When Wang Xuan kicks the door and rushes in, Chen Longzheng grabs sister Yu's clothes, raises his palm and fans her face. The little Qiqi next to him is cuddling the guy's thigh at this time, beating, weeping and scolding: "villain, you let go of my mother, let go of my mother, you villain."

And Chen Long seems to think that Qiqi is very in the way, even directly kick in her body, give her kick to the ground, that is a child.

Wang Xuanyi saw here, at that time, his anger was about to open his tianlinggai, "are you him, son of a bitch!" With a roar, Wang Xuan directly kicked Chen long.

However, to Wang Xuan's surprise, the boy felt Wang Xuan's attack and pushed her towards him. For fear of hurting her, Wang Xuan quickly put his hand back to catch her, and then held her directly behind him.

Yujie is OK, but Chen Long takes this opportunity to kick Wang Xuan's head. Wang Xuan subconsciously raises his arm to resist, and Chen Long's kick is on his arm. The strength of Chen Long's kick makes him a little surprised.

But fortunately, Wang Xuan's body has been transformed by the power. Although he felt some pain, it didn't matter much. Instead, he stretched out his other hand and hit the opponent's leg directly.

Chen Long frowned slightly, and his single leg suddenly bounced up. His legs instantly changed their positions. The leg that had been kicked on Wang Xuan's arm quickly took back the floor, while the other leg, once again, fiercely kicked Wang Xuan's head.

Wang Xuan didn't expect that this guy was so powerful and so fast. He hurriedly resisted, but he still kicked him in the cheek, and he ran into the cabinet next to him.

As soon as Wang Xuangang was kicked, sister Yu had already picked up a beer bottle and hurled it over Chen Long's head. Chen Long directly kicked the bottle and knocked it on the wall, bursting out innumerable bottle dross and foam. Meanwhile, she frowned and yelled at her, "bitch, you think I really dare not beat you!"

With that, he kicked Yu Jie's stomach and immediately kicked her into the supermarket from her bedroom. She fell to the ground and fainted.

Wang Xuan see so, immediately eyes all red, "you he of, give me to die!" With a roar, he pounced on Chen long.

As soon as Chen Longgang got in touch with Wang Xuanyi, he knew that the other side was not a good match either. It was just that he seemed to suppress the other side in speed, but in strength, he was quite different.

Nothing else, just kick in the other side's face, he almost used all his strength, but only let Wang Xuan's body, slightly tilted to the side, even did not faint, but his own foot, kick some pain, which is enough to prove Wang Xuan's excellence.

If you let him catch him, then his speed will lose the advantage. Wang Xuan is thick skinned and has no trouble fighting twice. But if he hits him, it's definitely not so easy. So when Wang Xuan rushes at him, he wants to kick him away.

But who knows that Wang Xuan has already been ruthless at this time, and all his brute force has been mobilized. The whole person is like a human beast, rolling towards him. Chen Long kicks Wang Xuan, not only doesn't kick him out, but is hit by Wang Xuan's strength, a center of gravity is unstable, and nearly falls down.

And Wang Xuan also seized the opportunity to approach him again. Chen Long's eyes flashed a little flustered, so he used the same technique again. He changed his legs again and kicked Wang Xuan's head like a whirlwind.

Wang Xuan had already been kicked once, so when Chen Long changed his body shape, Wang Xuan threw himself at his opponent's waist, then gave a loud drink and rammed the ground.

When Chen Long was hugged by Wang Xuan at the waist, he couldn't feel well. He hit Wang Xuan's temple with one punch. It was definitely a killer. Of course, he didn't want to kill Wang Xuan. In fact, if he wanted to kill Wang Xuan, he could easily do it by going back and finding a few people. He didn't need to do it by himself, He just wanted to force Wang Xuan to release him.

But he didn't expect that Wang Xuan didn't even think about it, so he rammed it directly to the ground. As a result, before his fist hit Wang Xuan, Wang Xuan had already loosened his waist. But Chen Long was not happy at this time, on the contrary, he was pale, because he could feel how strong Wang Xuan was.

But even so, he wanted to reduce the degree of injury he suffered when he fell on the ground, so he quickly adjusted his center of gravity, and the whole person unexpectedly turned a direction in the air. Originally, he was supposed to stick his neck and head on the ground, but now it turned into a scene of one knee and one elbow supporting the ground.

This kind of change undoubtedly saved his life, but it also hurt him a lot, because Wang Xuan's strength was so great that he almost reached a metamorphosis level. Although Chen Long changed his body to form the shape of one knee and one elbow supporting the ground, the place where he was stressed was the knee and elbow, so the moment he landed, A sharp pain came in an instant.

At the same time, there were two crackles. Chen Long's arm was directly fractured, his upper arm muscles were directly broken, and the pale bone stubble suddenly came out from inside. However, this was not the key. The most important thing was that his knee seemed to be broken in an instant, and the unbearable pain went directly to his brain along his nerves, He couldn't help shouting, "ah, it hurts!" Then he suddenly fainted.

After cleaning up Chen long, Wang Xuan covered little Qiqi's eyes, and didn't let the child see Chen Long's miserable and bloody appearance. He quickly said, "don't look at Qiqi. Such a disgusting person, seeing too much will affect his appetite."

Among the people who came out to hold sister Yu, they woke her up.

When she woke up, she was shocked to see Wang Xuan's face being kicked. Then she asked Chen long. When she saw Chen long, her eyes almost instantly showed a look of understanding and hatred. She went up and kicked the guy's feet. This was a satisfied smile.

However, he said to Wang Xuan, "you see, the man I asked you to steal for me is this guy. He is my husband's private lawyer. My husband promoted him from a nobody, but he avenged his kindness and hid my husband's will after his death."

"When my husband's company was established, it was stipulated that it would be owned by the company at any time, unless authorized by the shareholder. Chen long is also a director of the company. He wanted to get my husband's equity and completely win the company founded by my husband."

"I have reported to the police before, and the police have investigated, but there is no clue. At this time, the company is also bribed by him, and it is impossible to speak for me. Today, he is here to tell me this fact and force me to sign the equity transfer contract."

Wang Xuan heard a little confused, "it's not that he has hidden his will. Isn't it your equity? What's the use of your transfer?"

"This is the cunning of this bastard. He hid his will so that I couldn't inherit my husband's legacy. Then he bribed all the people in the company to let me know that I couldn't get my husband's things. He wanted to make me die, but the shares were owned by the company and had nothing to do with him. That's why he wanted to give me a sum of money to transfer the shares to him, He then took out his will to prove that the shares were given to me, but I have sold them to him, so everything is completely his, and that's what he's fighting for. "

Wang Xuan listened, just a little understand a little bit, immediately to Chen Long's human nature more shameless up, turn head to look at the guy who is still dizzy, then to jade elder sister asked, "that jade elder sister now how we should do, you say, I listen to you."

After listening to Wang Xuan's words, sister Yu saw the sincerity in his eyes. She was moved. However, on the surface, she didn't show it at all. Instead, she said something to Wang Xuan that shocked Wang Xuan. "Brother Xuan, do you want to try what it's like to tear my sister's pajamas? I know you men like this tone. Come on, I will reward you today and let you feel it. " Then the woman grabbed Wang Xuan's hand and put it on her thin nightgown. She said, "tear it, tear it to pieces."

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