"I, I'm not, it's all him, this asshole!" When Bai xun'er heard yuan Jiaqian's words, she was angry and incoherent. She pushed Wang Xuan away and got up from the ground. However, she found that her clothes had been torn apart, revealing a lot of spring.

When Wang Xuan's clothes were torn apart by her just now, the warm feeling when they were touching each other's chest muscles and skin. She wanted to blame Wang Xuan, but she couldn't say it immediately. Instead, she took a look at her lips, tied the button in a hurry, and ran out of the office quickly.

As soon as yuan Jiaqian saw the girl running away, she wanted to chase her. But later she thought that when she didn't come, they both kiss each other well. When she came, she ran away. It seemed that she was hiding from her. If you think about it, you'd better not go.

So he turned to her office and came in. When he saw Wang Xuan sitting on the floor rubbing the back of his head, he sneered, "hum, what else do you say that there is a person you like, and what else is she the best woman in the world? You men are all like this bear. You say it very well, but you do it in a different way. It's disgusting."

"You, you little girl, are talking nonsense here. It was a misunderstanding just now. Don't talk nonsense."

"Yo Yo, I misunderstood a fart. When I was stupid, I saw it all. You two are squeaking. I misunderstood a fart. You dare to be a coward. Get out of here. I feel sick when I see you."

"Che, I don't want to explain to you." Wang Xuan curled his mouth and pulled his clothes. He buttoned up and walked directly towards the door. He was about to leave.

But at this time, yuan Jiaqian suddenly said, "yes, and ah, the contract says that you are now xun'er's bodyguard. You should protect her safety and not let her suffer any harm. Otherwise, you will lose money..."

"I see. 100 million?" Wang Xuan said impatiently.

"That's right, you just know it, so you'd better be honest and don't be upset."

"I can't find it? I can't even tell you. You have to make me come, OK? So even if someone can't find it, it's you crazy woman who has nothing to do with me. I'm too lazy to tell you! " Wang Xuan finished, turned and left.

"Asshole, you, where are you going? You go to protect xun'er for me, do you hear me?" Yuan Jiaqian was annoyed by what Wang Xuan said, so she wanted to reply, but suddenly she looked at Wang Xuan's intention of abandoning her job and quickly reminded her.

"You're not very smart to say you're stupid. After what happened just now, that chick would like to see me. If I go, I'll just give her a break. So I've asked for leave today. If anything happens, I'll wait until I'm in a good mood."

"You, what's your attitude, but if you don't come, what will happen if xun'er goes out?"

"Don't worry, that chick hasn't known me for two days, and she has lived so long before, so she won't be able to live without me. Besides, you're afraid that if she has something to do, you won't let her not go out. Crazy woman, it's just a lot of things." Having said that, he went directly to the door, pressed the elevator and went straight away.

Yuan Jiaqian suddenly some grievances, "once upon a time, she was bullied by Wang Xuan, even if, but now she has signed a contract, but still can't get him, this, what's the matter? Don't you use your plan? It's impossible, that bastard cares about Xiaoya so much, and will never want to go to jail?" Think of here, the fluster in her heart, just calmed down a few, curl a mouth mercilessly looking at Wang Xuan to disappear of back figure, murmur a way.

"Asshole, son of a bitch, you are the asshole. You are the crazy woman. Wait for me. I will never let you go, hum!" With these words, she was in a better mood. She took out a box of lady's cigarettes from the table, gently lit one, and found the crystal ashtray on the ground. Then the whole person sat on the ground, cursing Wang Xuan and smoking deeply.


At this time, Wang Xuan was in a bad mood when he was walking on the street. He felt that he was really unlucky. How could he always encounter such things? At the beginning, sister Yu used this move to sign a five million IOU and promised to steal something for her and return it to her.

Although later he also knew what happened to her, that she was pitiful, and that she asked him to take her husband's letter and share certificate, which belonged to her. Wang Xuan also agreed to help, but he always felt that she had been calculated.

