As the right-hand assistant of vice president Zhou, Chu Yang is sitting in the monitoring room of the auto show staring at the computer screen while mayor fan and others read those nutritious manuscripts from the front.

Although of killer platform has withdrawn the reward offered to Chai Murong, who can guarantee that the person behind the scenes today will not send someone to assassinate him? Although at breakfast, Chai Murong scolded her with his nose instead of his face, he insisted on not allowing her to appear on the rostrum.

Need to know, because Mantian industry and Yunshui group have been competing in the auto show for a long time. Although the auto show over there is extremely low-key now, it is doomed that there are not many people to support it. But just because of this, the majority of fans who have long been aroused interest have all flocked to the auto show here. According to an uncertain estimate, there are 20000 people in front of the rostrum without 30000 people, and this does not include those who are walking on the road. If those killers mix in the crowd at this time and use the large caliber desert eagle, they will be able to kill the jiaodidi officer and leave calmly.

Therefore, Chu Yang resolutely stopped Chai Murong from appearing. Although the words of persuasion are very unpleasant (if you feel that it is more important than your safety to be in front of thousands of people, you can perform on the stage.) However, it made senior official Chai feel his caring heart, so he listened to his words and stayed in the branch. At the auto show, Zhou Shuhan was just sent to preside over the work.

In fact, Zhou Shuhan did not disappoint Chai Murong.

When she was the second sponsor to walk in front of the microphone, she felt very nervous in the face of the dark heads below, and even almost walked with her left and right feet... Fortunately, her mother gave her a look of encouragement, and gave her strength by shaking hands, and encouraged her in a low voice: "sugar, calm down, mom and dad are looking at you, Just say what we rehearsed at home last night. "

It is said that the Yunshui group has Chai Murong as the leader, and it should not be Zhou Tangtang's turn to be in the limelight.

However, Fan Jing, who is good at calculation, is sure that Chai Murong will never appear in front of tens of thousands of people for his own safety. Therefore, Zhou Tangtang, as the second leader of the branch in Southern Hebei, is sure to speak on behalf of Yunshui group instead of her. So, at home last night, she used her experience as a Secretary for several years to write a manuscript full of youth for her daughter, and cooperated with her repeated practice.

Sure enough, Fanjing's prediction is accurate. At 7:30 in the morning, Chai Murong summoned Zhou Shuhan and entrusted her to speak on behalf of Yunshui group.

After Zhou Shuhan flicked the microphone with his fingers, those staring at the manuscript read it according to the script

At the beginning, she was really nervous. However, after reading more than 100 words, with the applause of those "palm support", her tension gradually eased, so she raised her head and spoke more fluently.

Originally, one of the ten people present today came to buy a car, one came to have fun, and the other eight just came for the fragrant cars and beautiful car models.

When mayor fan spoke just now, the common people were not the subordinates who bowed their heads when they saw the leaders. No matter how impassioned the mayor fan was, they still looked at the exhibition hall because there were beautiful women in it!

According to the news media, the three models of the T-type station of Fengsao world are all poised there waiting for you to buy tickets and visit.

Damn, but you can't look at it for nothing. One ticket is better than dozens.

But it's not a problem. In order to see the world's top three models, who can't afford dozens of yuan?

So, mayor fan is beautiful enough, but after all, he is a little older and not very interesting.

But now it's different. There's a top beauty with a coquettish face... It's said that she's also a vice president of a big company, which is not what ordinary people can see. Most importantly, she doesn't have to pay for tickets.

As a result, when Zhou Shuhan just talked about a short pause, everyone voluntarily slapped and even whistled under the influence of "Zhangtuo".

The eyes of the masses are clear as to who is beautiful and who is not.

Zhou Shuhan, who was warmly supported by the broad masses of the people, finally put down the last bit of tension in his heart and read the speech with both voice and emotion. Finally, when I bowed my thanks to you, someone even called out the slogan of "another paragraph"

In a corner of the Convention and Exhibition Center, there are several young people with extraordinary dress, bearing and smoking, talking and laughing in a low voice.

"Cousin, if I were you, I'd have to soak this girl up for anything. Tut Tut, as soon as I looked at her from a distance, I felt like I wanted to protect her all my life. Alas, especially the timid and shy look she showed when she was dealing with people, I felt pity for her. If I can really sleep with this kind of disaster level beauty, hehe, even if I live ten years less, I will definitely sign a contract with Yama

The man, who was called cousin, looked at the young man with some disgust in his eyes and said faintly: "Xiao Li, this kind of strange beauty needs to be loved with heart, not for lust. In the future, I don't want to hear you talk about her behind her with this tone."

