Can this kid do it? Like a little white face. Looking at Chu Yang's back. The contractor smiles and shakes his head, then starts to keep accounts for the next person.

Although the people who usually work in the station are all ganged up, the bottom layer of the contractors are the farmers in the slack time nearby. The simple working people come out to work, that is to say, they have to rely on their strength to earn some hard money. How can they have the leisure to stir up those useless people? So, although they didn't know Chu Yang, everyone was very friendly and said hello to him.

Alas, no wonder those great people always had to take root in the grassroots before liberation, because the farmers are the most kind-hearted people. After saying hello to the workers, Chu Yang came to the car and stood up like others. He heard the two shippers say, "brother, have you ever done this before?"

"No Chu Yang tells the truth.

"Let's have a bag first, Shun Shun leg."

"It's OK," looking at the man carrying the bag in front, looking at the two bags, Chu Yang hesitated a little and said, "give me two bags first, I'll see how."

"One bag. Don't flash at your first job." Two delivery of hope, he put a bag on the shoulder, with concern to tell him.

Chu Yang moved a little, feeling not heavy, so he raised his hand and hooked his finger: "another bag."

"OK, man, look at your small body. It's very durable." Two people said, and raised a bag to his pile, just want to clap hands said to go you, but see Chu Yang once again raised his hand hook fingers, that means continue to put.

Oh, this guy is not easy! The two men looked at each other, and none of them could carry 540 Jin except the big bull who had nothing to do today. But what's Daniel's physique? He's tall and powerful. But what about the next one? That's one meter seven sixty-seven. I want three bags, and I'm still using my fingers.

OK, since you want it, we'll release it for you!

After the third bag was put on the back shoulder, Chu Yang shook his body up and down again. He didn't feel that he couldn't stand it. He simply yelled again: "brother, give me another bag!"

"Well, well, you have to be careful." Listen to Chu Yang want to have another bag, the two brothers are completely stunned, four bags is 720 Jin, even Daniel can't carry it, but listen to Chu Yang's voice is very firm, so he warned that if you can't stand it, throw it away, lift up the bag and put it on him.

These people who often stack bags at the station are also very good at putting bags. As long as people can't get down, the bags can't fall down. The most important thing is that the people who carry the bags have to support them.

The weight of four bags of 720 Jin has been safely placed on Chu Yang. At this time, everyone stops their work. Looking at this guy who always loves to laugh, they are thinking about whether he can take a step.

It's not a big skill just to support the weight of four bags. The key is that you have to carry these bags and walk close to 200 meters.

However, Chu Yang soon let these simple working people see what is abnormal. He shrugged his shoulders a little, and then stepped forward. With more than a dozen pairs of eyes staring like eggs, he carried four sacks and went to the goods location calmly!

"Hi Chu Yang's mouth drank a low, lifted the bag of the shoulder to the designated position. After he raised his hand and pulled the dust in his neck, the onlookers, including the contractor, clapped their hands. Therefore, he also quite furiously arched his hands and made a bow.

"Why?" Just when Chu Yang was coquettishly putting on "universal" there, in a corner of the freight yard, a girl with a black hat on her head and a mask on her mouth was looking at him and saying to herself, "look at the stable footwall when he carries his bags. It should be a meeting family. Since you have this ability, it is necessary to stay in my hotel? Did he find something? No, he didn't have to come here to carry the bag if he went for me. What's going on? "

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