Chu Yang walked to the bed. When he was about to get to the bed, he saw Zhou Shuhan's body shaking in the quilt, and there was a very low sob.

No wonder Tang Tang didn't respond when he called that fool a fool just now. He was hiding here crying. Chu Yang smiles and shakes his head. Then he sits on the edge of the bed and pats her arched buttocks. Just as he wants to speak, he sees her suddenly lift the quilt and says with tears on her face: "Mom, I promise you to marry Lian Yuncheng... Chu and Chu Yang, how and how did you come?"

After getting the news that Huang's father died of a stroke, Fan Jing had a bad feeling.

However, in a short period of time, she did not see what was against her, and the old man also told her that as long as she worked at ease, restrained her edge, united with all the forces that could be united, plus the operation in Beijing, I believe that her position as mayor of the provincial capital should be able to pass this term smoothly.

Since then, Fanjing has been very careful. But who would have thought that two days ago, her brother, fan Ming, who was then deputy secretary of a municipal Party committee in Hebei Province, made a mistake that was enough to affect the whole fan family on the crest of the storm. When she was "discussing life" with a second rate movie star in bed, she was videotaped

Although people with a clear eye can see that all this is driven behind the scenes by intentional people, the main reason is that Fanming's self-determination is not enough.

As a result, a big storm about the integrity of officials swept through the whole land of China in less than 48 hours with the help of the "star gate" created by Fanming, and countless officials were killed.

Of course, the biggest damage is the former powerful Yellow system. As for fan Xi, he was a victim attached to the Huang family at most.

Among them, Xie is the most profitable.

Taking the throne of City chief of Qilu province has also become a necessary means for Xie Xi in Qilu province.

As the saying goes, before the army arrives, food and grass will go first.

If you want to succeed in winning the mayor of a provincial capital city, you have to be famous.

As a result, some of the "ordinary" gifts that Fanjing used to receive through her baby's birthday mother's full moon, including the fact that she has a luxury villa in sunshine Lingxiu City, have become a sword of Damocles hanging over her head, which can knock her down from the high seat of mayor to prison at any time.

After confirming that the Central Commission for discipline inspection was in charge of Qilu province last night, Fan Jing felt that her end was coming.

At this time, the seriousness of the development of things has been completely out of the scope of the master. When he received a call from Fan Jing asking what to do, he could only give a very heavy sigh.

The old man of every family has been in the officialdom all his life, and he can be said to have cultivated a pair of eyes. He naturally understood how all this had happened. Seeing that all his lineages (the most important ones were his official lineages) were about to be destroyed, the only thing he could do was sigh and pray devoutly to heaven.

It is said that if people are sick, they will go to the doctor.

It's the same in officialdom.

At that time, Fan Jing, after dully withholding her father's phone, pondered for several hours. Finally, with a glimmer of hope, she picked up the phone call from the executive vice governor Lian Legion and began her final effort - political marriage.

Even the vice governor's son's interest in Zhou Shuhan was known by the two families before. However, at that time, because Ma Da's son of Vice Mayor Ma's family was surrounded by her because he and Zhou Tangtang were "childhood sweethearts", and because Lian Yuncheng went abroad to study for master's degree, it was never put on the table.

Now, Lian Yuncheng has returned home, and Zhou Tangtang hasn't married yet... The most important thing is that Fan Jing has to be partial in order to protect herself, and has come up with this way to make her feel ashamed of her daughter.

After receiving Fan Jing's phone call, Lian's regiment was listening to her saying that he would let his son and Zhou Tangtang sit together sometime. Then Lao Lian knew what medicine was sold by Mayor fan hululi.

To be honest, even the Legion has heard his wife say that his son is very interested in Fan Jing's daughter, but Zhou Tangtang doesn't care about his son at all.

At that time, although he was a little unhappy, it was a matter of emotion. As a Lao Tzu, he could not force his daughter and son, OK? Another is that Fan Jing was not afraid of him at that time because he was protected by the towering yellow tree. Therefore, he took the measure of indifference.

Now, because of the collapse of the whole yellow system, Fanming has become a negative model of Chinese officials, and the relationship between Lian Legion and Fanjing has undergone a qualitative change.

Now, the company can say that he is the Savior of Fanjing!

As long as he is willing to allow his son to associate with Zhou Tangtang, although he can't keep Fan Jing's position as mayor, he still has the ability to use his relationship to save her from prison.

In fact, the leader of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in Qilu this time is the eldest brother of the company.

If Zhou Tangtang becomes the daughter-in-law of the company's legion and the eldest brother of the company, how can he help Fan Jing?

Fan Jing thinks so, and is also eager to have this result. Although she felt sorry for her daughter, what else could she do?

After receiving a friendly call from Fan Jing last night, the company immediately consulted the elder brother and son.

