"That's right, that's right. Our store always attracts customers with quality and service. As for the discount, ha ha, it's easy to discuss. " When you hear the generous praise from the guests, any boss will ignore whether the guest is a migrant worker, and so is boss Tang. First, he explained a few words with a smile, then pointed to the other place when the tassel was twisted too much at night and he just wanted to run away: "Sir, please use it slowly. I'll go there to have a look. If there's anything I don't understand, I'll ask Huanhuan directly... Huanhuan, you must call good guests."

A girl who has not been touched by a man, close to the most mysterious thigh root, is twisted by a strange man, which is a kind of feeling of embarrassment in addition to pain. What scares night tassel even more is that with the increase of strength in Chu's hands, her thighs are not only more painful, but also a strange, crisp pleasure rises. This also let her step on the foot of Chu Yang's instep, slowly lost strength.

Since the strength of others stepping on their own feet is not enough, Chu Yang is embarrassed to work harder, and slowly takes back his strength. However, in order to prevent her from suddenly adding force again, he didn't release his hand. He just pinched the tender meat on her thigh with his thumb and index finger and rubbed it back and forth.

Chu Yang this unintentional action, let the night tassel want to sit on the ground, more want to stretch out his hand to grasp his throat, and then a force, click... But can't guard the boss to do so, so had to bite his teeth to resist the inexplicable pleasure, with the eyes with two pools of spring water, fiercely stare at him: "Huan Huan, do you hear me?" Tang boss see night tassel did not answer his words, not happy to see her. When she saw her face turned red, she said in a caring voice, "why is your face so red? Can't it be a fever? "

"Ah Is using all his strength to resist the pleasure of the night tassel, was awakened by boss Tang's words, quickly dropped his head: "thank you boss, I'm ok, just feel a little hot."

"Well, it's OK. Don't forget to entertain the guests. " Boss Tang nodded and said a few polite words to Chu Yang, which you often come to later. Then he turned and left.

"All right, all right, boss Tang, I will take good care of the guests." looking at boss Tang's back, the night tassel said that later, the words came out of his teeth: "Mr. Chu, did you hear that, too? Our boss asked me to take good care of you. I've decided to take good care of you not only here, but also back to Fulinmen. "

The last sentence of the night tassel reminds Chu that he is still living in a hotel. This reminds him to release his hand and say with a smile: "Miss Huanhuan, look at what you said. It's OK to greet me here, but back to Fulinmen, we should do it according to our contract. You may not know that I have never been a person who likes to be greedy for small gains and small losses. So, what should I do when I go back? At least, I didn't go back for dinner tonight. I saved five yuan for you, right

"Well, who's to blame if you don't go back to dinner? How many beers would you like? Three bottles. Good. " Secretly stretched out his hand in his thigh root hard rub a few times, night tassel just sneer, no longer and he said anything, directly picked up three bottles of Baotu Spring beer on the table in front of Chu Yang: "three bottles of wine 18 yuan, you can take money."

"I remember that this wine is two dollars and fifty-one bottles at most?" After hearing Li xunhuan's price of four yuan per bottle, Chu Yang could not help but frown: "if the retaliators don't take revenge like this, aren't you afraid that boss Tang and I will tell you that you are asking for a random price?"

"Go, go, you'd better go now. Hum, people like you have never been in this kind of occasion at all. "I didn't think much of Chu Yang's warning. I picked up the bottle opener on the beer cart and opened the bottle cap smartly." please see clearly when you come next time. This is a bar! Do you think the prices in bars and supermarkets are the same? If it's the same, what else is the bar? Why do you sit here drinking? Don't be so wordy. The price for wine is 18 yuan, plus six yuan for opening wine. It's 24 yuan in total. "

Night tassel is right. Chu Yang seldom entered this kind of bar before. He entered that kind of star hotel. There are plenty of famous brand drinks in the rooms of star hotels. He doesn't have to think about why the same wine is suddenly expensive in the bar. The reason why he was able to tell the price of Baotu Spring beer was that he returned to the days of ordinary people these days. However, even so, when he heard that the opening fee of two yuan for each bottle of night tassel was added, he was still unhappy: "I didn't ask you to open the wine for me, I can open the wine myself."

