After Bai Wanrong left, Wang Xuan and Yuan Jiaqian went straight upstairs. Many people on the road saw that yuan Jiaqian and Wang Xuan were pointing at each other when they came together. Wang Xuan was a little strange, so they asked yuan Jiaqian, "Hey, manager yuan, do you find that those people seem to be pointing at us? Is there something wrong, Let me tell you something. You have to explain to them. I'm quite innocent. I can't just ruin my reputation? "

It's good not to say that. Yuan Jiaqian was very angry at that time. She was not deaf. Naturally, she could hear what those guys said. Naturally, what they said was all about her being... Attempted. She was very angry and had been enduring it. But Wang Xuan, the initiator of this incident, even said such shameless words to herself. How could she not be angry, It was about to explode beans.

However, it suddenly occurred to him that Wang Xuan's contract of selling himself had not been signed, and he could not fight and scold himself. In case he was beaten, it would be even more unworthy, so he could only glare at him and say, "they didn't say you, they are a big fool. Don't stick money on your face, just sign the contract and leave this job, He who has nothing to do all day looks like a rascal. "

"Oh, yeah, they really said another big fool. You heard me right. I heard that you were bullied by someone. Did you let the big fool give it to you? Oh, my God, you have too strong a taste. No wonder you don't like the guy who crashed the car and the man at the door. I really admire you."

Wang Xuan said and looked at yuan Jiaqian with a bad smile, with a look of adoration. She was angry with yuan Jiaqian, but when she thought about her plan with Bai xun'er, she kept telling herself to calm down and endure for a few minutes. After a few minutes, the boy signed the contract and let him look good. She had to kill him.

With such a kind of indignant mood and suffering from Wang Xuan's all kinds of poisonous words, yuan Jiaqian finally took Wang Xuan to her office. In such a short distance, yuan Jiaqian felt that she had never been so far away and suffered a lot.

So as soon as she arrived at the office, she immediately threw out the employment contract in triplicate without saying a word. She threw it at Wang Xuan and said, "sign for me immediately, and then disappear from my sight. I don't want to see you any more for a minute. Hurry up!"

In fact, yuan Jiaqian said this only to express a false appearance. It was like that after Wang Xuan signed the contract, they had nothing to do with each other. She didn't want to take care of what he did in the future. In fact, it was playing hard to get. After all, there were too many traps in the contract. She was really afraid of what Wang Xuan would find.

Wang Xuan has been bullying that chick all the way. That chick has almost no ability to fight back, so he is a bit upset. Listening to that chick's saying, he thought she was really afraid of him, so he laughed and signed the contract without thinking about it.

Looking at Wang Xuan signing the contract, yuan Jiaqian took it all from his hand. After careful checking, she found that it was signed. On her face, she suddenly showed a smile, "ha ha, this time, you bastard is not in our sister's hands, how to deal with you, xun'er, Come out quickly. This guy has signed. From then on, he is the meat on our chopping board. We can handle it as we like. "

As soon as yuan Jiaqian's voice fell, a girl came out from under her desk. She seized the contract and then, after verification, she also laughed like yuan Jiaqian. Wang Xuan saw that it was not someone else, but Bai Xiaoqi who was beaten by him yesterday.

Seeing this, if Wang Xuan didn't know what was going on, he would be really stupid. He knew that the two girls must have done something in the contract. However, at this time, he didn't worry at all. Instead, he sneered. Looking at the two girls in the room who were happily forgetting, he said, "Hey, hey, I said, You two have snake essence disease. It's dry wool. You're very happy, aren't you

Bai xun'er was holding the contracts in his hand, and the whole person was proud to float up and said to Wang Xuan, "boy, who are you talking to there? I'll tell you, talk to my aunt in the future. Be polite. See, you know what this is? Hehe, this is your deed of sale. It's written here. In the future, you must listen to my cousin and me, As long as we are not satisfied with anything, it will be regarded as a breach of contract. You have to compensate 100 times of your annual salary. By the way, you may not know how much your annual salary is. Haha, what I wrote is one million. If you breach the contract, you have to pay 100 million. Do you have the money, so you'd better be obedient to me, otherwise, hum, you'll look good! "

"That's right, Wang Xuan. You're a dead bastard. You know you're angry with me. I can't stand it any more. Now you squat on the ground and learn from the dog. Hurry up, or I'll call the police and put you in jail. One hundred million is enough to betray you. At that time, hum, even your daughter-in-law can't get married." Yuan Jiaqian is trying to put pressure on Wang Xuan. She knows that Wang Xuan is good with Bai Xiaoya. Otherwise, she may not come today, so she threatens him with Bai Xiaoya and imprisonment.

Bai xun'er next to him didn't know that Wang Xuan was introduced by Bai Xiaoya. After listening to yuan Jiaqian's words, he felt a little strange, but he didn't think much about it. He just thought that it was OK to clean up Wang Xuan, and the rest was not important, so he said, "yes, you will be a bachelor all your life. At that time, you will be miserable."

But after listening to the two people's words, Wang Xuan's smile became more and more intense. "I said, how long are your brains? Seriously, I really doubt whether you have intelligence quotient. Let's not say first, whether so many exploitation clauses in your contract are effective or not, even if they are, but don't you find one thing?"

"What's the matter?" Yuan Jiaqian asked.

"What do you want to say? Don't make a fool of yourself. It's no use delaying your time!" Bai xun'er is still so arrogant.

But at this time, Wang Xuan laughed, "it's really two stupid women. Don't you understand? Do you think you caught me? But you didn't find that the contract and I are in this room. You are still too complacent. If you take the contract away and tell me, I have no way. But now the contract is still in the room, hehe hehe. "

"What does he mean?" Yuan Jiaqian, though she thought something was wrong, didn't think about it, so she asked foolishly?

And the next Bai xun'er heard Wang Xuan's words, obviously understood his meaning, turned his head and said to yuan Jiaqian, "Oh, cousin, how stupid you are! He, he wants to take back the contract. If he destroys it, all his previous achievements will be wasted."

"What?" Yuan Jiaqian also responded at this time and said, "no, Wang Xuan, don't come here. The contract is ours. If you dare to come here, I will..."

"What can you do? Do you want to shout? Let the people in the whole building come and listen to how Wanrong group exploits its employees. Well, you can call it, whatever you want, but the contract must be brought to me!" Say Wang Xuan then double legs Lian move, direct toward is taking the white smoked son of the contract to rush past.

"Girl, don't run, give me the contract!"

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