This side son Wang Xuan is getting the tight of Se, but don't know at this time in the home already had big matter son.

This matter has to start after Wang Xuan left with Bai xunger. In fact, Bai Xiaoya has already come back as soon as he left. She is on a day shift in the supermarket today, so she came back earlier. As soon as she entered the room, she saw Ye qinger cleaning up in the room.

You know, at this time, ye Qing'er is also sleeping. When she comes back to ask her to eat, she can't wake up, let alone ask her to clean up the house. So Bai Xiaoya jokingly says, "Qing'er, how is it today? The sun is coming out from the west, which makes you so elegant. Why do you want to clean up the house?"

Ye Qing'er was not comfortable in her heart. She was cursing Wang Xuan secretly. Suddenly she heard Bai Xiaoya's words. She was used to suing Wang Xuan, so she said directly, "no, Xiaoya, you don't know. Wang Xuan, who is not that bastard, is today..."

Speaking of this time, ye Qing'er reacts. No, Wang Xuan brought a woman back before, and they are still in Xiaoya's house. Although the woman is injured, who knows that Wang Xuan is not a pervert and likes to play with such a woman.

And no matter what, it's wrong for him to hold a woman. If he told Xiaoya, would Xiaoya think wildly? What if he quarreled with Wang Xuan?

Today, Wang Xuan, the villain, has a slightly better attitude towards others. If I know this, it's me who says it and makes them quarrel. I'm afraid that villain will never take care of himself any more. Thinking of this, ye qinger suddenly feels nervous, and then closes her mouth and doesn't speak any more.

In fact, Bai Xiaoya is used to hearing ye Qing'er speak ill of Wang Xuan. At this time, if ye Qing'er speaks directly, Bai Xiaoya will not feel anything. But now ye Qing'er's hesitation makes her feel strange. She can't help asking, "Qing'er, brother Xuan, what's wrong with him today?"

Ye qinger felt that her words were received in time just now. Bai Xiaoya asked her this question. She pulled her expression and spat out her tongue. She felt that something was wrong, but she was also a ghost. Her big eyes turned around. She was just seeing the clothes that Bai xunger had made blood on. Just now, she took them off and threw them into the small basin where she usually put them. She hadn't washed them yet, It's just an excuse.

He said hastily, "ah, sister ya, in fact, it's nothing. By the way, you just came back, you must be tired. Take a rest. I, I'll go to wash clothes, hehe." With that, the girl hurried to the door, sneaking like a thief, which made Bai Xiaoya feel more wrong.

When ye qinger passed by her, she just subconsciously swept, just saw the red blood, and the very sexy inside in Ye qinger's small basin, immediately made her eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and wanted to see more carefully, but the little girl had already run away, so that she didn't even say the question in her mouth.

In the heart faint some feel wrong, but did not say anything more, but as usual, took off his clothes, intend to change into pajamas, to take a bath, but when she gently lifted the quilt on her bed, the whole person was momentarily stunned.

Because on the quilt, there is a piece of red blood, like a plum blossom, scattered in the snow. When you think about ye qinger's strange behavior and the clothes she took out that might be blood clothes, you suddenly have a bad feeling in your heart, which makes her frown tightly.

After a long silence, she did not say anything. She just gently pulled the sheet off the bed and held it in her hand for a long time. Then she put it in the cabinet beside her bed, took out a new one from the cabinet and put it on. Then she changed into a nightgown and went to the bathroom.

Ye qinger is still rubbing the clothes in the bathroom, how to wash also can't wash off, let her heart more depressed, then muttered and scolded, "asshole, Wang Xuan this asshole, shameless, smelly hooligan, know to play with my daughter every day, make my clothes like this, he is patting ass to leave, harm I also want to cover up for him, really a asshole, big asshole."

While washing clothes, ye Qing'er murmurs that she feels better. But she doesn't know that Bai Xiaoya, who is standing outside the bathroom, is stunned by her words. She can't move for a long time. Her nose is sour, and her heart is full of pain with words.

Bai Xiaoya is standing at the door of the bathroom at this time. She really wants to go in and ask Ye qinger what's going on. But when she wants to reach out, she is timid. This woman who once thought it was impossible for her to be difficult is afraid. She is afraid that she can't bear the result.

So she stretched out her hand for a long time. Instead of opening the door of the bathroom, she turned quickly and went to Wang Xuan's room.

The moment she opened the room, her whole tears finally flowed out. She walked into the room and closed the door. The sunlight in the whole room was blocked outside the door and became dark, as if she was in the same mood at this time.

"Bad guy!" Sitting on the small bed, silent for a long time, she suddenly burst out such a sentence, and then gently fell on the bed, hugged the quilt on the bed, covered her beautiful face, seemed to cry, tired, then fell asleep on the bed.

Don't know Bai Xiaoya's mind at this time, Wang Xuan at this time, is fighting with yuan Jiaqian two people in a fight.

"Why are you such a big man? How can you talk like farting when you are the manager of Personnel Department of Wanrong group? You want to renege when you lose your bet, grandma!"

"Wang Xuan, don't push an inch. I haven't told you yet. It's your dereliction of duty to let xun'er suffer such a serious injury just one day after work. Are you still a man

"Crazy woman, I tell you, don't change the topic with me. We're talking about gambling. Don't talk to me about wild girl. Besides, I didn't blame me for today's incident. I told her that there was something wrong with the driver. He didn't believe it, and he was so stupid that he jumped into the driver's car. She was in such a state of death, How can I protect you? I'm Su Poman? "

"You are such a jerk. You are not to blame for everything. You are the only one in the world, aren't you?" Yuan Jiaqian doesn't know what happened at that time, and Bai xun'er has an operation at this time, and she is also asleep, and can't ask, so she has no reason to come to refute Wang Xuan.

But when a woman quarrels, she never needs to be reasonable. This is the natural avoidance talent of a woman. So she directly finds a reason and continues to find fault with Wang Xuan, intending to change the topic.

But at this time, Wang Xuan also saw that the girl wanted to break the debt, and her face was not good-looking. "OK, crazy woman, in this case, I won't tell you more. If you can break the debt, then I can. From now on, forget about our previous contract. From now on, whoever loves to live will live, and if you can't live will die, I don't care about him. " Then Wang Xuan pointed to yuan Jiaqian directly, then turned around and left.

But just after two steps, a lot of people came in again. There were Bai Wanrong from Wanrong group, and there were several guys in police uniform. One of them saw that Wang Xuan was going to leave, so he said directly to him, "you can't go. I'll wait here. I'll ask you something later."

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