Knowing that his powers could play a role on the gambling table, Wang Xuan was relieved. After a while, the Dutch official assigned all the chips to win the money, and then he shook his dice again.

At this time, Wang Xuan also quickly squeezed into the crowd. When he saw the greasy faced boy, a bad smile suddenly appeared on his face. Then with his strong physique, he came directly to the boy. What did Wang Xuan want to do? Of course, we have to deal with that guy.

Before, he was more concerned about whether he could win money or not, but now he knew that he could win, that's all right. That boy just pretended to be an egg and beat Wang Xuangang. Wang Xuangang was not in the mood to deal with him. Now he is in the mood, so naturally he has to deal with him well, otherwise he thought he was a bull.

When Wang Xuan came to the boy's side, the greasy faced guy looked at him and made a "Yi" sound of disdain. It was like wearing thin clothes. Then he said to Wang Xuan, "Oh, I say you are poor as a beggar. What money do you bet on? I told you just now. Let's go away. Look at your bad luck, ah? Yintang is black, and his nose is sweating. At first sight, he is a born poor man. Come to gamble and lose to death. "

People around obviously heard the boy's words, but at this time, looking at the boy dressed well and holding a pile of chips, they knew that he was a rich man. At that time, they didn't speak. Instead, they stood aside and watched the excitement with interest.

Many of them pointed at Wang Xuan because of the guy's words, "isn't it? You see, that guy's clothes are like those drilled out of the mountain, and he's angry with money. It's really funny."

"Isn't it? If he can win, I'll eat the dice.".

When Wang Xuan heard that guy's words, he immediately narrowed his eyes and looked at him. He laughed and said, "Hey, this guy is very interested, but it's a pity. When you eat dice later, I really hope you won't choke to death."

After talking to that guy, Wang Xuancai turned to look at the little white face and said, "boy, when you come out from home, are you pulling your pants? It seems that your cultural level and moral level are really limited, but it doesn't matter. It's not easy for you to live so big and not be killed. I don't have any expectations for you, that is, it doesn't matter whether you die or not, What you wear and how much you lose are also your own business. Do you understand? Mind your own bad mouth. Otherwise, I don't mind letting you eat more? Shit. "

After Wang Xuan said this, he took a step back, thinking that he could guess that little white face was going to do something to him. Sure enough, as soon as he stepped back, the boy would scream and stab the pole. The chrysanthemum has been planted. He screamed like a flower and scolded Wang Xuan, "you're the one who built the seed. You dare to scold me. I fought with you for me."

Then he rushed directly to Wang Xuan and tried to hit him in the face with his fist. But before he hit Wang Xuan with his hand, he was directly caught. It's no one else. It's the security guard of the casino. In fact, it's normal. It's an underground casino. If there's no security guard watching, it's no small matter if something happens.

It's very likely that the whole casino will have to be closed. How much is the loss? No one can afford it. Therefore, the security of the underground casino is ruthless and can absolutely guarantee the safety of the casino. Otherwise, the people behind the casino will not be at ease.

The greasy faced boy didn't know about it. It wasn't just him, and Wang Xuan didn't know that the security guards of these casinos were so powerful. He just watched those guys come here, and they were all carrying "dialogic devices". Then he guessed that the others just need to use simple reasoning. After all, the underground casinos are illegal, and they absolutely don't want any trouble, So he deliberately angry that greasy guy, let him do it.

Sure enough, the security guards started directly. At this time, when the greasy faced boy was put up like a chicken by the security guards, he immediately showed a disdainful smile. At this time, the security guards are going to take the guy away.

Needless to say, it must be thrown out to ya. With a cold smile, Wang Xuan is about to turn around and win money. However, at this time, the woman who came with the greasy faced boy suddenly said a few words to the security guard and showed a card.

After the two security guards saw it, they immediately became serious. Facing the woman's very respectful appearance, they directly let the little white face go. The little white face turned around and gave the two security guards a mouth. The two security guards didn't say a word and let him beat them a few times.

However, at this time, the little white face suddenly looked at Wang Xuan and said to the two security guards, "you two go and catch that boy for me. I must teach him a good lesson today."

The two security guards obviously heard what he said, but they didn't move. Instead, they looked at the woman. The little white face was even more angry when he saw that they didn't pay attention to themselves. However, he was not easy to attack in front of the woman, so he could only turn to the woman and say, "beautiful, you see, they didn't listen to me. You saw it before, I don't care if that kid scolds me. You have to vent your anger on me, or I won't live. "

A dignified man made a coquettish appearance to talk to the beautiful woman. At that time, Wang Xuan felt a chill, let alone him. Even the security guards of the two casinos couldn't stand it. They were all goose bumps.

However, due to the high membership level of women, they did not dare to show any disrespect. They had to bear it there. It was even worse than killing them.

The so-called beautiful woman smiles when she hears the little white face's words. It's very strange that the woman is not beautiful and has a bad figure, but she has a kind of potential to make people look sideways. She looks at Wang Xuaner gently, waves her hand, and says, "there's nothing for you here. Go ahead, we can deal with it by ourselves.".

The two security guards themselves didn't want to be here, so they quickly left. Seeing that the two security guards had left, the little white face quit at that time. "Beautiful, what are you doing? How can they leave and not help me to revenge?"

That woman listened to the words of small white face, then smile "you know what, I this is not to give you the opportunity of revenge?"

As soon as xiaobaimian heard that she wanted him to avenge himself, he was a little bit counselled. Before, he was mad, so he did it to Wang Xuan. In fact, he could see that Wang Xuan had a big arm and a round waist, and he was not one of two or three. So at this time, when he heard the woman's words, he swallowed his saliva and turned to say, "beauty, are you helping him or me, Can I beat him? "

"Fool, you think I want you to fight. Why are you so stupid? Do you know the best way to revenge a gambler? That's right. To win all their money and let them lose hope completely is really revenge. Do you understand? "

Little white face kept nodding like a chicken eating rice, "yes, you are still beautiful. You are smart. Let's go and win all the money of the poor guy. Let's see what gambling he takes and let him go."

"That's right," the woman said. Then she looked at Wang Xuan and let out a good smile. Then she brought the little white face to the gambling table of the dice. Wang Xuan was looking at them again before. Seeing them coming, she looked at them at her door.

The woman smile, Wang Xuan a Leng, then also smile.

Then the realization of the two separate, all toward the dice cup in the past, and at some time, the dice in the dice cup again was shaken up, a new round, began.

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