The man named Xiao Li quickly said with a smile: "cousin, I know. I'll never do it again... In fact, I'm just angry. If Zhou Tangtang is really caught up by the counsellor Ma Jian, she means she's in the right place. But now she seems to be dead set about Chu Yang. Damn it, I think she's angry. "

At this time, another young man said: "ha ha, Xiao Li, don't panic. According to my experience, Zhou Tangtang is still a virgin now, which shows that the man named Chu hasn't been successful. Maybe it's God's intention to keep it for your cousin, isn't it

Lian Shao smiles: "Niu Shao, you're joking. Between men and women, pay attention to is a fate. Besides, Zhou Tangtang always has a strange habit of rejecting men. It's not easy to get her heart. "

Although Lian Shao said so, his eyes were staring at Zhou Shuhan: your red fall, I'm going to make it!


At about nine o'clock, all the people who should speak on the rostrum finished reading their manuscripts, and the ticket gate of the exhibition center hall began to be busy.

For the sake of money, the people of the new century and new era are still highly aware. Except for a few childe brothers with backgrounds like Ma Jian, journalists from various news media, and relevant leaders of the municipal government, most of them enter the exhibition center hall by ticket.

After seeing the crowd pouring into the hall like a fountain, in the gentle music, dozens of famous, unknown, foreign and local beauty car models put on the most beautiful posture one after another. Facing the flash light like lightning, they smile like a flower, and their eyes don't blink. They have the great feeling that "those who have thunder in their chest and face like Pinghu can worship the general!" I'm a great general.

It has to be said that there are three brands, more than ten new concept cars (plus Toyota) and three famous car models in the world at the auto show of Yunshui group. The popularity is close to that of the three major auto shows in China. In just three and a half hours, 30000 people have entered the show with tickets!

Chai Murong, who is sitting in the headquarters, is very happy because of his wonderful achievement. He can't help but point it with his slender fingers on the calculator: "40 times 30000 is equal to 1.2 million..."

In the monitoring room of the Convention and Exhibition Center, Chu Yang sits in a comfortable boss's chair with his feet on the table in front of him, holding a cigarette in his hand and scanning more than a dozen monitors back and forth, looking leisurely.

Because the world famous models came to the auto show, all the members of the auto show preparatory group who should stick to the monitoring room slipped out half an hour after the auto show officially started.

Xu Mao, Zhang Xu and other men want to see beautiful women, while Wang Ya, Mengqi and other women want to see if they can find the right style for them in the clothes of world-famous models... In a word, Chu Yang is responsible for the work of more than ten people.

And the reason is also plausible: your boss Chu is not only as handsome as pan an and Song Yu, but also has vice president Zhou's misfortune of beauty and quality. It's our fault to stay here honestly, so as not to be attracted by any famous model, or to any famous model, and to cause another tragedy.

Grass, you know a fart, if I want to start with those car models, as long as I hook my little finger, they will climb to my bed... Thinking of Xu Mao's words, Chu Yang disdains to curl his mouth, yawns and just wants to pour a glass of water, but his eyes fall on booth 56 of a monitor.

The automobile brand on display in booth 56 is a low-grade domestic car independently developed by Yunshui group. Simple and durable, beautiful appearance, ultra-low fuel consumption and a series of advantages, in the auto show flyer is boasted, there is a great trend that this car should only be in the sky, how many people in the world can drive.

What attracts Chu Yang's attention is not this car (he doesn't even know the brand of the car, no wonder Chai Murong is sad), but the two models in front of the car.

Because there are Chai Murong, Zhou Shuhan and night tassels around... Hua ramble about the beauty of Qin Dynasty, someone in Chu's aesthetic concept is really high. What's more, Miranda, the first of the three famous models, is a good man on call... But why is he interested in these two models?

Because he knows these two models.

One of them is his sister-in-law, Qin Mengyao.

Since the last time I met Qin Mengyao in sihaixiang, Chu Yang has a good feeling for this strange little girl, not only because of her relationship with the Qin Dynasty, but also because she takes the initiative to call her brother-in-law.

Although this brother-in-law is not that brother-in-law, but no matter what, Chu Yang likes this name very much, in the heart is brazen to regard her as his sister-in-law.

When he was in sihaixiang, Chu Yang knew that Qin Mengyao was studying in Qilu Normal University, and later learned her true identity with the Qin Dynasty through Chai Murong.

At this time, Chu Yang saw that Qin Mengyao, who is a little princess of a powerful family, appeared in the auto show as a model car, which greatly surprised him. Looking at her slightly astringent but serious posture on the monitor, he felt very funny.

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