In fact, Wang Xuan planned to leave after the girl left, because after all, he offended the daughter of the big boss of the company. He must not be able to stay here. Let's go first and save someone to clean up later.

But after all, the house is in charge of itself, and you can't let it lose anything. So you just drag Cheng Yufeng out of the room and lock the door with your door card. Then you go downstairs.

When I came to the outside of manager yuan's office, I wanted to go in and tell her, but I was afraid that the woman might have some intrigues, so I didn't go in. I gave the door card to the little secretary outside her door. When manager yuan came back, I told her that the Temple of your company was too big, so I won't disturb her. Bye.

With that, Wang Xuan laughed at the girl, then turned and walked towards the door of the hall.

After going out of the door, he takes a taxi to go home. In fact, he can send it. But now there are too many people in his family, and every time he sends it home, there is always an accident. He can't stand it any more. Besides, it's downtown. There's basically no hidden place, so he can take a taxi. Don't worry, it's just a cost.

When the car was just in the middle of its journey, there came a strange phone call. Wang Xuan was slightly stunned. He picked it up, put it in his ear and said, "hello?"

Then, a woman on the phone roared like an endocrine disorder, "Wang Xuan, Wang bastard's Xuan, who let you go, who let you go, you're a big man, how can't you slip? Do you know how much pressure I put on to give you that key position? I just hope you can become a talent one day, but you're good, You are a cow. You can't stay for more than a day. You slap your ass and leave for me. Are you worthy of me

"Well, anyway, I don't care. I tell you, your entry has been completed. You can either come and sign for me now, or I'll say that there are millions of things lost in the warehouse. You take them. You can't deny them. I have 100 ways to make you convicted. You can put me in prison. So, you have ten seconds to think about them, Sign, or go to jail, tell you, sister, I'm not so easy to play with, playing with me, is to pay the price

Wang Xuan was a little speechless when he heard yuan Jiaqian's cry, who was as angry as taking gun medicine, riding a gun, and holding explosives. But he knew that he was good. Even the girl surnamed yuan, who had seen him a little bit coquettish before, had to admit that his family didn't do anything to him in the end, and gave him a job.

You know, this is Wanrong group. How many people want to come in, but he is able to do such a leisurely job. It's definitely a favor to him. Although the woman may have impure motives, it can't deny the fact that she helped herself.

In Wang Xuan's life, he didn't meet many good people, which also formed his gratitude mentality. People respect me and I respect others. Since that chick has helped, he can't help it after all. He has a bad feeling for her, so he explained it quickly.

"No, I said elder sister, I know that you helped me, but in fact, I left to help you. You don't know that something happened to me before. It's not easy to do. I offended people. It's Bai Wanrong, the chairman of your group, and his daughter, who is called Miss seven. She asked me to beat her before."

As soon as Wang Xuan said that he would fight here, he heard yuan Jiaqian on the other side of the street as if he had a wind. He cried out, "what! You, you beat Xiao Qi? "

Wang Xuan let the woman startled, the mobile phone almost did not throw in front of the driver's brain melon seeds, hurriedly grabbed back, just said, "I go, you so big reaction why, frighten me, yes, I beat that chick, not only let me beat, but also beat to cry, ah, you don't know, that chick cried so miserable at that time, Now think about her expression at that time. Hey, I can enjoy ten yuan. "

"You want to be happy for ten yuan, you bastard. You are going to be crazy." In fact, yuan Jiaqian just came out of the bathroom and didn't know about it. At this time, she almost went back to the toilet after hearing Wang Xuan's words. Shuangmen almost incontinent.

But Wang Xuan said, "I'm not crazy. Of course I know who the girl is. Otherwise I can beat her. I'm in charge of her for her father. You don't know. The girl is from a big family. She's really ill bred. She yells at everyone. You say that if she doesn't educate, she will be a fool in the future, so I'm kind, Teach her a lesson. When the chick leaves, she always leaves with tears of regret. How can I say that I have done something good? "

"I didn't expect that the girl would say that she would not let me go at the door of the elevator. It's so frightening. So you said that I can't leave. If I don't leave, the girl will definitely ask me for trouble. If I don't leave, she may have to ask you something else. I think that I won't give you any trouble. I'm leaving just for you. So let's discuss and let me go, Is that ok? "

"Yes, I know. I'm handsome, I'm in good shape, and I'm strong enough. But actually, it's all superficial. I'm not a special person. I'm obscene, trifling, indecent, and I've got people I like. I want to work hard, save money, marry her, and spend a little time with her, so it's not suitable for us."

"Although you are a little bit grumpy, a little bit older, and a little bit less womanly, you still have many advantages, such as... Well, anyway, you are sure to find better people to like you."

"And seriously, I'm not your dish, and you're not my pie. It's impossible for us to talk about love and love. When you're young, you'll look for something better. If you can't find something, you can find someone to live with. Anyway, people will live for decades in their life. If you don't have a good life, you may not live for decades, There will always be the past, but your life is doomed to end. It's not appropriate for you to say that you still want to pull on me. Why do you do this evil, don't you

"You, Wang Xuan, you, you are a son of a bitch. I work hard. I have a bad temper, isn't it? Aunt, I have to do evil today. You come back to me, and he will come back to me now. Otherwise, aunt, I will call the police now. You not only steal things, but also insult me. No, it's a strong girl who has attempted to do evil. You can't come back, you can't come back, I'll call the police now! "

"Well, I said what's the matter with you. I told you with all my heart. Why don't you understand? I'm doing it for you!"

"For your uncle's sake, get back to me, or I'll be furious, you bastard!"

"I'll go. Women are really animals that are hard to understand. I'm a nice, considerate, gentle and considerate girl. It's hard to find a good girl in the world. Compared with her, you're an unreasonable crazy woman. I don't care about you. I'm tired. I'll go home first, and don't rush to report to the police, I don't want to go there and be dismissed directly. It's very expensive to take a taxi. You know what? So I'll ask for a leave in the afternoon. You can take the wild girl named Bai and let me know. And don't always call me if it's OK. We're not familiar with each other, so we won't be misunderstood. It's OK, Goodbye, you're in

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