The moment of unconsciousness, night red dance thought a lot, just as people say, in a moment, the whole life will appear in the brain, but the only regret is that he has not experienced the taste of love, and has not become a real woman.

Yes, she is still a girl, and even her boyfriend has never been with her. All her life, she has been thinking about the glory of her family, not losing her face to her father and brother. She has spent almost all her time practicing, investigating, solving cases, and so on.

At this time has become the biggest regret in her heart, and in the moment after losing consciousness, her heart suddenly poured out a hope, if there is a next life, he must find someone to marry early, experience the taste of being loved.

Thinking of this, she felt that she should die, but at this time, a huge tearing force directly pulled back her just disappeared consciousness. A flash of light flashed in front of her eyes, and she didn't know what was splashed on her face. The warmth made her feel itchy, and she couldn't help opening her eyes to see, However, what is reflected in the eyes is a resolute and persistent face.

"Wang Xuan..." she couldn't help but call out the name of the man in front of her.

At this time, Wang Xuan, who didn't know when, had a few more knives on his body, and the blood was flowing out. But when he heard the call of the night red dance, he still turned around and laughed at her. He was still shameless and said, "why, was he attracted by my great posture and decided to repay my life-saving kindness, so he wanted to make an agreement with her, Don't worry. I'll give you a chance to express myself, but I'll wait until I get rid of that damned scum. "

Then Wang Xuan directly put her on a chair on the distant steps, pinched her face, and said, "well, the skin is still good, and the water is tender, but it's not obedient enough. Don't move this time, otherwise, I can't save you. Oh, by the way, the police are coming. This time, let them stop shooting. Last time, I almost let them kill me. Well, I don't seem to have anything to say. Oh, by the way, if I didn't come back and was killed by that guy, remember, don't let anyone reveal my name, save... Well, don't disclose it anyway. Do you hear me? "

I don't know why, yehongwu is always willing to follow Wang Xuan. In her impression, he is a shameless and despicable big hooligan. He does almost nothing except get cheap from women every day. As a policeman, she is generous enough not to arrest him directly. Naturally, she won't listen to him, but at this moment, Listening to his chatting words and expectations, she couldn't control her head and nodded subconsciously.

After looking at her nodding, Wang Xuan laughed, "thank you, let's go!" Then he picked up the gun that night red dance fell on the ground, and did not know when the last bullet clip he held in his hand, gently put it on the pistol, shook his head, waved his hand to the night red dance behind him, and then directly rushed towards the shop.

Because at this time, the location of the night red dance was a little far away from the shop over there, and there were several cars in the middle. She could only see Wang Xuan's figure slowly disappearing in front of the car. At that moment, she only felt that Wang Xuan's figure was very tall, just like the tall and safe figure given to her by her father.

But Wang Xuan didn't know what the girl thought, because he just rushed into the shop and was in a mess. In fact, the people on the street were scared away by the family who had died before. It seemed that he was afraid that they would be treated the same way.

But there are still those people who are dying around, shooting the scene with mobile phones or something. They want to sell for some good prices, so they hide around the shop and wait to stare and shoot. However, they are here, which makes Wang Xuan feel very troublesome.

In an instant, he opens his tracking ability and sees the position of everyone around him. In fact, if he uses the teleportation ability at this time, he will definitely be seen. If he is taken by those guys to sell money, he will be dead. So he can only choose to rush into the shop and fight with that bastard.

However, this is the reason why he is in a dilemma at this time. You know, that damned bastard can attack from a long range. He doesn't know where to get so many damned knives. This flying is so fast and powerful that it's not human. Even Wang Xuan knows that he is also a psionic, which may have been strengthened by a psionic, But still feel that the other side seems to be really strong, a bit off the mark.

Although that guy was injured at this time, which seemed to have an impact on his ability, Wang Xuan was not feeling well at the moment. He was pricked like a hedgehog. Of course, the heaviest thing was that he was pricked in the abdomen by the dead woman. At this time, it was really enough for him. The pain was killing him, but it was also because of that woman, Wang Xuancai decided to kill the scum who killed innocent people indiscriminately.

At the same time, even if the injured person is himself, he still forgives the woman's behavior, because he knows how much a mother can do for her children, because he also has a mother who loves him so much, so when he sees the mother, even if she dies, he is afraid to crush her children, When he sat and stood in that strange posture, some of the past events of that year suddenly came to his mind.

In an instant, his heart was full of indelible anger. Even though he was depressed because of the need to save the night red dance, at this moment, he only felt that the whole person was occupied by the fury. He had no other idea. He just wanted to kill the beast himself and avenge the dead mother.

So, even in such a dangerous moment, he still did not give in, but he was not a rash man. On the contrary, he was calm. He used the tracking ability to find the damned guy's position in the shop, and then chose a place where almost everyone could not see clearly, and immediately launched the shuttle ability, He rushed straight into the shop.

Wang Xuan is still able to teleport continuously in short distance. Because of the last power upgrade, he has been able to teleport in short distance for seven times in a row, which is his real reliance at this time. The last time he fought with this bandit, because he could teleport three times in a row, he could only launch two attacks, so he had to leave one chance to teleport, So he didn't take advantage, but this time, he won't be so passive.

In the first continuous blink, Wang Xuan just entered the room. In fact, he already knew the position of the opponent. But because the guy was too far away from the door, he could only waste one chance to blink, but it didn't hinder the whole attack rhythm, because it could become an opportunity to lure the opponent.

So when Wang Xuan rushed into the room for the first time, he raised his gun and gave the guy several bullets. But the other guy's speed was really fast. Almost at the moment when Wang Xuan appeared, he had already made a response. As soon as the gun rang, the bandit suddenly hid away from him. The bullet didn't hit him, To is to let Wang Xuan tiny a Leng.

But at this time, the other side, while avoiding the bullet, rolled and quickly stabilized his body. With a shake of both hands and two cold lights, he suddenly swung over Wang Xuan's head.

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