"I know you can open your own wine, but here, even if you open it yourself, you still have to pay for it." Don't know why, night tassel in see Chu Yang dig money action is like cut his meat that stingy action, in the heart inexplicably rose a trace of pleasure. Seeing that he handed over three pieces of ten yuan with a sore face, he snatched them. Without waiting for him to say the change, he said with a smile: "Oh, thank you for the six yuan tip. Sir, please use it slowly, and I won't disturb you. If you need it any more, just call me at any time. I'll be there

"I..." Damn, who said I gave you a tip? Do you think I'm a tipping type? Oh, forget it. Don't worry about this little woman. Let's take it as if we carried ten bags for her tonight. Someone in Chu opened his mouth. Before he said anything, the night tassel twisted his slender waist and left. He was so angry that he was stunned for a long time and scolded himself why he didn't twist her harder. However, when he thought that this was the first time he had come into contact with a girl's privacy, he was still strange. He couldn't help but raise his hand, sniffed under his nose, and then shook his head: "I didn't smell the fragrance of virginity in the legend... Oh, by the way, she might be a girl."

Although he has been away from home, he has been secretly paying attention to his night tassel. After seeing his obscene action, he almost can't control his impulse to lift the bottle and blow his head

Although the beer in the bar is several times more expensive than that in the supermarket, the atmosphere is good, especially when watching the performance on the small stage while drinking. The feeling of being at ease makes people feel that no matter how much money it costs to drink here, it is also worth the money.

After drinking a bottle in one breath, Chu Yang wiped the corner of his mouth. When he picked up the second bottle, he slowly forgot what happened just now. After all, what is the most important thing to do next. Can't you really carry a big bag at the railway station every day? If you really get involved in that job, don't let the Chai girl look down on her. Even the Qin Dynasty, her dream lover, seems impossible to marry a man with a big bag, right? Although the young man is very handsome. But can you eat when you are handsome? Therefore, at present, the most important thing is to find a formal job, and then work hard. Only in that way can we realize the grand ideal of marrying a beautiful woman.

"Damn, bitch, I don't think you're going to do it here? On? As for Old Tang, go and call him to me. If I don't let him blow you out of the moon today, I'll be raised by you today! " Just when Chu Yang was thinking about how to realize his grand ideal, a very harsh voice disturbed his thoughts and made him frown and look in front of the small stage. The arrogant voice, which was not in line with the atmosphere of the dance bar, came from there.

However, when he saw the woman who was scolded by a nice looking man pointing at her nose, Chu Yang felt that she was so cool that he cried out: "night tassel, night tassel, where did you know about Laozi's ability just now? Why don't you play with this man? Depend on you, you dare to bully me after a long time.

"Oh, isn't this manager Li Juan? There's something you can tell me. Don't be angry with me. " Boss Tang, who had been greeting his acquaintances elsewhere, said sorry to several acquaintances after seeing who was causing the disturbance. He wiped Chu Yang, who was also going to watch the scene, and hurriedly walked over. He pulled the red faced night Liu Su behind him, and said good words to the man named Li Juan with a smile: "ha ha, manager Li Juan, Calm down, ah, calm down. "

Li Juan? This man's name is Li Juan? After hearing boss Tang call Li Juan, who is not so long, Chu Yang thinks that the world really wants to be changed? Originally, his name is a little sissy, and Fulinmen boss his mother is a name that makes the world's Men Fancy, but not as loud as this man's name: Li Juan.

"When I said boss Tang, I just made a joke with her. Who would have thought that this bitch would pour beer on me?" Li Juan pointed to the night tassel hidden behind boss Tang: "boss Tang, I can tell you that if you don't resign her today, then I will never come to the moon again! Not only I won't come, but also the people from the South Hebei Branch of Yunshui group won't come! Do it yourself. "

Although manager Li Juan is an outsider, he is a big client of yuehazy. Because the place where she lives is very convenient from yuehazy bar and the consumption is not very high, he will come here to drink and relax almost every night. And boss Tang is the kind of person who can do business very well and gives him a good impression. Therefore, his colleagues are used to spending money in this bar which is not very big. If he doesn't come to support it, boss Tang will certainly lose a lot. Therefore, no matter who is right or wrong, it is certain to drive the night tassel away.

Yunshui group? This name sounds so familiar. After listening to Li Juan say the name of the group, Chu Yang's heart jumped and suddenly remembered that it was like the Chai family's company, which was also called Yunshui group. But on second thought, there are many groups whose names overlap, just like there are many Jiafu linmen hotels in Huaxia. So the Yunshui group that Li Juan is in may not be the woman's Yunshui group.

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