Wang Xuan said that he was about to go to Wang Yong's house, but Bai Xiaoya stopped him directly. Wang Xuan was stunned and looked at Bai Xiaoya with some doubts. He didn't know why he was blocking himself.

Bai Xiaoya laughs, "it's no use to go, and if she pretends to change clothes or something and takes off all her clothes in the room, it's even more unclear. Moreover, she's just a woman without brain. Brother Xuan is a person who does great things. Just ignore her."

Wang Xuan was really angry in his heart, but when he heard Bai Xiaoya's words, it flowed into his heart like a cool spring. He immediately lowered his anger and showed a smile on his face, but then he turned his eyes and said, "that's true. Since Xiaoya said that, I'll spare her once. Oh, yes, I said to do something big, Come with me, Xiao Ya. I have something important to discuss with you. "

When Wang Xuan talks, his smile is bad. How can Bai Xiaoya not know that he is going to do something bad to himself again? His face suddenly blushes. He lowers his head and says with a little hesitation, "well, I know. Brother Xuan, you go back first. I'll prepare for you and go there later."

As soon as she said that, Wang Xuan was so happy that he nodded and turned around to leave. But Bai Xiaoya said, "brother Xuan, are you going to leave like this?"

"Yes?" Wang Xuan is a little confused. He doesn't know what Bai Xiaoya means. He looks at her blankly.

"Don't you think you should keep something in your arms?"

Wang Xuan looked down and immediately realized that it was the little sling left by the girl just before she left. Wang Xuan suddenly laughed, scratched his head and explained, "it's a mistake. I didn't think about it just now, so I handed it in." With that, he threw it directly at Ye qinger.

"Why do you throw it on me?" Ye Qing'er angrily throws that thing to the ground and yells at Wang Xuan.

"I'm not afraid to dirty Xiaoya's hands, so you don't care!" Wang Xuan said shamelessly.

"You, you asshole!" Ye Qing'er stamped her feet and scolded him, but Wang Xuan didn't care. With a smile, she turned around and put him down.

Ye qinger turns around and wants to complain to Bai Xiaoya, but she sees that Bai Xiaoya looks at her with a very funny look. Her face turns red, and she feels that her attitude just now seems to be a little coquetry to Wang Xuan, which makes her a little flustered for a moment, just like stealing things and being caught.

Hurriedly kowtow said, "that, Xiaoya elder sister, I, I suddenly sleepy, I want to go back to sleep, you, you busy." Then she went back to the room and got into her quilt full of puppets. She didn't dare to come out with a guilty voice, but she kept scolding herself in her heart, "ye Qing'er, what are you doing? You're stupid. How can you talk to that bastard like that, and let Xiaoya see it. It's really, it's killing me."

Just as she said that, she heard a loud noise from the door and knew that Bai Xiaoya had come back. She was so guilty that she did not dare to move. It was as if Bai Xiaoya could not see her.

In recent days, Bai Xiaoya can see more and more that ye qinger is not right. In fact, this is the main reason why she found a job for Wang Xuan. She believes in Wang Xuan, but many times, things like love and propriety are easy to say, but in fact, they are very successful.

The most basic function and instinct of human existence in the world is reproduction, which is the nature of human soul as well as survival. Sometimes, it is not controlled by human subjective consciousness. What's more, ye qinger is indeed a girl to be liked. Although Bai Xiaoya is tolerant and generous, she also takes care of Ye qinger like her sister.

But no matter what, she will not let her men out. Although she seems to be a little cautious, she has never seen such a thing. It is the only way to take precautions.

What's more, she has to go to work after class every day, but ye qinger doesn't need it. Therefore, Wang Xuan must have more contact time with Ye qinger than herself. She is really a little afraid that Wang Xuan will be robbed one day, so even if she is very unwilling, she still contacts yuan Jiaqian and finds a job for Wang Xuan.

In fact, many times, she really wants to give herself to Wang Xuan directly, and then go with him to a place where no one knows them and live a good life. But there are many things, but they are not so simple. She can't leave yet, so she can only take precautions.

However, she is not angry with Ye qinger for the things that ye qinger seems to like Wang Xuan. There are many men in the world, but few of them can be entrusted for life. Ye qinger also likes Wang Xuan. In fact, on the other hand, it also proves Wang Xuan's charm and her own vision. It just makes her feel some pressure.

At this time, when she came back to the room, she saw that ye qinger was hiding in the quilt and didn't dare to move. She was amused. But she also knew that ye qinger seemed to be a little shy and guilty, so she didn't mention those things. She directly cleaned up, changed into the clothes that Wang Xuan liked, and smeared light lip gloss to scatter her waterfall like hair, This is just lightly out of the room, toward the direction of Wang Xuan's room.

When Bai Xiaoya left, the room was quiet. Ye qinger just secretly went through the gap between the quilts and saw Bai Xiaoya dressed outside. Looking at her carefully dressing herself, ye qinger naturally knew that she was going to Wang Xuan's room.

Don't know how, in the heart of some grievances, a trace of sour astringent things in her nose constantly make trouble, gently blinked, a trace of warm liquid from her eyes overflowed out, flow in the mouth, salty bitter taste.

At the beginning, she just sobbed, but I don't know how, she began to sob, sad as if she had been abandoned by the whole world, tears couldn't stop flowing, she cried for a long time, and then she finally understood one thing, she seemed to really like that rascal bastard.

Knowing what she was thinking, she suddenly stopped crying. Instead, she started to stay and kept thinking, "how can I fall in love with him? He is the person that Xiaoya likes, because he looks at her body? I still like the unbridled relaxed feeling when I am with him, but after all, he is the person that Xiaoya likes. How can he do this? Xiaoya is so good to herself. What's the matter with him! "

After thinking about it for a long time, she didn't have a definite answer. She was a little tired of crying, so she hugged a big bear doll tightly in her arms and said gently, "bad guy, hold me!" Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

In the dream, there is a prince, waiting for her, that is her own, lover.

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