Huang Pang's life in the past two days is really worse than death. He lost hundreds of thousands of money because of the ground collapse incident, but he added all the money. As a result, the matter has not passed yet. Yes, his wife has been taken away again.

For these things, he went to the police station almost every day, but because he used to come out, all the police had his case base. When he went to report a case, almost no one accepted it. He just casually recorded a confession for him and was sent back to wait for news. As a result, there was no fart news for a few days.

This morning, he finally couldn't make it. He went to the police station again and asked him what happened to the money and his wife. As a result, the policeman's words almost didn't make him angry.

At this time, he can even clearly remember that guy's disdainful face said to him, "your case? I haven't done anything yet. These days, the cases reported by good people have not yet been dealt with. Who has time to deal with you? Just stay there. "

At that time, he was so angry with Huang that he almost didn't smoke. However, he also knew that he couldn't fight with others. Even though he was a bully, he was not afraid of anything, but he fought with the police? He doesn't want to have bad luck.

So I had to go home by myself and start drinking with the curser, the bastard who stole his money, the dog who abducted his woman, the heartless bitch, and the bastard police who should all be shot.

Just as he was scolding, suddenly the phone rang. He reached out and rummaged around for a long time before he found the damned phone. Before he could speak, he heard the other party say, "Hey, yellow dog, I'm white eyed. Who do you think I saw today?"

Huang pangzi was a little impatient when he heard that he was a dog with white eyes. Why, it wasn't because he was asked to help beat Wang Xuan last time. This bastard usually blows like a bull. He says that Xiangcheng is not unfair.

As a result, a group of people beat up one by one, and their mothers didn't know each other. It's a good idea to return him. They asked him for medical expenses. Just as they wanted to argue, they had to cut him. As a result, the yellow fat man finally spent money to avoid disaster and lost a sum of money. Now he even has the face to call himself. It's really shameless of him.

So Huang pangzi also relied on the strength of wine and said, "NIMA, who do you like to see? I don't care if I see your father who has made you angry for decades. I'm busy and have no time to take care of you." Said Huang fatty want to hang up the phone, feel with such a person, there is nothing to talk about.

However, just when he was about to hang up, he suddenly heard the other party say, "I saw Wang Xuan who you asked me to clean up last time, and guess what he did. Let me tell you, ah, today he went to the bank to remit money. There are tens of thousands of them. Didn't you say that you lost your money? It may have something to do with him. Now, hehe, maybe, It's really that kid who got it for you. "

"What do you mean, he?" he said Huang pangzi didn't think so, but when he heard that the compensation he lost might have been taken away by Wang Xuan, he suddenly became energetic and asked the white eyed wolf in a loud voice.

"Well, I didn't say that, but I did see that guy remit tens of thousands of money. As for whether it's yours or not, I don't know. But I think it's about the same. After all, didn't you say that boy was poor? If it wasn't for your money, where would he get it from?" The white eyed wolf said so.

When Huang Pang heard this, he was more convinced that Wang Xuan took the money away. Otherwise, he always counseled. Why did ya dare to fight against me after that day? Yes, it's absolutely for this reason. Yes, he stole my money and came back to show his prestige with me. Son of a bitch, I have to make you look good.

The yellow fat man said so in his heart, but his mouth seemed to disapprove and said, "grass, it's just suspicion. I thought you had some evidence. It's useless to doubt. OK, I don't have time to talk to you." Then he hung up directly.

Although he felt that Wang Xuan had taken his money, he would not tell the white eyed wolf exactly about it. Otherwise, if that bastard really knew that he had dealt with Wang Xuan, he would come to blackmail himself. It's not the first time for that guy to do such a thing, and the yellow fat man will not give him a chance.

Hang up the phone, he directly called Chen long, his brother-in-law these two days is not very smooth, heard that it is to be sued, but Huang fat didn't care about it, the boy last time a little help, let him out of the compensation.

He Chen long to is good, nothing lost, hurt his own Ni lost hundreds of thousands, so Huang fat man to Chen long is also very don't like, directly call, told him, he want to go to his wife, asked for a month's leave, and then drank the wine in the cup, directly took the key, and went to the door.

Huang Pang is also a little scared by the white eyed wolf. Although he believes what the guy said, seeing is believing. He won't let him see for himself whether Wang Xuan is really rich. He can't make up his mind. After all, he knows the festival between the white eyed wolf and Wang Xuan. He doesn't want to be a gun envoy.

So he got on the car and went directly to the place where Wang Xuan lived.


When Wang Xuan arrived at Wanrong group, he saw a policeman walking out of the building, and he was also the director of the public relations department. A long legged beauty sent it out in person. You should know that the girl Wang Xuan had met. At that time, because the girl was good-looking, he had a look and knew that she was the director of the public relations department. Only then did he recognize her, but he didn't know her name.

However, when he saw the two policemen, Wang Xuan felt that he wanted to bow his head and run away, because one of the two policemen was not someone else, but the girl of yehongwu.

After all, last night, I saw the girl completely. He took off all her clothes. Of course, she didn't volunteer. The main reason was that she was hurt and had no strength, so she had to do it for her.

Fortunately, the girl didn't bother him, so he ran away. He thought that she had escaped, but he didn't expect that she would run into him so soon. It's really bad luck.

Think of here, he quickly turned around, do not want to let the other party see his face, and then quietly into the building, but in his furtive is about to enter the building, there is about to get on the night red dance, slightly a dozen eyes, you can see his back.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, then his eyes flashed, and he said directly, "Hey, that guy over there, stop for me!"

When Wang Xuan heard the words of Yehong dance, there was only one word in his heart: "damn..."

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