Today, I'm even more stupid. I didn't look at it when I signed it. It's really bad.

But in fact, Wang Xuan didn't know that the contract was made by Bai xun'er, the senior lawyer of their company. Even if he looked at it carefully, he couldn't see the flaw. However, Wang Xuan still felt very unhappy and secretly made up his mind. In the future, he should never be careless.

In my heart, I always want to stay with Bai Xiaoya, which can make him feel very comfortable and free. I think that I have asked for leave anyway, so I'd better go to see her. Anyway, I haven't been to the place where she works for a long time. Yes, that's it.

After making up his mind, Wang Xuan took a taxi directly to Bai Xiaoya's work place. On the way, he stopped and bought a rose, thinking that Bai Xiaoya would like it.

Bai Xiaoya works in a large supermarket chain called wo'er ma. She is in charge of department stores. Her military shovel was bought by Bai Xiaoya when they had a discount here.

When he comes to the supermarket, he goes directly to Bai Xiaoya's work area. He looks at Bai Xiaoya sorting out some things in the innermost position from a distance. He laughs and then sneaks to the other side. As a result, he doesn't pay attention and bumps into a person directly.

Wang Xuan a Leng, quickly with others to apologize, "sorry, I just didn't see, really sorry ah."

"Boy, what are you talking about playing Ying'er? You bumped into me and thought it would be over to say sorry. When I'm a bully, don't you think it's necessary to say sorry if it's useful?"

When Wang Xuangang wanted to leave, he heard such harsh words coming from his side. He frowned slightly and looked at the guy. He saw that he was a very ugly guy. He was tall and dressed in a gray suit. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. He looked a little nondescript.

It's a state in which the eyes are round, the eyebrows are raised, the cheeks are bulging, the temples are working hard, the muscles of the arms are interlaced, a face stretched out can frighten people to death, and a smile can frighten ghosts to death.

Next to the big man, there was a very gentle guy with gold glasses. At this time, the guy was looking at Wang Xuan with a whole bunch of roses in his hand. He looked sinister. When he saw that Wang Xuan looked at them, the guy covered his mouth with his hand, coughed gently, and then winked at Wang Xuan.

The man was stunned, and then he showed that kind of narrow smile, said, "master Qi, I understand, you go first, I'm a rough man, I won't disturb you, as for this side, don't worry, just give it to me, I won't let you down."

The gentle looking guy, after listening to the man's words, immediately showed that kind of appreciative smile on his face, stretched out his hand and patted the man's tall shoulder, "yes, black bear, you are very smart, follow the young master and I will work hard, it is absolutely good for you."

"Yes, Mr. Qi, you go first. I'll take care of this side." The big man's face also instantly showed a smile, and then a pair of flattering appearance, make a please posture.

The man with the golden glasses is very pleased to take the flowers and go to Bai Xiaoya. When he passes by Wang Xuan, he looks at him contemptuously. He snorts and says in a low voice, "don't pee and take care of your virtue!" With that, he directly stepped up, like a rooster, and went in the direction of Bai Xiaoya.

As soon as Wang Xuan frowned, he was angry and wanted to reach for him. But at this moment, a hand stopped his arm directly. Wang Xuan turned around and looked at the arm that stopped him. It was the man named black bear who was still smiling at him.

"Boy, you can't make up your mind about some women. If you know what to do, you'd better get out of here. I'll tell you, if I'm black bear, you'll be at least half disabled, so you'd better..."

"Touch..." Wang Xuan saw that the boy with the gold glasses was almost in front of Bai Xiaoya. The black bear was still holding him and beeping like an old woman. He was really annoyed. Without saying a word, he punched the black bear in the chest and immediately beat him back two or three steps. With a low roar, he knelt on the ground and couldn't move.

Wang Xuan looked at him coldly and said, "you're right. This is what I want to tell you. If you don't want to die, get away from me!"

With a cold drink, Wang Xuan turns around and goes to Bai Xiaoya and the man with gold glasses.

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