. His body was naturally shaped perfectly. Usually, his clothes are loose and not very valuable, so he can't see the figure covered inside.

When Bai Xiaoya takes off his clothes, he is shocked by Wang Xuan's muscles. What a figure it is, with a broad chest, strong arms, high muscles, the rock is shining with bronze color, especially the eight perfect abdominal muscles. It's so sexy.

At this time, with Wang Xuan's resolute and handsome appearance and his deep star eyes like the sea, I don't know how, Bai Xiaoya was intoxicated in this moment.

Suddenly, there was a strong and angry voice in my heart, growling at her and saying, "look, this is the man you chose. He is so perfect. What are you waiting for, waiting for others to take him away, and then you hide in the corner of nobody and cry secretly? No, Bai Xiaoya, that's not what a loser should do, You will never be like this. Be bold and brave. He is yours

"Yes, be bold and be a bit coquettish. Brother Xuan will like it." Secretly, she encouraged herself for a long time. Suddenly, she stretched out her hands and quickly took off the sling on her shoulders. Then she looked at Wang Xuan who was completely stupid.

Her eyes are tender like water. She gently holds Wang Xuan's face with both hands. She breathes warm breath full of fragrance and temptation charm and pours it on Wang Xuan's face. He can't help shivering. When she sees this, she can't help smiling and rippling out the beauty like crabapple blooming. She says affectionately, "brother Xuan, you are mine. Kiss me."

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