"Brother Xuan, brother Xuan, you know brother Xuan. I'll tell you, you little girl, that brother Xuan is not a good person, shameless, obscene, bastard, and a psychopath with physical defects. If I were you, I would break all relations with him from now on, or I would suffer losses in the future, you know?"

"Eh, it's really strange how brother Xuan provoked our generous and beautiful Jiaqian sister. How did she make you so angry? But really, I'm a little worried that he's with you, because I can't smell a sour smell from your tone. We've agreed that you can't compete with me."

"Bah, I'll take a fancy to that pervert, shameless, asshole... Forget it, if you don't listen to me, I'll pull you down. Anyway, I'll listen to you. If you leave it for him, you have to finish what you promised me. Let's go home next weekend. My uncle and little aunt miss you very much. After all, you're his daughter too. You can't always be like this."

Speaking of this, the phone opposite silent for a long time, after a long time, "OK, I promise you, but I don't want to go back, just for you to do this thing for me, nothing, I hang up first, I still have something to do." The opposite woman said here, even did not wait for yuan Jiaqian to say goodbye, directly hung up the phone, making yuan Jiaqian is also a burst of embarrassment.

"Well, I'm also unlucky. Why don't I mention this? This time, the little girl won't contact me for several months. Eh, no, the little girl's lover is with me now. How can she not contact me? If she doesn't come to me, I'll deal with the boy. Anyway, the boy is not a good person. He's still useless and a jerk, I saw that thing in my skirt. Now I just tell me that it's a shameless thing. It's nothing to clean up. Haha, that's right. That's it. " Think of here, she was happy again, the elevator at this time, also came to the first floor, she sneaked out of the elevator, and then quickly toward the distant toilet.

Wang Xuan finally sent away yuan Jiaqian, and then he took a long breath. To tell the truth, he was really a little afraid of that woman, but fortunately, he successfully kept his job and didn't lose anything. It was the best result.

Thinking of this, he began to sort out the things in the room. There was a computer in the room. In fact, there were all things in stock and there was no need to sort out anything. It was just that yuan Jiaqian came to play a guest role temporarily. She didn't know much about this, so she didn't tell him.

Fortunately, Wang Xuan is not stupid. He listens to the girl's words and goes directly to the library. Otherwise, it's a waste of time.

Just after opening the computer, there was a knock outside the door. Wang Xuan looked around and saw a man in his thirties, with a pair of gold glasses, standing at the door with a gloomy face. When he saw Wang Xuan turning his head, the guy put out his hand and hooked his finger to him with contempt, saying, "come here, open the door."

In fact, Wang Xuan was going to open the door. Although the door was bulletproof and sealed, he couldn't hear the sound from outside when he was in the room. From the shape of the guy's mouth, we could see what he was talking about.

But as soon as he saw that guy's attitude, he was a little upset. Just now, a girl yelled at him and looked at the woman who gave him a job, but this man didn't even know him. He was so awesome, just like he was a slave of his family. He was laying an egg there.

So he turned his head and looked at it. Then he turned his head and looked directly at the screen of the computer. He regarded the guy outside the door as the air. Really, the configuration of the computer was good. It was very interesting to play games, so he played games seriously.

The guy outside the door is mad. His name is Cheng Yufeng. He is the director of the marketing department of our company. Of course, he has another identity, which is yuan Jiaqian's pursuer. Originally, he was driving happily in the morning, listening to songs and taking the most beautiful red rose he just bought from a florist. He wanted to give it to yuan Jiaqian, but he didn't know that the half way car had a flat tire.

After struggling for a long time, I came to the company and sorted out my expression, intending to give yuan Jiaqian the flowers in my hand. But when I got to her office, I heard that she had come with a new warehouse keeper. After a little inquiry, I heard that it was because the boy was handsome that he was left behind. He had a smile on his face, All of a sudden, he pulled down.

Although he is obedient when he pursues that chick, in fact, he has already regarded that chick yuan Jiaqian as his forbidden girl in his heart, but he hasn't eaten it yet. Now that smelly watch dares to seduce other men, and he's a damned new warehouse keeper. How can he not be angry, So he rushed directly to find Wang Xuan's trouble.

However, he didn't know that this guy saw himself clearly, but he took himself as the air and didn't pay any attention. He was more sure that this boy had caught up with yuan Jiaqian. He thought that he had a backing and could ignore himself. He was even more angry when he thought about it.

Outside the door, he yelled at Wang Xuan. As soon as he scolded, the door of the elevator rang. At the same time, a girl who was about seven or eight years old came out of the door. When Cheng Yufeng saw the girl, her eyes trembled. He quickly stopped scolding. Instead, he restored his gentle appearance, quickly squeezed out a smiling face and said, "Miss seven, are you?"

Bai xun'er looks at the guy in front of her, and the fake smile on her face makes her feel a little uncomfortable. Just now, she heard that this man was like a shrew in the elevator, and she was abusing those abusive words. Looking at his elegant appearance, she just felt disgusted and thought, "no wonder cousin Jiaqian told me, This man is not a good man, so he is. "

But after all, she is a member of the aristocratic family and has a long history of family education. Especially after her nominal elder sister left home, her family basically began to educate her as a aristocratic family, so even though she felt that the other party was hypocritical, she also behaved very appropriately, with a smile on her face, and said naively, "Oh, it's director Cheng. How can I get anything? But shouldn't it be the business of the production department and the R & D department? How can you be the sales director? "

Although Cheng Yufeng is confused by the mistake, he is not a fool to get to the position of director. On the contrary, he is very good at judging the situation. The little girl looks innocent, but she has a soft knife in her words.

You know, a few days ago, it was because the warehouse lost things and could not find who took them, so we found a new administrator.

And this chick came up and said that this is not the place he should come to. Obviously, there is a possibility of doubting him. If someone else asks, of course, there is nothing. But the key is that this chick's identity is unusual. She is the chairman of Wanrong group and the daughter of Bai Wanrong, while Wanrong group and Bai Wanrong are alone, He owns 37% of the shares, and his wife owns another 23%.

However, his wife died in five years, and the shares obviously may fall into his hands. That is to say, he alone owns 60% of the shares of the whole Wanrong group, and the Wanrong group is basically their family. If he makes the girl suspicious and tells Bai Wanrong about it, he will be easily suspected by Bai Wanrong, So you're dead?

You said that he didn't pay attention to it, so he quickly explained, "Miss seven, I didn't come here to take things, but I came here to find Jiaqian. You know, I'm very devoted to Jiaqian. I've been pursuing her all the time. When I came to the company just now, I heard that she followed an unrelated guy to the tenth floor, you know, There's no one here. It's very dangerous to face a stranger, so I'll come and have a look. By the way, Miss seven, you are... "

"Oh, I also came to see my sister. She promised me to go shopping with me. But when I went to find her, she was gone. The Secretary said she was here, so I came to have a look. By the way, manager Cheng, you have been here for a long time. Is my sister in it?"

After hearing Bai xun'er's words, Cheng Yufeng only feels that his two old faces are red. Bai xun'er's face beating technique is really good. This light sentence is more painful than twenty big mouths. He doesn't know how to answer at this time, because no matter what he says, it's a shame.

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