Chu Yang closed his eyes and thought for a few seconds, then shook his head: "forget it, drinking is mainly a kind of mood. I'm afraid that after I go to your house, I will never find this feeling again. Give me another bottle of this. "

The bartender agreed in disappointment and turned to take another bottle for him.

This bottle of wine, Chu Yang drink relatively slow, took 17 seconds 42.

Chu Yang raised his head and weighed the wine bottle, until the last drop of wine fell on his tongue, he put the wine bottle heavily on the bar: "come again."

This time, instead of persuading him, the bartender brought him another bottle.

Chu Yang looks up and drinks.

Chuyang, who had already drunk two bottles of Martell o, took a longer time to drink the third bottle of wine. Even a small half of the wine spilled on his face, and some of it slipped from the corner of his closed eyes and fell on the floor like tears.

Chu Yang is a ghost car and the king of killers. Although he can still drink, he is not a wine immortal after all, especially when he is extremely depressed. So, after nearly three bottles of Martell o, he was a little drunk. But he still hit the bottle heavily on the ground, lying on the bar, stretched out his right hand to grasp the hand of the bartender, and said with a big tongue, "give me more wine."

When Chu Yang drinks the second bottle of wine, everyone's eyes in the bar have been attracted by him. He can't help but put down his glass and look here with great interest. He whispers about where this holy man comes from. He is so awesome.

Feige, who stabs the dragon and draws the tiger on his arm and thinks that stamping his feet on the street can make the earth shake three times, although he also admires Chu Yang in his heart, he still says to his companion insincerely: "here, look at that fool, he must have been dumped by a woman."

Feige, who wanted to watch a joke on one side, when he saw that Chu Yang finished the third bottle, smashed the bottle with a slap, and then grabbed the hand of the bartender to continue drinking, he was not happy. He put the glass on the table heavily: "numb the next door, this little white face dares to play cool in front of my horse. It seems that he really lacks discipline."

"Yes, brother Fei, you see, he dares to hold Xin'er's hand. Do you want to remind him?"

Feige stands up and glances around. He is observing how many people chuyang is coming.

There are about 50 or 60 people in the bar, some men and women, some sitting, some standing, some walking out, some coming in... A man in a white sportswear and a hat came in. After she (he) came in, she leaned on the windowsill beside the door with her head down and arms in her arms, as if she came to the bar not to drink but to be in a daze.

"Grass, more and more people are pretending to be forced these days... Let's go, go." After spitting on the man dressed like a Muslim in a white sportswear, Feige waved to some of his friends and then walked to the bar first.

The man in the white sportswear raised his head, a pair of eyes brighter than the brightest star in the cold winter night, looking coldly at Feige. However, when her (his) eyes moved to Chu Yang, the ice in her eyes melted into water like the sun in June.

The bartender Xin'er was caught by Chu Yang, and her heart beat fiercely. If she hadn't seen Feige come over, she would have said to her boss, "this is my friend. He's drunk too much. I want to send him home." Then take Chu Yang back to her bed at home.

Some people, you don't have to have him (her) all your life. As long as you have each other once in a while, you can decorate your ordinary life.

"Sir, you have drunk too much. You can't drink any more." Xin'er looks at the Feige in front of the bar with some worried eyes, and then persuades a Jin and Chu Yang who she wants to drink.

Feige touched his chin and went to chuyang. He tilted his head and looked at him first. Then he said to Xin'er, "Xin'er, if people ask you to take wine, you can take it. What are you talking about?"

Xin'er has a timid look at Feige and says boldly, "Feige, he has drunk three bottles. If he drinks again, I'm afraid he will be in danger of alcoholism."

"Drink to death and pull him down. No one forced him anyway." Feige sneered and looked at Xin'er askew: "what's the matter, do you feel distressed?"

Xin'er sighed in her heart. She had to turn around and take another bottle of wine. She said with a strong smile, "where? I'm just afraid that the guests will have an accident."

It's only a few minutes since Chu Yang came into the bar.

Although Chu Yang's liquor was very large, he had completed eight bottles of Baijiu after he and Gu Ming Chuang, and still completed a task which seemed impossible to other killer. But at that time, it was because Shang Lige completely climbed back from the death line. At that time, he was in a good mood, and he spent an afternoon drinking the wine.

