"Damn, you can count, but I don't care about three dollars and five dollars," Chu Yang said contemptuously, and then asked: "I wanted to work for your hotel to earn some pocket money, but seeing that I was the first customer in half a year, I'm afraid I didn't have any money to earn. Well, do you know where is the best place to look for a job nearby? "

"Are you looking for a job?"

"Yes, if I didn't have money, I would stay in a hotel with such conditions? Hehe, I don't mean to belittle Fulinmen. I just want to talk about it Chu Yang embarrassed smile: "here, you see it's just more than four o'clock, when you go out to find a job, you can also get familiar with the environment, so that you don't have to go out to find the way home, then my money is in vain?"

"Well, you have a point." Xiao Fengsao didn't think Lao Chu's words were wrong, and didn't despise him: "if you want to find a job, you can walk a few miles east of this street to the east railway station, where there are many people waiting to carry sacks. Sometimes my mother goes. You look very strong. You should be much stronger than my mother. You can try your luck there. "

"Does your mother go to the railway station sometimes? Is there a job a woman can do in a railway station? " Chu Yang was a little puzzled. In his impression, the people who spend their time in the railway station are all big men, and there are few girls like night tassels.

"What women don't do is to carry bags and help the people in the freight yard clean up the mess. These jobs are very dirty. No woman likes them Xiao Fengsao shakes her head: "but my mother can eat anything for the sake of life. What is it to do? So, when I grow up and have the ability, I will let my mother live the happiest life in the world, let her live in the honey pot every day, and never do that kind of hard work again. I want to... "

"Come on, you are young. Don't talk about ideals with me. Those are too far away." Chu Yang interrupted little coquettish words, frowned and asked: "in addition to carrying sacks, is there no decent work?"

"You're not as well dressed as I am, and you're retarded to look for a decent job." Chu Yang interrupted by the ideal, small coquettish very dissatisfied, white after his eyes, throw him a very hurt self-esteem words, never pay attention to him, turned away.

"Shit, you're a dog with a low opinion." Chu Yang scolded, but when he saw the pair of shoes with sweat stains on his feet, he felt that what Xiao Fengsao said seemed right.

After finding the last cigarette in the half box, Chu Yang left the empty box by the side of the road, lit the cigarette, copied it in his pants pocket, and walked slowly along the direction of Xiao Fengsao's direction and along the sidewalk.

Looking at the cars coming and going, Chu Yang can't help but think of those network novels he read in the army before.

In those online novels, it seems that there will always be a stereotyped dog blood bridge, that is, when the hero is in the doldrums, walking aimlessly with him, suddenly there will be a very sexy and beautiful sister, driving a Lamborghini, a Ferrari, and, most importantly, a BMW, which will just hit the hero, And it's the kind of crash that doesn't hurt at all. So a romantic love story between a poor grasshopper and a rich princess took place.

Of course, the end of the story must be happy.

In the past, whenever someone in Chu saw the same plot, he would always sneer at the authors, suspecting that the authors were either brainwashed or kicked by donkeys.

How can there be so many rich princesses without eyes in the world? Even if there is, but I've been walking around the boss for a while, why haven't I met one? Is it because it's walking along the sidewalk, not giving those girls a chance to bump into themselves? Chu Yang thought and looked at the middle of the road.

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