In addition to preferential policies, popularity is also needed for the development of one party's policies.

No matter how good the policy is, it is useless without popularity.

There are three best ways to accumulate popularity: pornography, gambling and drugs.

At the same time, these three kinds of money are also the fastest.

After saying the three fastest ways to get money, Hua Manyu took a look at Chu Yong.

Chu Yong didn't say anything. He still closed his eyes slightly, so Hua Manyu continued: "of course, first of all, we guarantee that we will crack down on drugs, control Huang properly, and encourage gambling appropriately. In addition, we should follow the example of Swiss bank to create a banking system to ensure the security and confidentiality of their funds... In this way, with its excellent performance this time, Xincheng will soon become the focus of the world. One day, it will surely become the most dazzling pearl in Northwest China, the whole country and even the world. "

It has to be said that compared with Chai Murong, who is more gentle in appearance, Hua Manyu is more decisive in speaking, which makes people feel passionate after listening to her. What she said seems to be very reasonable.

If the Chinese government really orientates the Mayan new city according to what she said, Chu bravely guarantees that the new city will be more prosperous than Las Vegas in one year at most. After all, Huaxia has been the country of the central government since ancient times and has its own special advantages.

What's more, Chu Yong also knows that the money that Chinese officials throw to overseas casinos every year is an astronomical number. If a legal gambling is established here, I believe many people will choose to come here to "touch their luck". After all, Chinese people have a serious idea that "fat water does not flow to outsiders".

What's more, Hua Manyu also said that he wanted to follow the example of Swiss bank, create his own banking system in Xincheng, and keep all customers' backgrounds absolutely confidential. In this way, he put an end to many people's worries and believed that this place will soon become a metropolis integrating tourism and entertainment.

After Hua Manyu finished, Nanzhao Xixue stood up and added some.

When everyone had finished speaking freely, Chu Yong never made a statement.

Chu Xuanwu looked at his father anxiously. He was looking forward to the nod of "No. 1 chief" because now he had already discussed with Chai Murong and others that he wanted to build the largest casino in the new town.

Finally, Chu Yong slowly raised his head, looked at his expectant little son, and slowly said, "I support this matter in principle, but it has to be studied by the Standing Committee. After all, we have to let everyone know the advantages and bad effects of doing so."

After listening to Chu Yong say so, Chai Murong and other people with the heart, finally fell down, can't help clapping.

As we all know, although the No.1 leader only supports it in principle and has to hold a meeting with other leaders to study it, everyone knows how high prestige Chu Yong has now. As long as he is willing to support it, it is estimated that those leaders who have made a lot of money in this environmental protection conference will even oppose it... It seems that at most they are just pretending?

Chu Yong raised his hands with a smile, pressed down and said, "don't be happy. Although I promised, that day hasn't passed safely, and Chu Yang hasn't come back yet."

Chai Murong said in a low voice: "uncle, you really don't have to worry about chuyang, because Uncle Hu and they have already gone to Georgia. I believe that they should have no big problem with chuyang."

Chai Murong and others told Hu Mie Tang about it after they calculated that chuyang must have gone to Georgia to save King Zeus.

As a result, Hu mietang, a teacher, made a random phone call and left the new town with ye Chuqing and Chu Yinhuan sisters.

After listening to Chai Murong's words, Chu Yong nodded at ease: "well, Lao Longteng is the absolute weapon of China. Although they have been out of the stage for more than ten years, it seems that their rival forces have not appeared in the world."

Chai Murong laughs and doesn't say anything more. He just looks at the gloomy weather outside the window and thinks: I hope he (Chai Fangsi) won't be extremely vicious and can let Chu Yang come back safely.


Can Chai Fangsi let Chu Yang return to Maya new town safely?

The answer is yes: never!

Otherwise, there would be no three wounds on Hua Canyu now, and there are already signs of drowsiness.

Late last night, when Chu Yang and his three were ready to leave the surveillance area of No. 9 prison at night, they were surprised to find that biochemical soldiers appeared.

As long as they leave the forest on the slope, no matter which direction they go, there will always be a group of biochemical soldiers who don't know life and death blocking in front of them.

After seeing these biochemical soldiers, Chu Yang finally understood what a rich meal Chai Fangsi had made for him!

If there are only a few biochemical soldiers, or more than a dozen biochemical soldiers, even if Shang lige is injured and inconvenient to move, with Chu Yang's and Hua Canyu's skills, he should be able to break through.