But now, when he felt that he had lost xiaofengsao's innocent friendship, he unconsciously had the idea of tormenting himself, especially after drinking three bottles in such a short time. Although he has a huge amount of alcohol, he still feels that his head is getting more and more painful, and his legs and stomach are beginning to soften. His eyes are astigmatic. He looks at Feige standing on one side and asks with a smile: "you, who are you? Standing here like a fool, would you like to drink with me? "

Feige doesn't look down on the guy who comes to the bar to get drunk after being dumped by a woman. If it wasn't for chuyang holding Xin'er's hand, he would be too lazy to come here.

Now, after hearing Chu Yang say these words, Feige, who wanted to give this guy some color, didn't get angry.

After seeing the pile of money chuyang threw on the bar, Feige didn't get angry. Even, he immediately changed his mind and thought that he could win a little money from chuyang through some small moves. So, he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, indicating that Xin'er had brought him a bottle of wine.

Xin'er immediately understands what Feige is going to do. She looks at Chu Yang with some worries. She helplessly takes a bottle of wine and hands it to Feige.

Xin'er looks at the worry in Chu Yang's eyes. Feige doesn't fall at all. This made him feel even more uncomfortable, but on the surface he said with a smile: "OK, I'll drink with you."

“OK。” Chu Yang nodded. He just wanted to drink, but he was caught by brother Fei: "drink slowly, man. Let's make a bet before we drink."

"Bet? Drinking is drinking. What kind of crap gambling Chu Yang asked some inexplicable questions, and then understood: "ah, I know, you are watching me drink too much, you want to cheat me to spend some money? Ha ha. Go, I'm not in the mood now. You can drink if you like. If you don't drink, go away early. "

Feige didn't expect that chuyang had drunk so much wine, and his brain was still so damn clear.

After his intention to win a small sum of money was exposed, Feige couldn't help getting angry. His old face was not red but green. He reached out and grabbed chuyang's collar. His eyes were staring like two eggs: "grass, talk to you well. You're so excited. I'm sorry to clean up, aren't you? I think it's a toast, not a penalty. "

"It's reasonable. I do have this bad habit." Chu Yang stares at brother Fei and answers seriously.

"Grass, you are really cheap. Let's treat this stinking problem for you." See Chu Yang a face life and death not afraid of fool like, fly elder brother in the heart of fire, Teng of a burst up, don't take a little hesitation at all, lift wine bottle to Chu Yang's head hit down.

Fool, you're going to have bad luck. The man in white on the windowsill, when he saw that someone wanted to burst chuyang's head with a wine bottle, sneered in his heart.

The man in white was once the king of international Killers: the night owl shanglige.

Shang Lige, who has been following Chu Yang all night, knows that Chu Yang just drank a few bottles of wine. Even if he tied his limbs, it seems that it's not much easier to hit him on the head with a bottle of wine than to go to heaven with Feige's skill.

However, just as the sneer on Shang Lige's lips just floated, a scene made her feel incredible.

Feige's wine bottle falls down and hits chuyang's head firmly.


Wine bottles are not on the ground, but on people's heads. The crackling makes all the sounds in the bar stop.

Shang Lige's eyes are full of murders. Just as he wants to go, he stops.

She knew that Chu Yang would never be a bully. There is absolutely a reason for him to do so.


In the wine bottle head-on split, Chu Yang's eyes did not blink a moment, watching the wine bottle in his forehead.

The cold wine flowed down his forehead to his eyes and then to his mouth. He put out his hand and wiped it, as if he was washing his face. Then he grabbed Feige's vest and wiped it on his face.

Feige has been in the society for five or six years. Because of his "occupation", he has experienced a lot of things, such as holding a wine bottle to blow someone's head and being blown by others. However, he has never met such a fierce man as Chu Yang. He is so calm after being blown by others. This makes him feel guilty and he can't help but step back.

How can we deal with this today? Feige took a step back and thought quickly: apologize? Or is he going to beat you up?

People who often mix in the society have bright ideas (eyes). They know who can be provoked and who is best to be the ancestor.

Feige is a smart man. After seeing that chuyang has been punished by a bottle, he immediately knows that he is not the one he can afford. Therefore, he didn't think of the idea of solving the problem by relying on the large number of people on his side.

In Feige's face suddenly green and white thinking about how to deal with this matter in front of him, Chu Yang casually shook his head and looked at him. His voice was very calm and asked: "do you have a cigarette?"

When he went to Fulinmen, his cigarette was touched by xiaofengsao.

Feige opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything. He just quickly took out a box of Chinese cigarettes and handed them over with the lighter. Although he was speechless, he respectfully took out his cigarette.

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