Hearing Bai xun'er's words, yuan Jiaqian was really silly at this time. "It's not Bai xun'er, you little girl. What are you talking about with me here? What do you mean I've been killed by someone? Which son of a bitch made the rumor? Let me know. I have to tear her mouth!"

On hearing someone dare to make their own rumors, yuan Jiaqian was in a bad state at that time. She was even more angry than before when Wang Xuan and Bai Xiaoya bullied her. She yelled at Bai xunger.

"Elder sister, don't hide this from me. The whole company is about to know. I still listen to others. They all say that when you call, you shout out and say you want to sue that guy. It's not interesting for you to hide such a thing from me."

Yuan Jiaqian knew where the source was at this time, but when she knew that the person who should be ripped was herself, she really had the impulse to slap herself in the face, but she was secretly aggrieved, "bastard, it's all the damned Wang Xuan. If he doesn't give me the whole thing, aunt, I'll lose such an adult, this bastard."

Think of here, she still has some fluke psychology in the heart of the white smoked son to ask, "really, really the whole company people all know?"

Bai xun'er looked at her speechless, and then nodded firmly, "well, you know, for such gossip, even I want to go out and talk to others, do you think it may not spread?"

"Asshole, asshole!" Yuan Jiaqian another round of rage began, scared Bai Xun son are a Leng a Leng, dare not make a sound.

After a long time, when yuan Jiaqian calmed down, she told the truth like Bai xunger. What was the matter? Although the girl looked like "I believe you", Yuan Jiayi still knew that she had said it in vain.

She sighed secretly, but her resentment towards Wang Xuan was more obvious. But she had nothing to do with him, which made her feel worse than being given that by that guy. Suddenly, there was a flash in her mind. I remember that Wang Xuan seemed to say that she had beaten Bai xun'er. In that case, the girl would not bear that tone, It seems that the hope of revenge can be placed on her!

This thought, she quickly cleaned up the mood, not entangled in their own topic, but said to Bai xun'er, "what, don't talk about my business, tell me about you, you this chick is how, walk how this pattern, twisted feet?"

If you don't say this, it's OK. As soon as you say that Bai xun'er's little face was pulled down at that time. When her mouth was flat, her eyes became red. As soon as she handed it to the owner of the building, yuan Jiaqian said, "cousin, someone bullied me. You have to take revenge for me!"

Hearing this sentence, yuan Jiaqian's eyes suddenly lit up. She was also excited. She quickly took the girl to sit down. Then she took out a bucket of popcorn from her desk and put two popcorn into her mouth. Then she said to Bai xunger, who was already stunned in front of her, "OK, OK, you can't wait."

Bai xun'er


When Wang Xuan returns home, he is welcomed by Bai Xiaoya as a hero. First, when ye qinger is away, he stealthily pecks Wang Xuan's face like a dragonfly skimming water, and then quickly pulls him to Wang Xuan's room.

At the beginning, Wang Xuan was stunned by the girl's enthusiasm, but when he came to his room, Ya reflected how he was taken advantage of by her. No, he had to take it back, so he put Bai Xiaoya in his arms and directly kissed her on the lips.

It's not the first time for the two of them to do so, so they relaxed a little, so that their lips would not be damaged. However, kissing and looking into each other's eyes, at a certain moment, they could not help thinking of their embarrassment that day, and they all laughed.

Then it's out of control, the smile is called a back and forth, but after the smile, and at a certain moment, I can see each other's eyes, feel the burning emotion in the deep eyes, and they can't help but get close to each other, until their lips are tightly connected.

Love is like a volcano. Even when it is quiet, it is also very intense. Once it erupts, it will be unstoppable.

The two people in the kiss can feel the flame in each other's heart, stirring, pestering, and the strong mysterious gravity that wants to be integrated and strengthened, which has made both of them completely infatuated, indulging in each other's gentle ocean. There is an urgent emotion sprouting from the bottom of their hearts, and then quickly occupied each other's thinking.

"Brother Xuan, is it hard for me? I can give it to you. I..."

"No, no, Xiaoya, it's not time yet. I, I can't give you a good life. Give me more time, give me more time."

"I don't care, brother Xuan. You know, I don't care!"

"I know, I know what kind of a good girl you are, but I can't be so unscrupulous because of your kindness. It's a blasphemy to you and a denial to myself. Give me a chance to prove that I can, Xiaoya, believe me!"

Looking at the strange light called self-confidence blooming in Wang Xuan's deep eyes, Bai Xiaoya feels that her whole heart has been melted. In the face of his request, she doesn't answer. She just raises her head and offers her most gentle kiss. This is the affirmation that is better than any answer.

At this moment, the deep love spreads in the whole room, and even makes the small room have some romantic taste. That's right, it's romantic. It's different from the material and vulgar money romance that people often see. At this time, the romance in the cabin is calm.

It's just like an old couple who are already white haired and have never experienced any startling parting, but they have been so quietly helping each other all their lives. Holding the hand of their son and growing old together with their son is not as simple as talking. Only when they do it to the end, can they feel the depth and shock of their love. It's just as light as the wind, But also contains a very strong happiness.

It's not flowers or jewelry. It's just vanity. In fact, if you really fall in love with someone, every minute, every second, every frown and smile with him is romantic. Flowers will wither and jewelry will decay. However, the waves in the plain under true love will never be forgotten, because it has been accompanied in your whole life, Even deep in your soul.

When your time is no longer, youth is gone, and life is coming to an end, he will hold your hand like that, looking at your slightly turbid eyes with tenderness, telling you that once upon a time, those plain and full of memories of life, with tears in the smile, heartbreak in the joy, with some pale voice, Sing for you the last lullaby of your life, that kind of scene is absolutely better than all those superficial things.

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