But the problem is, just when Chu Yang rushed to rescue Hua Canyu and was ready to join forces to kill those biochemical soldiers, there was a roaring sound of propeller in the sky: dozens of biochemical soldiers quickly slid down the cable from several helicopters, and together with the people below, they launched a siege.

At the beginning, Hua Canyu didn't believe that there were people in the world who couldn't be killed. But when he stabbed a short dagger into someone's rib, but they didn't do anything, he just knew that the situation was more serious than what Chu Yang said.

These people are not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice, but all have excellent martial arts skills. Even if they have the pain nerves of normal people, each of them is no less skilled than Hua Canyu. What's more, dozens of people have formed "group fights" against them?

In this way, the situation of both sides is to make a decision. If Chu Yang didn't rely on his flexibility and frequently evade the enemy's killing moves, he would rush to Hua Canyu, pull him around and run away to the woods. It is a question whether uncle Hua can survive for ten minutes.

Fortunately, what relieved Chu Yang was that those people stopped attacking after they ran into the woods. They just stood outside and didn't walk or come in. They stood upright in the snow like frozen sticks. But as soon as Chu Yang got out of the woods, no matter which direction they were from, they would be energetic, He became the most fearless soldier in history and besieged them.

If so, after repeated, Chu Yang three people understand that this is what people want to do: difficult point to help.

Chai Fangsi not only wanted to destroy Chu Yang here, but also wanted to gather those who supported him here, and then killed all the people.

Only Chu Yang and those who supported him died here, then Chai Wanfang would reduce a lot of resistance in seizing the Mayan new city.

After making this clear, Chu Yang can only look forward to the news that he is trapped here. Don't be known by Chai Murong and others. Otherwise, they will politely beg Hu Mie Tang and others to come... And die.

As the saying goes, he will come to whatever he is most afraid of. It's just that Chu Yang and his teacher Hu Mie Tang, together with some good brothers, ye Chuqing, Gu mingchuang and others, have come to the wolf's eye "smoothly and profitably".

Seeing these people coming, excited Chu Yang really wants to cry... It's impossible to cry, he wants to scold.

Of course, even if Chu Yang Niu was forced to go to heaven, he would not dare to scold Hu Mie Tang. What he wanted to scold was Chai wanton: how can you be so mean and so predictable?

In addition to Gu mingchuang, ye Chuqing and Chu Yinhuan, there are also Qin Yuguan in July and Jing Hongming in October.

It can be said that with the arrival of Lao Longteng and Chu Yang, even when King Zeus (Susan) was in charge of the peak of Mount Olympus, they could not be stopped.

But the key problem is that they are now facing some biochemical people who don't know what life or death is. Even if Hu Laoer killed more than a dozen of them, they have attracted more and more biochemical people.

Moreover, what worries Chu Yang most is that Chai Fangsi has not appeared until now, and these biochemical people may only surround them but not attack them according to the plan: once they return to the forest, these people will stop attacking and strictly guard them.

What's more, there's a Skynet that hasn't worked up to now: if that perverted idiot fired several missiles at the woods at this time, could they stand up to it even if they were powerful enough?

Of course, chuyang also tried to rush up wolf's eye to fight Zeus, but as soon as they crossed the deep ditch full of poisonous snakes, the biochemical soldiers would follow.

Now, Chu Yang and others are in danger of suffering the most severe attack from Skynet at any time, but they can't get rid of these biochemical soldiers, because there are too many, at least three or four hundred.

With three or four hundred people who are not afraid of death to besiege more than a dozen people who know how to hurt others, no matter how powerful they are, what can they do?

Chu Yang doesn't know what to do, what makes him feel more worried is that Hua Canyu, who was injured first, now has signs of fever.

The weapons used by those biochemical soldiers were smeared with poison. With the injuries of Gu mingchuang and Chu Yinhuan, the form of Chu Yang became more and more severe.

If you want to say that you have excellent psychological quality, it's still someone else's old Longteng.

Just when Chu Yang squatted beside Hua Canyu and looked sad, Qin Yuguan, with a straw stick in his mouth, walked up to him and said with a light smile, "in fact, it's not so great. After tomorrow, it's the end of the world. It seems that we'll die early and late, and it doesn't make much difference."

To tell you the truth, Chu Yang was very moved when he saw Qin Laoqi coming, but now he rolled his eyes and said, "Uncle Qin Qishu, I seem to have said several times that the so-called end of the world is just a lie. Can we stop discussing this issue? The most important thing is that before Chai wantonly launched an attack, How to get out of this damn forest. "

Looking at the biochemical man standing outside the woods, Qin Yuguan spat out his grass stick and said faintly, "if we want to leave the woods, we don't have too much hope."

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