The eldest brother of the company did not say much at that time. He just told his younger brother: if my nephew really likes Fanjing's daughter, he, who is the eldest uncle, will operate properly.

In this way, whether Lian Yuncheng can see Shuhan last week has become the top priority.

So, does Lian Yuncheng like Zhou Shuhan or not?

The answer is no doubt, I like it.

At the opening ceremony of the auto show yesterday morning, he once said: Zhou Shuhan's red fall, he's going to make a decision!

After getting his son's affirmative reply, at more than 10 o'clock last night, Lian Yuncheng called Fanjing: tomorrow, August 27, the children can meet formally.

In order to show the sincerity of the Lian family to the fan family, the Lian Legion specially appointed his secretary, Wang Yunxi, to accompany Lian Yuncheng to the fan family.

After getting the definite news from the company, Fanjing is filled with sorrow and joy. The good news is that as long as she gets married, she doesn't have to go to jail. Sadly, all this needs her daughter's lifelong happiness.

Fan Jing loves Zhou Shuhan not only because of his mother daughter relationship, but also because Zhou Shuhan has a strange habit of rejecting men since he was a child.

In order to change her daughter's eccentricity, Fanjing once spent a lot of effort, but it didn't work... Until Zhou Shuhan met Chu Yang.

If it wasn't for the impending disaster, she would not exchange her daughter's happiness for anything.

For this reason, she was ashamed of her daughter. After putting down the phone of the company, she burst into tears.

Fan Jing has no face to discuss this matter with Zhou Shuhan.

This heavy and necessary task falls on Zhou Heping

In fact, Zhou Shuhan has been listening at the door of the bedroom while Fanjing is on the phone in the living room. When she sees her mother crying and putting down the phone to say she's sorry, she knows what's going to happen.

Facing the living room on the second floor, Zhou Shuhan cried out, "Mom, I hate you!" After that, he ran into the bedroom, lying on the bed and crying.

On the one hand, he is a daughter who is regarded as the flesh of his heart; on the other hand, he is a wife who helps each other. What Comrade Zhou feels like in his heart can be understood by himself.

As the saying goes, the two evils balance each other and take the least.

Although it is possible for her daughter to marry Lian Yuncheng to be unhappy all her life, compared with his wife who may stay in prison all her life, Lao Zhou still clenched his teeth and chose to exchange his daughter's happiness for his wife's safety.

Standing in front of his daughter's bed, who was lying on the bed with her head covered and crying, Zhou Heping was a lot older. He stood quietly in front of his daughter's bed for more than two hours without saying a word.

From the evening of August 26th, the people in Zhou's villa had no sleep all night.


Seeing that Zhou Tangtang is about to be obtained, Lian Yuncheng tells Niu Pengju and Wang Li with pride.

After congratulating Lian Shao on the beauty he was going to hold, the two dandies proposed to hold the show together.

Lian Yuncheng is willing to allow it.

It's Lian Shao's usual practice to share his pride with others. Moreover, he thought that he might meet someone at fan's home today, someone who made him lose face at yesterday's auto show, Chu Yang.

To be able to guard Chu Yang and see Zhou Shuhan throw himself into his arms, I believe Lian Yuncheng should enjoy this feeling.

So early this morning, accompanied by company secretary Wang Yunxi and the driver, the third dandy came to fan's villa and received the hospitality of Fan Jing and his wife.

Although he didn't see Zhou Shuhan or Chu Yang, Lian Yuncheng was in a good mood.

When Wang Yunxi's secretary and Fanjing chatted for an hour, ready to get the topic to the point, someone from Chu appeared on the stage.

Wang Yunxi and the driver don't know what chuyang is for, but they all guess the identity of this guy from the conversation between chuyang and Fanjing.

Especially when he saw that Chu Yang Li was not sitting, he walked to the bedroom on the second floor. Wang Yunxi was very unhappy. However, his long-term cultivation of Qi, which has been practiced in officialdom for a long time, makes him hide his dissatisfaction deeply in his heart. He just looks at Lian Yun with an inquiring eye.

Wang Yunxi knew what to do when he saw Lian Shao looking at the young man upstairs with his overcast eyes. However, what he didn't expect was that the guy on the second floor held out a middle finger to Lian Shao, who always had his eyes above the top, and scolded him as a "fool". This is really unbearable.

Wang Yunxi, a man of high status, never uses that kind of rude words and actions to vent his dissatisfaction. Anyway, there are not only fists and mouths to punish people.

After stopping Niu Pengju and Wang Li who wanted to stand up and lose their temper with a cough, Wang Yunxi took a cup of tea and said slowly, "Mayor fan, that young man with no quality just now is really miss Zhou Shuhan's ordinary friend?"

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