No matter what Wang Xuan said is true or not, in fact, Bai Wanrong asked him to come. He didn't want to hear what he said. He just wanted to see what kind of person he was.

After all, Wang Xuan's identity is unusual, because he has a very good relationship with Bai Xiaoya. At this time, he just became a bodyguard of Bai xunger for one day and saved her life. He even has a relationship with his two daughters. How can Bai Wanrong not be suspicious.

Although Bai Wanrong had seen him from a distance last time, he still couldn't help calling him after such a thing happened, because he could clearly feel that his daughter Bai xunger's business must have been done by those competitors, but it happened when Wang Xuangang just became his daughter's bodyguard, It's a bit of a coincidence.

But after the observation just now, Bai Wanrong frowned slightly. According to his eyes, he could see that Wang Xuan seemed to be silly, but in fact he was a cautious man.

But he can also feel that Wang Xuan was not sent by his competitors, because in addition to describing the course of the matter, this guy said several times that he did not want to continue working in the company, hoping that Bai Wanrong would dismiss him and terminate the labor contract.

In fact, this has been able to dispel Bai Wanrong's doubts, because if Wang Xuan is the other party's person, their first step plan at this time is almost successful, so that Wang Xuan can get closer to his daughter Bai xunger, and then to himself. He will only want to find opportunities to do something unfavorable to himself in his own company, But at this time, the other party even asked to be dismissed, which is obviously illogical.

There was a little doubt in his heart, but he still didn't dismiss Wang Xuan. After all, no matter whether he was his own enemy or not, he put it around him and looked at it more. If it was really his own enemy, he would be able to guard against it.

After making such a decision, he encouraged Wang Xuan and rewarded him with tens of thousands of yuan as reward for saving his daughter. Then he let Wang Xuan leave.

Wang Xuan frowned after he left the door. He complained like a fool before, muttering about the danger he encountered when he saved Bai xun'er. In fact, the main purpose was to let others ignore the details of his escape, so as not to ask about the things he couldn't answer.

But he was successful. The other party didn't ask him any difficult questions, but he could feel that Bai Wanrong didn't know why. He seemed to have doubts about him. Wang Xuan wasn't sure where his feelings came from, but he felt like that guy looked at him with a look in his eyes, It made him feel very bad.

"Did that guy find out about his powers?" Wang Xuan even thought about it like this, but it's impossible to think about it carefully. If he really found that he had powers, that guy would try his best to win him over, or catch him directly. How could he let him go? It's really confusing.

At this time, he was also in a mess. For a moment, he forgot what had offended yuan Jiaqian before. As a result, as soon as he got out of the office, a white fog came to him. But yuan Jiaqian, the little girl, used a fire extinguisher to deal with him. But Wang Xuan didn't know what was going on. He thought that she had been attacked and subconsciously used her shuttle ability, Directly sent to yuan Jiaqian's back, did not want to think, a hard kick in her ass, directly kicked her toward the office fly in.

The whole person was lying in the office, crying and crying, and her face was covered with dry powder from the fire extinguisher. It was a mess. At this time, Wang Xuan naturally found out that the girl was yuan Jiaqian, and suddenly he was embarrassed. No one was around. The girl didn't slow down. He hurriedly went to the elevator like a thief.

The big man in Meng didn't know when it was gone, and Wang Xuan couldn't take care of it. He quickly pressed the button on the first floor. At the moment when the elevator closed, he heard yuan Jiaqian's heartbreaking roar, "Wang Xuan, I'm at odds with you..."

Wang Xuan: "ha ha..."

Out of Wanrong building, Wang Xuan felt that the whole person was as comfortable as a reborn man. Although the building was resplendent, it gave Wang Xuan a deep sense of oppression and made him feel uncomfortable. He still liked the feeling of freedom at this time.

Wang Xuan usually doesn't know how to take a taxi. Anyway, he brings his own free transportation mode. Years of frugal life have made him have a good habit of saving. It's a little bit to save. So most of the time, he sends home. But I don't know why. Since he left Wanrong building, he feels that someone has been staring at him.

Wang Xuan thinks that it may be million Rong who wants someone to follow him. After all, in the building before, that guy was suspicious of him. So he decided to take a taxi today. Usually, he doesn't take much money. He didn't have any money before, but later, when he got rich, he ate black and didn't dare to carry it in his pocket.

Before, Bai Wanrong's reward was also transferred, and he didn't know whether he had enough money in his hand, so he subconsciously touched his pocket. After that, his face was longer than the donkey's, and he really had no money. It took him a long time to get two yuan. His face was a little better, and he went directly to the bus stop of No.13, which was the bus he wanted to take home.

The bus stop of No.13 bus is far away from here. It's three or four streets away. Wang Xuan only has two yuan. It's just that the bus fare of No.13 bus doesn't have a dime more, so he can only go there.

I don't know what the wind is today. It's extremely hot. When Wang Xuan came to the bus stop, most of the people here were sweating. But it's strange that Wang Xuan didn't feel much. He thought it might be the benefit of his powers, and he was more satisfied with his powers.

Some news is playing on the LED display screen of a building in the distance, but it's not the one who saved Bai xunger before, but a reporter who is reporting the recent theft of various banks in the province. What he said is strange, because there seems to be almost no sign that the money disappeared in broad daylight, which is very strange.

Wang Xuan couldn't help but smile. He thought that it would be very easy for him to do it. But it would be very difficult for ordinary people. Maybe it was the guys inside the bank who did it. These days, there are so many things in the bank, such as counterfeit money, fake deposits and so on. So he didn't care, It's looking around.

There are a lot of people at the bus stop, most of them are school girls, because there are several famous middle schools around here. Now parents hate that their children can go to the best school, and whether the child wants to or not, they all sharpen their heads and plug them in, so that these schools are full of people.

In fact, most of the children's families are in general. It's time to finish school, so there are a lot of students here. Looking at these guys, Wang Xuan can't help thinking of his middle school days. When he thinks of middle school, he thinks of Xiao Shiyu. It seems that he hasn't gone for a few days, and he doesn't know how the girl is. He will go home to get some money later, Let's go and have a look.

Thinking about this, the distant road No.13 came slowly. As soon as he stopped the car, Wang Xuan had not been able to get on, so a large number of students crowded up. One by one, it was called vitality. Wang Xuan knew that his strength was too strong, and he didn't dare to squeeze. He had to wait in the back. When those students got on, he got on the car. There was no need to think about the seats. He looked at the full people inside, He stood directly behind the driver.

Just after standing up, a little girl in a student's dress came towards him and stood beside him. There were already several people here. When the little girl crowded over, Wang Xuan was a little confused. Because it was hot, the little girl was still very empty. What was she doing to her side.

Out of vigilance, he moved to the side without any trace, trying to distance himself from the little girl. However, when he just moved, suddenly, he felt something moving in his pocket. When he looked down, his eyes glared at the boss. It turned out to be the little girl. I don't know when, Wang Xuan had already put her hand into his pocket, but he didn't have the slightest feeling. If he hadn't moved it for a while, he couldn't have found it.

But the girl, because she wanted to steal something, didn't dare look at him. Instead, she looked ahead and kept touching her hands. Wang Xuan's pants, as we all know, were sold by the stall, so the bag was easy to leak. The girl didn't know, so she grabbed it so hard.

Suddenly, Wang Xuan's eyes were red.

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