As for who is the boss of Fulinmen, Chu Yangcai doesn't care about it. If the price is right and he doesn't even charge for living in vain, let alone the boss is a child, even if he is a cat and dog, he will take it seriously. But it's one thing to admit that the child is the boss, but it's another thing to give money to.

"Xiao Fengsao, why don't you write quickly?" Just when Chu Yang and Xiao Fengsao seriously asked these questions, the bead curtain on the door leading to the backyard was lifted, and then a girl in her twenties came out. After she saw Chu Yang, she didn't have the enthusiasm of the woman in the spring city house just now. She even said coldly: "what's the matter? Oh, you're here to stay? "

"Well, I'm here to stay. Are you a waiter in this hotel? " If you don't stay, who will come to your gloomy place? Chu Yang nodded and looked at the girl up and down: she was 1.7 meters tall, and her hair was not long and messy, which covered half of her face. Maybe it was because she had a good figure. Even if she was wearing a lot of street goods from the stall, she could wear a cool style, It reminds people of the beauty role in the game when they see her.

That girl stretched out her hand to lift the broken hair that hung down in front of her eyes. She looked at Chu Yang and didn't speak.

"Well, if I ask you something, are you a waiter? I want to stay in the shop. Do I ask you about the price or something? " With this attitude, do you still want someone to stay? Chu Yang murmured in his heart. If it wasn't for Xiao Fengsao who said he was the boss just now, he would have thought that the girl who was a little pale but really good-looking was the person in charge of the hotel.

"I'm not a waiter," the girl went to the back of the bar, picked up coquettish from her chair, took out a registration form, and then replied, "I'm the hostess's wife."

"Hotelier's, mother?" Chu Yang a Leng, blurt out to ask a way: "this is what relation?"

"Hard to understand?" Every time the girl raised her head, she said, "the real owner of this hotel is the child, and I am the child's mother. Naturally, I am the boss's mother."

"Haha, it's not difficult, it's not difficult to understand. It's true to listen to your explanation." I thought it was strange to meet a seven or eight year old who was the boss. However, when the 20-year-old girl said she was the mother of the seven or eight year old, Chu Yang felt that his brain really couldn't turn around. He secretly twisted his thigh and felt pain. Then he realized that he wasn't dreaming. He just laughed, Can't help but also quite gossip asked: "however, you, you are so young, really this child's mother ah?"

"Yes, it doesn't?" The girl put the registration form and a pen on the bar, and a pair of not big but absolutely good-looking eyes glanced at him. "Well, if you want to stay in the shop, sign here and then register your ID number."

"Oh, what about the cost?"

"The cost is very simple. There are only seven single rooms on the first floor of Fulinmen. The accommodation fee for each single room is 20 per night. If it's monthly, you can give a little discount. Instead, it's 550 per month. But the room has no broadband, no air conditioning fan, but can provide you with mosquito nets. Besides, if you still want to eat here, as long as you don't ask very much, I'll charge you five yuan for each meal. " Girls check the little coquettish homework, a face you love to live, do not love to live on the cold.

In conscience, although the relationship between the girl and this little coquettish makes people feel strange, the price she said really moved Chu Yang's heart. It's only 20 yuan a night. Although it's really hard to survive in the summer in Southern Hebei without an electric fan and air conditioner, it doesn't matter much when it comes to the ultra-low price of five yuan a meal.

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